justifun's Forum Posts

    DiegoM - What's the hotkey for adding keyframes? You mention there is one but not what to press.

  • CureLovelyWarrior I'm guessing its the "compress final zip" checkbox option in the export window, but it doesnt seem to make a difference in my testing.

  • CureLovelyWarrior - So if i understand, you just want to know where the temporary storage location that C3 is storing the project while its zipping it up in the hopes that you can access those before it zips them?

  • CureLovelyWarrior - File/save as/save as project folder

    This is an option if you don't want it all to be compressed into a .c3p file (similar to a zip)

    It will keep all of your files in directories for you.

  • Yup I'm already a supporter :)

  • idjer83 - yes it does

  • That's awesome that you were able to get it to load Eren, but i see what you mean about the frame rate issue. Remember I am willing to pay you to further develop it. Find me on discord to chat more. Justifun#6713

    DiegoM - Here is a video of me showing the workflow i was trying to explain above.


    Thank you Diego for working with us to make the timeline experience more streamlined.

    I will attempt to make a video of the issue i'm seeing, but here's a write up at least.

    1) add a sprite to a time line

    2) goto frame 0

    3) the timeline bar is red (not in edit mode), so i can't add any keyframes

    4) turn on edit mode, and now the "add keyframes button" is an option of the right click menu - but selecting it doesn't any any x/y values etc to the timeline

    5)turning off edit mode (leaves only the visiblilty/lock/checkmark options red (the keyframe area is no longer red) - but still cant add keyframes at frame 0

    6) the only way i can add a keyframe at frame 0, is to now turn on edit mode, and move the object from where it started (which i dont want to do, i want it to stay where it currently is in my environment - then right click and add keyframe. (now i have a keyframe on frame 0

    7) now i goto a new keyframe (the red line is missing btw, probably still hiding on frame 0) and move the sprite to a new location and pick "add keyframe", but now the box pops back to the very original location for frame 0 from that offset location i had to move it to to be able to key frame 0

    So what's happened here, is since i couldnt set a keyframe on frame 0 to begin with, then i had to offset the object to get it to add a keyframe, but that keyframe isnt where i moved the object to, its back where it didn't want to save it. so now when i scrub this two new keyframes, its moving from the very first location, and not where i visually see the sprite. but i have 2 keyframes at least now.

    8) so then i scrub my animation and it looks likes it working now, with 2 keyframes etc. And so i turn off edit mode, and my sprite is no longer working at all, but there's keyframes on the timeline but nothing is happening when i scrub (it no longer moves. the only way to see it move is now to hit the play button.

    this is why the experience is really confusing.

  • You can also get it from Eren's Patreon page


    Ideally I'd love to be able to have an autokey mode. Where i know that any change in the layout i make (scale / size /position etc on whatever frame i'm currently on in the timeline) would get a key set on it. And when i scrub to a frame that already has a key it auto updates those values without me having to do 3 more click each time.

    I get very confused what i'm doing with the whole edit mode on/off, remember / forget stuff.

    My mind makes me think that any changes i make while edit mode is on, should be setting keyframes etc, but it only sometimes does? then i try and scrub my animation and it starts off at a different location to where I thought i set the keyframe? It feels very inconsistent. And i can't set keyframes at frame 0 for some reason.

    Enabling "edit mode" makes me think i should be able to edit the objects, but according to your description, turning it off afterwards reverts any changes you did. I don't follow.

    Also when you goto a keyframe that already exists, we are forced to use the "update keyframe" button instead of the "add keyframe" button, which its odd that its two different buttons, "set keyframe" on a keyframe that's already there should just update the keys.

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    Awesome start, very excited for these features

    1) It would be awesome if while dragging the red time line you could see the animations move forwards/backwards as you scrub it, instead of having to hit play. (also being able to drag the red line while the cursor is in the frame number area above the tracks

    2) an "auto key" button, that would set keyframes while enabled on any property that changed in the layout/property bar

    3) Right clicking a keyframe and choosing disable causes an "oops something went wrong" construct crash

    4) Right clicking an ease curve in "eases view" causes an "oops something went wrong" construct crash

    5) it would be nice to be able to make duplicate tracks of the same object, but with different keyframes / offsets for the second instanced object

    6) when you first turn on edit mode, the track still remains red and you can't right click to add keyframes unless you click somewhere off the red line (but once you've set one, right clicking on the red line works to add keyframes

    7) perhaps an "add keyframe" button on the upper UI of the timeline bar or the ability to hotkey that, less clicks overall

    8) Changing the "total time" property for the timeline doesnt update the range of the timeline where you can set keys (it says at 24s no matter what for me.)

    9) highlighting a master key and pressing ctrl to multi select but needing to hold ctrl while dragging them is just different from how most other animation softwares do it. usually once they are selected you dont need to continue to hold ctrl

    10) the right click "view" menu is a tad confusing, that if you want to get back to the normal view you have to unselect the current view. perhaps adding a "default" option in there might be less confusing.

    11) a little animated gif of the types of eases as you pick from the list would be nice

    12) Right click "help" takes you to a 404 page

    13) it would be awesome if the "properties" that could be adjusted on the timeline included bahavior actions etc. right now it seems like it can only animate a few basic parameters of the object.