No. The OnGround animation plays when the bomb has landed on the floor (which is correct). But the timer is starting as soon as the bomb is spawned.
these are all the codes of PirateWithBomb
<img src="http://neuropod.net/imagehost/uploads/f39ff3afdfe57b6a58e35264f82c5442.png" border="0" />
Just to recap how it is supposed to work:
Bomb is spawned at frame 2 (binded at frames 2 and 3). Bomb should NOT explode while in frames 2 and 3 of PirateWithBomb. Bomb is thrown upwards and then falls down on floor. Bomb should play animation OnGround as soon as it lands on floor. Bomb should start a 1-second timer to destroy itself and spawn explosion.
The bomb should destroy itself and spawn explosion upon contact with playerBox anytime AFTER frames 2 and 3.
Also, some other issues:
- the bomb thrown already "seems" to go back to being bind to PirateWithBomb after it was thrown. I want the bombs (individually) to not be controlled/bind after frame 3 (or AFTER it was THROWN) of PirateWithBomb
What's a good replacement for platform behavior based on the intended use?
Nope. The bomb is just thrown. It doesn't walk or jump. I have tried simulating jump to make the bomb go up, but it did not work, so I used vector X instead.
I thought of using platform because I thought I needed the condition "On landed" or "Is on floor", but either of those don't work.