Hello everyone,
I have a webstorage save system on my game to save the global variables. But now, I'm trying to use the load/save function in order to include a lot of collectable bonus that keep their stat without a global.
Everything works pretty fine but I still have some issues that disturb me:
-The played music is saved by that function. So when I load the samegame I have the music (and the sounds) that were playing at that time. It's like a quickload. I can't find a way to avoid that. Even a 'stop' music doesn't work.
-Same with the post FX. I have global variables to check if it's fullscreen or not. But when I change the option on the main menu and load the game, he keeps the global as it was before (even if I load the webstorage data AFTER the Load function)
So my question is : Is there a way to block some data (globals; sounds) during a SAVE function, like the objects with the 'NOSAVE' behavior.