lennaert's Forum Posts

  • My main computer died on me over the weekend so had to revert to abducting my kids computer, a windows xp machine.

    I got near the same message, it said it couldnt convert to AAC, that it needed win 7.

    It gave me the wav and ogg files though.

  • In this case my level sizes will always be the same as the window size. what i want to do is change the project veiw window to be longer without going off screen or leaving a bunch of empty space, if i try to enlargee the project veiw window than the smaller or more square level shows a big empty white space at the bottom of the screen.

    The project view window can be relative.

    This could have to do with the scaling option you set.

    Try setting fullscreen in browser to letterbox integer scale to get the actual size in your browser.

  • The images were purposely not cropped because aligning different sized images to have the exact same origin would be incredibly difficult and nearly impossible to maintain (in case you change any image). Even cropped versions would still be incredibly wasteful.

    Took me a bit to get the hang of too.

    Arimas methods are spot on.

    My method:

    I export sprite sheets from utility, in a row per angle. (8 isometric angles)

    Import sprite sheet(s).

    Resize entire animation (per angle/row) so resulting image in the center is the size I want, then crop entire animation by holding shift while cropping.

    I refrain from changing origin point 0, so the frames always align neatly the same.

    The only downside I really noticed, is having lots of animations (with all angles) has the potential to enormously bloat the program.

    Not so much due to inefficient sheet creation, but the sheer amount of images involved.

  • You can set the layout widths and heights for each layout.

    Open the desired layout, and on your left you will have "Layout size" and enter the desired size.

    You have 2 size indicators in construct 2.

    1. is your project view window, the actual size it will try and show in the browser/device.

    2. is the layout size.

    The project view window is like a window on top of your layout, and will only show the bits the window size allows you to see.

    So for instance, if you have a project window of 800 wide, and a a layout of 1600 wide, the project view window should only show half of your layouts total width.

  • Simply change all before changing the desired object.

    For instance:

    Main Event

    On mouse overlapping menuitem

    action: tmpvariable = menuitem.UID

    sub event 1

    pick all menuitem

    action: menuitem set frame 0

    sub event 2

    pick menuitem by evaluate menuitem.UID = tmpvariable

    action: menuitem set frame 1

  • Got to layout by name.

    Name your layouts like:



    Level3 etc

    variable LVL = 1

    On the end of a level, increase LVL + 1, then go to layout (by name) "Level"&LVL

  • Skeleton Slayer in the arcade

    I uploaded a game which is a very simple version of a series of games I am making which all have the same type of gameplay / engine behind it.

    The purpose of this version is to see how small I could make it and if it would run on the majority of desktop/laptop devices from a browser situation.

    With some music and audio included its just over 5mb.

    Feel free to leave comments/suggestions.

  • Because, without for-each statement you cannot access "Text" object's instances one by one. .

    you can use numerous references to pick out any one instance, you can use self determined variables or refer to UIDs.


    Pick by evaluating textobject.UID = YourDesiredID


    destroy textobject

  • Checking every tick makes little sense as we barely even register frame changes at 60fps.

    Likewise checking every tick while something is moving makes even less, as it only needs to change z order if it gets a new y coordinate.

    Ohw I did not use an event like every tick, but I meant, the for each event, has that green circulair arrow, making it go continously (like every tick if possible )

    As it is, it's intended for the scirra arcade, fullscreen web, and mobile devices.

    Here is a quick dev export for html5 web

    no audio yet though

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  • Use: On destroyed X => create object Y

    And if need be, add some boolean or variable which can determine wheter or not object Y needs creating.

    ObjectX.MyBoolean = false (dont create)

    ObjectX.MyBoolean = true (create)


    On destroyed object X

    ObjectX.Myboolean ? (booleann true or not)


    create object Y

  • Perhaps lower some expectations, better yet, throw them expectations out the window, your evolving.

    Don't be affraid to try crazy creativity.

    Patience is a virtue.

    Someones "bad" game, could be anothers life time enjoyment.

    Beauty lays in the eye of the beholder.

  • Its a visual effect, so it stands you can filter it down a bit more by using "is on screen".

    When I read it, I thought, brilliant !!

    Then, after applying, it gave a ~1% imrpovement, .... when the player stands still (screen is following player)

    I am thinking that an option to continously set a Z index integer, based on an objects Y value, could be a lot faster.

    And likely such a feature would only be rendered on the visible on screen elements.

    Still thanks for the suggestion newt

  • The method you have is fine, just don't run it every tick, run it once when they move.

    The for each loop runs continously.

    I have, atm, just 10 ai's doing pathfinding to reach my character who moves around in an isomteric like enviroment, about 100 trees instances (several frames with different trees) , 200 or so bushes instances (also with frames for different bushes).

    the Ais move about all the time, so the loop needs to run more often.


    the zorder boolean check makes sure dead bodies laying around get ommitted.

  • Hello

    I'd like a feature, which enables me to set a family or objects z-index based on its current Y-axis.

    Like, every tick, it simply sets the z-order index to its Y-axis integer.

    Atm, I am using a single devoted for each loop on one family (Zorder) sorting it by Y, moving all the family objects to the top as it loops, giving me a nice fluid z-ordering of my dynamic and static objects all in 1 go.

    However, this thing alone sucks up a roughly ~9% of total cpu power usage on the profiler tab.

    Seeing as the rest of the game totals up to ~22%, I consider my z-order method to be a bit hoggish.

    I think that having something native in an object, which can simply set its z-order index to its Y-axis number every tick, could save quite some cpu. Perhaps a Z-order behaviour.

    This is not the first time I ran into this issue relating to z-ordering, and did not find a better approach, if there is a better method to do z-ordering, I'd love to hear it.