lamar's Forum Posts

  • Yes using global variables is probably the easiest way.

    You can put the Key Press in your main event and have that set the gobal variable and then put all the check events in sub events under that.

  • You use ON KEY DOWN to read a key.

    You use ON KEY RELEASED to read when a key is up.

    You need both in most games to change the sprite animations between idle and moving


    On Left Arrow is Down: Simulate Player Moving Left, Set Animation to "RunLeft"

    On Left Arrow Released: Set Animation to "Idle"

    If you are using the platform behavior the arrow keys are already set to the basic movents but you will have to set the appropriate animation for each key.

  • Thanks Lamar. I think we may have gotten around with asking kids with disabilities that prevent them from using the mouse to use the accessibility settings on their OS. Do you think that this is adequate? This way they can use their keyboard as a mouse and are able to play drag n drop games as well.

    I think that should work fine!

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  • I found the answer in this thread:

    Good! Yes it can be rounded to show as actual clock time and there is even a tutorial that shows a wall clock with hands being used.

  • You guys are making things way too complicated for just menu buttons.

    Use Size and just change the size of the object when you are over it and resize back to normal after 1 second.

    On Touch over object: Set Size Object to object size width+100, Object size Height + 100

    .....................................: Wait 1 second

    .....................................: Set Size Object to object size width-100, Object size Height - 100

    All done in one event.

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    Maybe something Tom and Ashley will consider for the new website is setting up an index of capx files with a brief summary where we can share popular capx.

    We can do that now on tutorials but not everyone that writes a capx wants to write a tutorial and we could use an easier way to locate those when people ask questions in the forum.

    It shouldn't be for all capx and the mods should review and add files they think are useful.

    Just a thought!

  • I am pretty sure it is in milliseconds. The game timer is in milliseconds.

  • Speaking of free Capx files to try here are a few of mine that use only a few events:

    Ricochet Tile Buster:

    Bug Blaster:


    Those all use just basic movement events and commands all C2 game designers should know.

    You are welcome to download them and there are many more free capx examples in the tutorials and forum if you just search for them.

  • By wave game do you mean an ever runner game?

    I just tried Geometry Dash on scratch and I don't see any complicated stuff.

    Looks like they are using phyics for the player and just giving it an impulse for jump.

  • lamar there's no gravity.. just angles and speed - would like to use mass if possible. I have it sort of working without using mass.

    it does NOT work when the collision happen and the objects are going somewhat in the same direction - it just adds all this speed and does not look natural.

    just experimenting for a top down space game..

    I used the bullet behavior for one of my first pinball games and I was able to make it loook almost like real physics but like you said you could tell it was not natural physics and when two bullets collide you get strange effects that don't look natural.

    You can use the Sine effect to some extent to get a more natural effect.

  • Yup that is why physics commands exist becuase it does all those complicated adjustments for you automatically if the settings are correct.

    You can do some pseudo-physics using the bullet behavior and it does have a gravity setting and velocity but determining impact speed is pretty complex.

    What kind of game are you making?

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    > I... never realized I could use the shared folder like that >______> I always manually shared the files with the generated link.




    > gives you 10Gb free with sharing.


    > I have a dropbox account for my business but not happy with their system anyway so I may move to Box or another cloud system.


    Heck given that XDK is halting Cloud builds soon, I wonder how long until Dropbox and all other hosting sites stop being free and start charging 100%.

    All the free sites just use that as a gimick to get people to put all their files on their site and then stop doing free and demand payment and people go along becuase they don't want to lose their links and files.

    You can get a cloud account yourself pretty cheap but I don't like the security on many of them and no easy way to share files publicly.

  • The best way to learn C2 is to start with the built in examples and run them and then look at the event sheets so you understand the basic event commands.

    Then start replacing the sprites with your own sprites and look at the behaviors and how each behavior is used.

    Once you understand a few basic behaviors and how to set up a layout and write a few events anyone can make simple games.

    Play with everything in C2 and that is the fastest way to understand what the commands do. You won't break it and it can handle the abuse.

    You can always bring any problems you have to the forum and lots of good people here with experience will help you along the way.

  • Another way to handle that is to replace the sprite with a different sprite.

    You can destroy the old sprite after you position the new sprite to it's position.

    That is useful if you have a player character that turns into a car or something like that.

  • Are both set to solid and what movement system are you using- platform, physics, or other?