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  • By having them one after another you are doing just that,

    its creating on on the left, then one on the right.

    to make your events a bit cleaner you could change it to

    create object on layer 1 at -100, random(0, windowHeight)


    create object on layer 1 at windowWidth +100, random(0, windowHeight)

    this way if you change your game resolution you won't have to go update it later.

  • If you make the body and head part of a container then you can easily do what you want to do without pinning.

    select the body and click "create" in the container section of the properties on the left

    then click "add object" and pick the head.

    create the enemies by spawning the bodies, and the heads will automatically generate as well

    then use something like bullet on collision with head, destroy head.

    it will only destroy that particular head.

  • Put the origin of the tractor beam on one end of the sprite. then pin it to the player object, then set the angle towards the target and set the width every tick to the distance between the 2.

    also, make the tractor beam sprite a tiled background texture so that the texture doesn't stretch as well.

  • It would be easier to simply ask the player to enter their name/email in your game directly. Then save the info using the "webstorage" object.

  • Sounds like something wrong with your script, can you save your project as a single file (.capx) and upload it to dropbox or somewhere where we can take a look?

  • As a work around you can use the free software Autohotkey (www.autohotkey.com) to make yourself a macro to do just that.

  • Make sure you have your IP of your own machine correct that you are running construct on and put that as the preview server address.

    most likely its 192.168.1.###, you were using a 0


    you want to put the IP address of the computer, not the device you are previewing on.

    Then on the IPAD or whatever, you browse to your computer's IP to view the game.

  • Sounds like its destroying all instances because its picking all of them during the collision. Try adding a sub event and use "pick nearest" and destroying that one


    rock on collision with monster

    (sub event) pick nearest monster - > destroy

  • Once you purchase a Construct 2 Personal License, you will be able to export to cocoonjs and other exporters.

    In order to put a game on the android market or the apple app store, or windows 8 you will need to pay for the developer license from each of those stores respectively. that's separate from construct 2.

    I'm not sure about facebook, but i don't think they have a cost associated with them, i could be wrong.

  • Yeah you are going to have to separate the two halves into different sprites and pin them together, or simply make the top half always follow the bottom half

    eg: every tick set position "top half sprite" to "bottom half sprite.y -50"

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yeah, simply draw the sprite "dodging" to the left or right, and use the play animation to fire off anytime they push the dodge button

    You can adjust the collision area of each frame of the sprite on a per frame basis, so adjust it so that its no longer in the middle where they player could still be hit like when he's idle.

  • Get rid of the first action in your example, and then it will only execute when the two objects are NOT overlapping

    If you haven't actually set it up yet.

    By right clicking an event condition and choosing "invert" it will make it "NOT" occur under those conditions

    eg: While not (Object.X) is overlapping with (Object.Y

  • One thing that will really help you down the road is to create one player as a container object and add all of their health/score/UI info to the container as well. It will simplify things greatly down the road for you.

    Then each player will have different different animations based on which player they are actually playing eg: if you choose the red guy, you'd play the red guy set of animations. All animations would be stored in one player object.

    Then as you guessed, assign each player a variable that would equal which player they were on the keyboard/gamepad etc.

    Only the buttons associated with the particular player would trigger the appropriate player in the game.

    now if you want to get a bit fancy and save yourself programming duplicate version of the same code over and over you can use a function to do all the work for you.

    create a function and call it "punch" lets say.

    When you Call the function, you would tell it which player send the command,

    eg: call function "punch" (1) *<--player's controller name

    This number will be used as a parameter for the function to tell construct which player should initiate the punch animation

    On function "punch" (parameter)

    if function.param(0) = 1 then

    -> player 1 play animation punch

    if function.param(0) = 2 then

    -> player 2 play animation punch


    its kinda complicated, so lemme know if you have any questions

    use justifun to notify me that there's a reply