lionz's Forum Posts

  • Not sure what data you put in the array so far but I would have column and rows relate to the letters so 0,0 is A,A and 0,1 is A,B etc. Then if you want to find the lowest A you can run through all values in X=0.

  • If you want to make a copy of an object you can right click on it and use 'clone'

  • Did you log in ?

  • On bullet collision event picks the family instance for you so you just need an action, set variable to Enemies.myscore

  • Update the local storage value after you spend them

  • From what you're describing it's probably better to pass through the UID of the instance into the function then within the function you can compare the bools and return a value. So the if/else comparisons trying to determine some final value would be inside the function.

  • Not sure what you're asking? When you call the function you select the parameter to send through the function, in this case whether a boolean is true or false. Then within the function you do something based on the boolean value.

  • It's unlikely to be a bug, can you share what you did ?

  • That doesn't look like the level is scrolling, more like a standard platformer where the camera is following the player but an enemy is constantly moving towards you. Which bit do you need help with ?

  • Combining waits and loops and functions can be problematic and cause bugs so I try to stay away from that. To have more control with the timing and reducing bugs I like to use an approach such as : every X seconds, so you can control the speed - play where var is a global variable. Then underneath add 1 to var.

    Because this won't work in the same event as the button press you would put it in its own event activating it with another global variable that works as on/off. You set it to on with button press. To stop the var from counting up forever you also have a condition that global var is not greater than array.width (the number of values), else set counting var to 0 and on/off var to off to reset.

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  • The confusing bit is the design, if it fades in when you approach and fades out when moving away then why do you want it to fade in and appear at the start of the game? Unless the player begins by overlapping it then it should fade in anyway based on the events.

  • You use Families when something applies to all object types within the Family. If you want objects in the Family to do different things then you pick the individual object types. It only makes sense to use LOS at the Family level if all object types within act the same way.

  • You have to create the banner again, it is destroyed when you change layouts, it is also destroyed when you use the hide banner action. You should create it again on start of layout. You can't create multiple banner ads or 'get flagged by admob'.

  • I like to use 'floor' to round down and it should work well here, 10.99 = 10 and 1.99 = 1 etc.

  • The instance variable should be on the family level.