hmm, does anyone have some performance samples?
I checked the site out and tried Kiwi Run on my tablet and wowzer. The game ran smooth. With 3 parallax backrounds, 1 full, 2 apx halves. The play later and speed of render. It all went really smoothly. I tried on my ipodTouch 4g and it played but crashed when I lost. There seems to be some bad memory management going on. Certainly a possibility that this may have CocoonJS performance or better. However without more testing there is no idea.
I think the best part of this is. Is that since it's open source we can may be able to extend it with more immediate features.
Honestly right now I'm pessimistic that Scirra will take this opportunity. I went through the devkit code. It has some front end requirements so it's not a drag and drop process. I just get the feeling it's going to be another "not compliant to javascript standards". For one thing it uses an import primitive similar to java. Infact it seems that much of there work was meant to resemble java.
Here we have an open source wrapper that would only require a minimal over head javascript layer to OpenGL ES. Practically on the cusp to really get into the mobile side of gaming with C2. Check the video, 8000 sprite, that made me sooooo giddy. and I feel it's going to slip by :(
however the down side of it requiring a mac is a problem. Though i would purchase a cheap used mac just to be able to use this :)