lamar's Forum Posts

  • I mean the ripple effect

    I haven't seen the effect in TTP but there is a ripple effect in the effects section.

    I use that for water and flame ripple and has lots of uses.

  • > Are both set to solid and what movement system are you using- platform, physics, or other?


    i am using physics

    When you use physics any object a physics object contacts also has to have the physics behaviors.

    So if you have a player with physics it will only react to a wall with physics behavior.

  • You can spawn directly from the hive.

    Every so many seconds: Hive spawn bee from image point 0

    If you want them to have some random or set movement you could use Sine as mrtumbles suggested or a set movement using custom movement commands.

    Since these are bees the random with Sine would probably look good for a swarm of bees.

  • Hmmm?

    What I see is your use of on pathfinding path found move along in line 284 is probably over riding your order to stop moving in line 285.

    I would add a global variable trigger to that to to stop the pathfinding completely when that distance is met.

    That should fix the problem.

  • You have to download the updates but you don't have to download each beta update and I just wait for the next stable release.

  • All sprites when put on the layout rotate automatically to 0 degrees unless you change that in the sprite settings.

    0 degrees is facing right, down is 90, left is 180 and up is 270 with all degrees between 0 and 360 covered.

    First you need to rotate the sprite in the editor so it is facing the direction you want it to start at and set that in the sprite settings.

    Then in the events you can rotate the sprite Using Rotate Towards position and set that to the X and Y of the position or object you want it to rotate towards.

  • I just made the same game in a few minutes using the platform behavior for player with X set each tick and the floor and obstacles all set to bullet with the same speed moving left at 180 degrees.

    I used a block sprite to register when they collide off screen and put them back on the right after a random time.

    Have not fleshed it out yet but works well and haven't even used 5 events.

  • Looks like you are missing your left ( in some lines starting in 99?

  • Part of the beauty of physics is it responds naturally to collisions which has some unpredictability in real life.

    In most voleyball games I have played the physics are actually over rode and when you locate your player under the ball you use some other form of control like crosshairs to bump the ball towards another player or position.

    I would use something like the trajectory control in angry birds or a cross hair with X and Y vector so the player can see where the ball will be bumped to on the field or to a player.

  • There in lays the problem with any game that relies on outside files to run.

    The cloud is notorious for moving files to make space which changes the file pointers.

    People getting C3 that relies heavily on cloud storage are going to find that out the hard way I think.

  • I tried playing your game and it crashed.

    Better check your game in the debugger.

  • I used your link and it opened and ran fine?

    You may need to clear your cache if you are seeing the old page.

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  • It looks like your window needs to be much wider to see the game and start it.

    In your website editor should be a way to resize that window and then it should work.

    You do not need to change the HTML which is set to your game but the window frame in the editor should also be set to that same setting of width:980px;height:550px.

  • I feel your stress and I have fought to get those settings right many times.

    You can set acceleration to be less than player speed and decelleration to be very high like 2000 and that will give you close to what you want.

    The only other way is to not use 8 direction and use straight movement commands setting the sprite to X and Y coordinates but requires more events and loses some of the 8 direction behavior features.

  • The way I solve it is to use a blank collision sprite over the ladder instead of the ladder itself.

    Put your collison sprite just over the players head so when they reach a ladder they can choose to ignore it and keep running or jump and collide with the ladder to start climbing.

    That is also useful if you want the player to be able to jump or mover from the laddder before reaching the top as you can check to see if they are overlapping that blank sprite and if not they can be released to do some other movement.