lionz's Forum Posts

  • I thought maybe you meant that but then in the post it says 'enemies should not be random' and it was confusing. Anyway, there you go

  • Still not described too well, do you mean each enemy has their own spawn point? If so, you could just create 4 objects and spawn them from their spawn point rather than use one. If it must be one spawn point object, then you need to pick them in some way. For example with an instance variable equal to 1, you could say pick spawn point where var=1, spawn enemy 1; pick spawn point where var=2, spawn enemy 2.

  • It's about picking. Here it's better to use just use the goblin, not a separate tracker sprite. The reason it moves all goblins is because when you say tracker overlap block, move goblin, the tracker does not relate to a goblin, it picks all goblins.

    There is something called a container, you can put tracker and goblin in a container and when you pick the tracker then it knows the related goblin. They are created together and automatically relate to each other.

    I know in your mind though when you said for each goblin create a tracker and they seem related but actually they are not, unless you use container like above, or pick in another way like the tracker and goblin have matching instance variable IDs.

    I would still start with using only the goblin object in the overlap condition to keep it simple and not this tracker object.

  • Take out the wall condition, does it work then? You can add logging to see if the event is true and running first of all. Then if the event is being triggered but the player is still not jumping you can move onto that problem. Make sure max speed is high enough too.

  • no problem, glad it's working!

  • doing something like what you're saying would end up with any bullet that doesn't fit between max and min just to be either the max angle or min angle rather than in between

    It just wouldn't create the bullet because the condition would be on the left and the action for create is on the right. If the angle is too high it wouldn't create it. But it sounds like you want something more specific anyway so for this maybe what you could do is take the difference between min and max angle, divide it by the number of bullets you hope to spawn, then on each iteration of the loop add this value to the angle. So if min is 0 and max is 40 and you spawn 4 bullets, it would add 10 to angle each time.

  • That's down to your formula in the first condition and up to you. Maybe if you multiply by loopindex it goes to high so you'll have to work out some approximate values you want for each bullet and apply.

    If you add the condition while bullangle is less than maxangle then I guess it can never create a bullet above the maxangle.

  • I just saw it for that particular problem, it's because in the action you have a typo and used imagepointX instead of imagepointY

  • You are setting the bullets to an increasing angle so the gap will get bigger? You can add an instance variable to track each bullet and where it comes from, then pause the game and view them, first identify which ones are wrong. You can easily pick out the loopindex=0 and loopindex=max ones with specific identifiers. Also you mentioned something should only work when the angle is at 0 but there are no conditions for angle.

  • Create a border with collision, like a sprite with solid behaviour. It really depends on what your game is about.

  • The finer details depend on the actual gameplay but in general use a global variable to track number of blocks. You can make it subtract 1 when you place a block for example, then when it hits 0 you can no longer place blocks.

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  • I know someone suggested to use save and load but probably that isn't the way to do it if you have a timer. You should store your values or moves whatever somewhere and then when you undo it reverts to these values, not using save/load.

  • If it is just set to crouch when button is down then it should work really because this would run constantly.

  • As soon as you get frozen the debuff is true so the crouching logic will be false. Since you want him to remain crouched maybe you should remove that condition that debuff is false (though really once the freeze ends this should work and revert to crouch in theory) I didn't understand the bit about releasing the crouch key.