justifun's Forum Posts

  • If anyone has an APK they'd like me to test on it and video tape it, lemme know where i can download it from and i will.

  • I ordered a fire tv, should be here monday. Controllers were all sold out till the 19th though, so i'll use a ouya controller in the mean time. I'll be back with performance and compatibility results asap.

  • Intel's XDK Crosswalk works well.

    Search the forums for tutorials.

  • Here's a detailed look at how they generated the levels in spelunky


  • Make sure the firewall on the VM box is disabled. I had the same issues until i disabled the VM windows firewall.

  • They claim is supports HTML5 webapps and games as well through a chromium browser, so I wonder how well C2 will perform on it without compiling apks.

  • How odd.

    Try using the bullet behavior instead and see if it happens.

    Have it change the angle of motion depending on which key you press, and stop moving once it hits a wall.

  • I'm probably doing something simple wrong, but i can't figure it out.

    When i open and test the exported game (using the new ejecta exporter in r165). I change the name of the exported folder to "App" per the instructions. Copy it to the same folder where Ejecta was unzipped, so that its next to the source folder.

    But when i open the xcode project and click run, after "indexing" i get Red exclamation points on every file in the project on the left hand side and it wont run.

    This is being tried in xcode 4.5.2 on mountain lion

    Any ideas?

  • Music streams in the music, so it might not start exactly at the same time as your layout starts when using "on layout begin"

    You can import your music as a "sound" instead, and use the preload option so that it all loads up before triggering the start of your new layout. However this will result in a longer initial loading time of your game because it has to load up your entire music track before the game begins. (Your loading times might not matter for a school project, but its what you need to do if you want the music to start immediately when the layout loads.

  • Change the GAME_NAME global variable to something other than the default "scira-multiplayertest"

  • My error seems to only occur while attempting to connect to the scirra multiplayer signalling server.

    changing GAME_NAME to my own name works fine.

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  • Now that multiplayer is out in the wild (v164) hopefully we can all help each other with this new exciting realm to explore.

    I'll start.

    I've been unable to connect to myself when attempting to run the Chat room / Multiplayer game tutorial examples.

    With the chat room I end up being the only one in the room, and get kicked after about 30 seconds of joining. Even if i join the server from multiple computers. Each computer ends up in a room by itself.

    With the Multiplayer Game Tutorial I connect, and my sprite shows up for a split second. Then it dissapears.

    The chat log says

    Connected, logging in

    Logged in with alias "justi (XB3I)

    Joining Room...

    Joined Room As Peer

    Attemping to establish connection with host....

    Kicked (either could not connect to host or host quit.)

    Any solutions?

  • I know spriter keeps saying they will get to redesigning the interface/hotkeys etc eventually, but its just SO un user friendly. I believe that making good software involves thinking how people are going to use the software the most efficient way. Their whole strategy has been "we have a new feature, what keyboard button havne't we used yet. I know, lets make this tool CTRL+SHIFT+W+Click+Unclick+drag while holding Q

    and then they will eventually either change it all, and ask everyone to relearn it, or keep it the way it is by default and allow users to change the keys, but it seems they have completely ignored how all of the tools work together workflow wise to be efficient.

  • There is a way to mask the jug, so that it looks like water is filling it up.

    I touch upon the concept in a tutorial here

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/830/he ... w-graphics

  • I think there was that one, and also one where the sprites were bouncing around the screen?
