justifun's Forum Posts

  • Updates: Crosswalk exported apps experience the same issue, HOWEVER, using firefox mobile seems to work properly. The audio comes out of the phones speaker. Every other browser i've tried has the audio coming out of the earpiece.

  • IntelRobert


    For some reason audio from android crosswalk exported apps are playing sounds/music out of my phones earpiece instead of the speaker.

    I've noticed this occurring with every browser for testing C2 games while previewing over LAN (EXCEPT for firefox mobile).

    Is there a setting somewhere, where I can specify which speaker to use for crosswalk exported apps?


    Testing devices

    Nexus 5 (4.2.2)

    XDK New Crosswalk export

    Dolphin Browser

    Google Chrome Browser

    Mozilla Firefox Browser

    Opera Browser

  • Can physics be applied to a player controlled object? If so you might need to also disable control on the player while they are bouncing or you might get strange effects.

    If you cant add physics to a player object, then simply swap out a single sprite copy of the player for the physics bouncing part, then swap back in the player controlled version of the sprite after he stops moving.

  • If you go ahead with the method using the bullet behavior, you would simply have to stop the object once it collides with another house

    so. each house would have a bullet behavior facing 180

    house on collision with house -> set bullet speed to 0

    as each house touches the one before it, it will stop sliding in.

  • Have you guys tried Ouya builds yet via crosswalk exports?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • The most important method that everyone over looks is simply making a good game. Everyone is in a rush to add ads, get it into an app store and rake in all that cash. But 99% of the games being made are garbage. Focus on making an enjoyable game. Then worry about making money on it.

    Make something people will want to pay money for first.

  • Yes the trick with using browser - set full screen is that it has to be initialed by a "on touch start" command.

  • Yes I think it is coming from the earpiece instead.   But this was not an exported compiled xdk crosswalk project.   Just a preview over language through chrome.

  • Anyone else working with a Nexus 5?

    While previewing the game via chrome and dolphin browser on the phone you end up with really quiet audio, even with the volume turned up all of the way in the setting menu and with the volume rocker.

    What's really strange, is when you are using the volume rocker while in chrome, it displays the Phone handset volume bar, instead of the speaker icon.

    And unless you shutdown chrome, the phone gets stuck in this " low volume" mode for any other app etc.

    What's even stranger, is this behavior only seems to occur while previewing a construct project. If you go to any other page on the web with audio on it etc, it plays fine, and will also show the volume icon while adjusting the volume rocker.

    This seems to possible be a chrome bug/dolphin, because the audio plays fine using the opera browser.


  • Use this

    text - set text to map.tileAt(mouse.x, mouse.y)

    this will report whichever tileID is under the mouse at any given time.

    you were close at first :)

  • Great little explanation on how procedurally generated random levels are created for spelunky


  • Not sure on the way you are trying it, but there's a plugin called "sprite sheet" that offsets a tiled background, you can use that to create an infinite scrolling bg as well.

  • You might also be able to use the 9patch object

  • Check out this approach to isometric pathfinding


    From Kenney.nl

    1. First I draw a polygon where the user can walk. This would be the ground where no obstacles are.

    2. Then the game automatically generates a tile map over the polygon, whenever a tile touches a polygon it's marked as a walkable tile.

    3. Using the A* algorithm I calculate the path from the player to the point he has to walk to. Diagonals are a bit more 'expensive' to walk on, read more about A* here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm

    4. Now comes the best part: I shoot a raycast vector from the first point in the path to the next, if the raycast doesn't hit the edge of the polygon then it goes to the next point...and the next, and the next. Until it hits an edge of the polygon, then it marks a point back as a straight line. It does this for all poins, resulting in a smooth, straight path which looks very natural and would be the path we humans would take.

    5. Hide everything for the user and make the player walk along the path.

  • There's 2 approaches you can try. One is to create 3 copies of your background. As you swipe you move all 3 left or right. As the first one goes off the main screen, the second slides in. And the one on the far side moves to the other side. So you are always moving the one that is off screen over to the other end to fake the panoramic look.

    The other solution is there's a plugin called "sprite sheet" that allows you to animate the offset of a tiled background object.

    You'd have to tweak the "sliding with inertia" code a bit and point it at offsetting the offset.x value instead of the positional value, but it should work. It will give you an endless panorama bg.