lennaert's Forum Posts

  • : And ?

    And, I still have hopes it gets done one of these days

    *points to thread about new arcade, and its age*

    btw Isaske

    The counter shows the count of plays on your first uploaded version. (at least I think)

    If you updated your game in the arcade, the counter goes tits up.

  • I don't think it matters if they are in he arcade or being tested from home in preview.

    Both instances would require the signalling server I guess.

  • A new arcade is in the work and should fix those kind of issues.

    As much as I like to be positive about that .... its been taking long -,-

  • Find the imagepointX(0) and imagepointY(0) of the target you want move to. (image points are the origin points) and set those coordinates as the moving towards target or regular pathfinding target with find path towards previously found coordinates.

    Upon arriving at destination, execute next event.

  • I have noticed significant better performances when certain actions/loops are not on the same even sheet.

    You can look at an event sheet like a dedicated loop, looping through the events.

    Obviously, the longer the list of events, the more processing it needs to do for that particular loop.

    At first glance this might not make that big a difference, but, when carefully splitting up collision events and continuously running loops, you will notice a smoothness you will never reach with stuffing everything in a single event sheet.

    And ofc, using the profiler with multiple event sheets helps you track down bottlenecks in processing

  • Scirra

    I was wondering why the multiplayer object is not allowed in the arcade ?

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  • I uploaded a follow up on the skeleton slayer game, vastly improving mechanics and stuffing in a whole bunch of nifty tricks.

    I present you Skeleton Slayer 2

    This is an early release for Scirras arcade, the game will be developed further and in due time released on play and app store and such.

    The game works great on old mobile smart phones, even without webgl.

    Let me know what you think, and if you run into issues or problems.

  • Had some issues uploading a game.

    changed the name to "not working" as it had an issue, fixed it with a new upload, now cant change the name ....

    Would be nice to have a tick box option with something like "published / unpublished"

    Feels kinda weird needing to live test my game on the arcade.

    The issue BTW, I added request high score arcade on the first layout on load. and it gave an error relating to the jquery asking for database info, because of that I got blank screen.


    more problems with the high score system it seems.

    Uncaught ReferenceError: getParameterByName is not defined static1.scirra.net/arcade/games/16673/c2runtime.js:24331

    Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('https://www.scirra.com') does not match the recipient window's origin ('http://www.scirra.com').

    Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://scirra.com') does not match the recipient window's origin ('http://www.scirra.com').

    Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('https://scirra.com') does not match the recipient window's origin ('http://www.scirra.com').

    EDIT 2:

    I uploaded a new game and removed the details from the "not working" one, that one can be deleted

  • I know this is an old forums, but I did a forum search to see if anybody else had figured this out. I didn't find anything else on the forums. I figured it out myself, so hopefully this helps.

    I posted a capx. Let me know if you have any questions.

    That is pretty clever

    Thanks, that will definitely aid when it comes to huge picking events which require debugging

  • Depending on circumstances I suppose.

    If the animation is equal mirrored, then it would save memory space to use mirroring.

    But if your image is not equal, say, a character carries a shield in his right and a sword in his left, when mirrored, the weapon and shield would seem switched. (being in the other hands)

    In cases where size matters, and the animation frames are big, then it could save space to have things mirrored, disregarding mirroring effects.

  • Lots of artists sell work too

    Build a game with placeholder images

    These are images used during development which will be replaced at some stage, these can include any image you find, copyrighted or not hehe just make sure that when you go public the images are replaced.

    If your not financially equipped to purchase material, you can try and ask for assistance too in the help wanted section. If you have a game to show for with placeholder images, the chance of someone wanting to help / make a deal is a lot more likely.

  • Nice looking game, has come a long way already

    I played around, found both rings, the fire one range is a tad short.

    I wasn't able to die, my health was gone by some spiders attacking/poisening me, and my life bars were empty and I was able to keep playing.

    I thought the the rats looked a bit ... weird lol, kinda mangey, and hard to kill :

    Nice work !

  • Imagine having 2 arrays.

    1 array defines the items, values, worths, extras, like:

    existing_items_array (static array of items, predefined during development)

    itemID (Y0) | name(X0) | color (X1)

    0 | sword1 | blue

    1 | sword2 | red

    2 | potionheal | green

    3 | gold | yellow

    Then you have a dynamic array for your users inventory:

    InventoryID (Y0) | ItemID (X0) | amount(X1) | location (X2)

    0 | 1 | 2 | chest

    1 | 2 | 5 | belt

    2 | 2 | 15 | chest

    3 | 3 | 100 | backpack

    4 | 3 | 1000 | chest

    5 | 0 | 1 | equipped

    2 red swords in the chest, 5 heal potions on his belt and 15 more in the chest, 100 gold in the backpack, and 1000 more in the chest. Also carries 1 blue sword which is equipped.

    Say you pick up some gold, you add it to player inventory array where X0 = 3 (gold id) and X2 = backpack (location).

    Imagine opening your inventory screen, select all items from array where X2 = backpack.

    Say you open a chest next to it, show all items from user inventory array where X2 = chest.

    You will need a method to move objects from one location to another, this is done with a temp variable.

    Like moving your gold from your backpack to your chest.

    Upon selecting the gold in the backpack, store the Y0 (inventory id) after clicking it.

    Then if you place it in another position, update Y0 it's X2 (location).

  • Just add some sort of ID to where the items are, and show accordingly.

    Like, if you have a list somewhere of items in possession, add:

    backpack = ID 1

    hotslots = ID 2

    chest = ID 3

    pick objects with certain ID when you need to fetch them to show them somewhere.

    You could even do it with textual location IDs, such as backpack, hotslots etc

  • In the index html file of an exported project:

    		// Pause and resume on page becoming visible/invisible
    		function onVisibilityChanged() {
    			if (document.hidden || document.mozHidden || document.webkitHidden || document.msHidden)
    you can edit this ofc