justifun's Forum Posts

  • There's a new series of chinese 7" android tablets that appear to run pretty well in the various youtube videos i've seen online, but i haven't come across anyone that has used one with construct 2 games before.

    They are only $65-$75. 7", 1.2ghz and run android 4.03

    They go by the names Allwinner A13 7" android tablet on ebay and other various places online.

    here's a review of one


  • hexraystudios.com/hexels

    Hexels is a brand new, grid-based art program for Mac and PC that lets you paint with shapes. There are two versions � Hexels with the standard hexel draw mode, a few bonus shape modes, and the default glow feature. Hexels Pro will include all of the shape modes and features including:

    All Shape Modes � Hexels, Trixels, Cubes, Starburst, Bevel, Plus, and Diamonds

    They have a free demo and its only $14.99 if you want to buy it afterwards

  • Awesome work Tommyttk I look forward to checking out that capx. Thanks for your help with this!

  • I'm going to try and remake it with the new z order plugin and see if that helps a bit.

  • bombermine.com

  • bump

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Use "on mouse clicked" UI element sprite

    and then right click it and choose "invert"

    now your actions will only occur if you don't click a UI element

  • Pledged! Keep up the great work!

  • Are they both identical objects directly over one another? or are they overlapping each other just a bit?

  • You can get away with containers if you simply hide the head, then destroy it along with the body when the rest of the body is killed.

  • There's a few different ways to accomplish this.

    Setting up the heart containers.

    One next trick is to create your heart sprite in a tiled background object instead of as a normal sprite. Then you set the width to X times the width of the heart times the number of lives the player has.

    eg: if the heart is 64 pixels wide. Each time you increase the width of the tiled background heart container by 64 pixels, another heart will appear or disappear. (make sure you set the origin point of the object to the left or top left of the sprite so that it will scale properly.

    Subtracting the lives

    Create a global variable called "Lives" and give it an initial value of 3 lets say.

    Event 1

    On start of layout -> Set width of HeartContainer to Lives * 64 (or whatever width your heart is)


    (Player) Is outside of layout


    (system)Trigger once while true

    -> subtract from "Lives" 1

    -> Set width of HeartContainer to Lives * 64 (or whatever width your heart is)

    Event 3

    (system) Lives = 0 -> goto layout "Game Over"


  • Hi Ashley


    Gameclosure is a HTML5 SDK but also wrapper for HTML5 that's i've had my eye on for a while in beta, but its officially open source now, for free AND commercial products.

    From their tech demos they are able to get really great frame rates. I wonder if it might be able to work with exporting from construct? into a format that can be compiled in their SDK?

  • mrspeaker.net/2013/02/14/live-editing-for-game-development

    Dunno if this works for games created in Construct, but i thought i'd post it just in case someone smarter can figure it out.

  • I can't look at the capx right now, but the basic premis is to simply do this.

    Add a variable that becomes active every time the player presses the attack button

    on keyboard pressed "A"

    ->set "attacking" to 1

    ->play animation "attack"

    then in the section that has all of your movement stuff.

    add a condition that only allows the player to move if "attacking" is set to 0

    on keyboard pressed "right arrow"


    (system) attacking = 0

    -> move player right.

    this way it will only work while not attacking.