justifun's Forum Posts

  • even if the characters are the same sprite, each instance will have different UID's so you can sort them that way.

    the easiest way is to get the plugin Zsorter

    then use

    every tick -> zsorter Sort all objects on layer 0 by Y

  • There's a great behavior someone wrote called "litetween" grab it and have a go. It does all of the things you want it to really easily.

  • This works.


    add a 8-dir to the player character

    add solid to the egg

    every tick - player -> rotate 2 degrees towards (mouse.x, mouse.y)

                 player -> move 1 pixel at angle (angle(player.x, player.y, mouse.x, mouse.y)

    it will constantly walk towards the mouse as it moves around, and bump up against the walls of the egg without overlapping.

    see my example file.


    is that what you want?

  • Can't get your link to work :(

  • Yes, the way you have it setup right now, you are "picking" every tower to add the upgraded level to.

    There's a few different ways to pick the correct tower you want to upgrade.

    One suggestion would be to create an instance variable on the button object. Lets call it "TowerUID".

    On line 3 where you spawn the upgrade button. set the TowerUID variable to "trt_basic.uid"

    eg: (btnUpgrade - set value "TowerUID" to trt_basic.uid

    This now lets the upgrade button know which tower it belongs to.

    Next, down on line 28 where you have the upgrade logic....

    You need to create a sub event that picks which tower to apply the upgrade to.

    So add a sub event and use "Pick by evaluate" -> trt_basic (as the object) and in the evaluate line put trt_basic.uid = btnUpgrade.towerUID

    Then for the action, move the 2 actions you have for the trt_basic (add 1 to level) and (set turret range), down to this new sub event, so that it only effects the "picked" turret.

  • For making the actual artwork for a game, you'll want to search for tutorials on youtube etc.

  • The code for spawning the monsters has to be a sub event of where you picked which one you want to spawn.

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  • Simply add another condition to your spawning code that says

    Compare 2 values -> Enemies.count < 20

    Thus it will only spawn enemies if the total amount of enemies active are less than 20.

  • Simply place them all next to each other like this. (assuming you have 6 pieces)

    on layout start

    part 1 - set position 0,0

    part 2 - set position part1.width, 0

    part 3 - set position part2.width, 0

    part 4 - set position 0 , 0-part4.height

    part 5 - set position part4.width, 0-part2.height

    part 6 - set position part5.width, 0-part3.height

    this puts them in a 2x3 grid

    im sure there's a fancier way to do it with an array, but im not as good that those.

  • Try getting rid of the "else" event

  • It might be easiest to have 2 text boxes surrounding a sprite for the bar.

    then you can account for any fraction question.

  • nutmix - in which area of the .html file do you add the window.scrollTo(1,0) part?

  • Another update: I came across an app on the google play store called "Sound About". If you install that, you can specify which apps use which speakers etc. fixes the problem for the time being until the browser situation sorts its self out.

    In the settings for it, set the "SoundAbout Service" to "ON-Foreground" mode. Then set the media audio to "speaker" and voila!

    The app has a free trial version, and its $3 USD if you want to buy it.