lionz's Forum Posts

  • It's under System and you must be clicking on the left side of the event sheet (conditions)

  • Looks like you used the wrong value in pick instance condition, should be the parameter instead of enemy_2d_scrolling.UID. I can't see the function call but I assume so from the logic. BTW you don't need that old condition anymore as they made an update so it keeps the picked instance through the function so it will be the same enemy that was picked on function call, just make sure 'copy picked' is ticked.

  • I think I recall now you created the parameters on the function CALL in C2, but in C3 you do it on the actual function. That should help with at least one of the issues you're having. To choose the parameter in the action rather than use the old way function.param(0), the parameter name simply appears in the list and looks like a variable.

  • I mean in general what are you trying to do with that function? It runs when the character is hit I guess? So you have an event 'bullet on collision with player' (or equivalent), then the function is called on the right as an action. In C3 you can right click on the function itself and you can add the parameters there. Then when you call the function in an action you will see the parameters where you can send through or whatever you need.

  • Can you try it in C3 and then show us where it's going wrong? This is ancient now. If you are trying to apply things to an enemy on hit, now you call the function as an action and the enemy you hit remains picked inside the function.

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  • This is the problem with using premade files I guess. You'd have to share the file. Could be a pin to imagepoint problem and you moved the imagepoint.

  • Which condition did you use? 'Cursor is over object' should pick the correct one.

  • I would say a few things here, get in to the habit of using the trigger events (with the green arrow) at the topmost level of the event or things get really weird. In your system condition slotUse=itembox.slotnum, you are not really picking an item box, you should use the itembox object as the condition and say where slotnum = slotUse, this then picks an itembox you can use together with the weapon condition.

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  • If totaldmg greater than enemycurrentHP, set totaldmg to enemycurrentHP. Is one way if it is total damage combined.

    If the problem is when the final bit of damage goes over, then you can say if currentdmg greater than enemycurrentHP, then set currentdmg to enemycurrentHP.

    It is quieter, a lot of the social aspect was taken out when DMs were removed and as discord gained popularity. Now you'll find a lot of people on the community discord server instead.

  • If for example you have a 'Journal' event sheet, you can 'include' this event sheet in the ones for the other layouts. Right-click on event sheet and include. This means it will read it without copying in all the events.

  • I thought maybe you meant that but then in the post it says 'enemies should not be random' and it was confusing. Anyway, there you go