lionz's Forum Posts

  • I think you can only choose numbers or strings. Using actual objects might not work, you may have to relate choose(1,2) to the different anims which kinda comes back to my original post.

  • Create Object

    Sub Event : Cond: Var = 0     Set Animation "Muzzle 1"

    Sub Event : Cond: Var = 1     Set Animation "Muzzle 2"

  • Arcosta arontwose

    Yeah go with this idea. Much less stuff required than mine. neat! : D

  • Just use the logic you are using for assigning to slots and say that when item is dropped, if not occupying a slot, set position to inside circle.

  • Put the object with a specific UID as a condition. For example :

    Every Tick

    Cond: Pick object with specific UID

    Destroy Object

  • Ah I see what you're saying now. Don't use the bounce off solids method. Fair enough : P

  • Add Event > On Mario Colliding With Another Object

    Condition : BlockObject > Pick by unique ID

    Add Action > Spawn Coin At Co-ords

  • EncryptedCow

    I don't think you can disable bounce off solids? You can disable the general bullet behaviour but this doesn't work as the object has already collided.

  • You want some logic such as :

    1. When any button clicked : Run Function "Hide All"

    This would hide all the menu components with the Set Visible action.

    Then you have separate logic such as :

    2. When Item Button clicked : Run Function "Show Item Menu"

    This function would contain logic that sets the Item menu to visible.

    This is all done with "Set Visible". Also I would not be using cloned buttons as in that example. Set up buttons with different names such as "ItemMenu_Button" "CharacterMenu_Button" etc.

  • Set up an invisible sprite around the object you don't want it to bounce off. When the bullet collides with the invisible sprite, disable collision on the solid as you were doing. That should work.

  • If you can disable menus then what is the problem? I click Menu One and Menu One appears. I click Menu Two and Menu Two appears etc. They are only text objects anyway. What exactly are the menus as all I can see are text objects?

  • I'm confused. I can't see a circle inventory or draggable items. Please explain what the problem is more clearly as I can't work it out from playing this game. I walk around and he picks up items and they go in the inventory.

  • The way I do it is to put each menu into a group and then enable/disable the menus I want. The .capx doesn't show much but this is how I would go about getting what you want.

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  • Add a condition 'Countdown > 0' in the event for Click Space > Increase by 1

  • I don't think you need to use arrays? What is your plan with them? I would just enable player attack. I'm not sure if you wanted a menu or you're clicking to attack? Then when the player has attacked, disable the player's ability to attack and then have the enemy choose a random move with random damage. It kinda depends on the design of the game but should be fairly straight forward in C2. I think it gets difficult once you start adding character progression and offensive/defensive stats but the basic turn based combat should be fine.