ridhoemgl Here is another option without a plugin, just in case you have problems installing the plugin
> Scale No Plugins : https://www.dropbox.com/s/t8gvar6etkvwcgt/Scale%20No%20Plugins.capx?dl=0
your version construct ? i can't open capx file... i use 239 version
ridhoemgl sorry, check this link follow the steps its very quick https://www.scirra.com/forum/how-do-i-open-a-project-in-a-lower-version-of-construct-2_t153788
Here is the Summary:
1. Go to the project file. If it's a .caporj file, skip step 2.
2. If it's a capx, unzip it (capx are just zip files basically) using such as Winzip, 7 zip etc.
3. Now, open the caproj file in a plain text editor.
4. Look for the following string, minus quotes: "<saved-with-version>". It's only a few lines down from the top.
5. You'll see this tag has a 5 digit number; it's the c2 version padded with 2 zeros (so, r213 will look like 21300). Change the first digits to match version you want to revert to, i.e. 212.2 would be 21202.
6. Save
7. Double click .caproj to open within C2
Just change the number to your version 239 example: <saved-with-version>23900</saved-with-version>
let me know if you can't do it