justifun's Forum Posts

  • I'm playing around with the latest 3D shapes like the default dice object.

    If you use a Mouse Clicked Object action for example, it will only trigger if you are clicking the bottom section of the dice. Its much more apparent if you have adjusted the Y vanishing point of the layer. Is there a way around that so that the other sides can also register clicks?

  • I'm getting some strange overlapping issues with the new 3D camera and these 3D objects (Trees- all sides off except 1 image that has erased pixels around the trees. Walls - default 3D object with different sides colored in sprite editor). I have the layer set to Rendering Mode: 3D and Draw Order set to "Camera Distance" like in the examples.... The back wall seems to be ok, but not the side ones for some reason...

    This image shows the rendering mode on the layer set to Camera Distance and if I set it to the default Z order mode, the tops of the tree's show the bounding box issue.

  • hugone - Mikal on the construct discord made this test example scene to load rive projects. Its done via JS instead of as a construct plugin.


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  • I ran into this issue where I previously had “use experimental features” on in the settings but then randomly it unchecked itself. So it couldn’t open the previously saved project. Try checking that it’s on and re open your project.

  • You can pick the last created item by picking the sprite with the highest IID value. Pick highest/lowest sprite.iid

    The most recently created sprite should have the highest iid value

  • oh ok, well thanks anyways.

  • Yup, seems to have the same result. the sprite that's moving in z elevation will still always go towards the center of wherever your layout is looking.

  • I've tried messing around with a few options but haven't found one that will move the horizon line of the zelevation movement up towards the top of the screen.

    I made sure to turn on unbounded scrolling and tried messing with the scrolling offset of different layers, putting the sprite on different ones, changing the paralaxing values....

    no matter what the sprite will always go towards the center of the screen... any chance you could make a super simple scene with how you are picturing it oosyrag ?

  • It seems like the zElevation of an object always points towards the center of your layout when setting it to a negative value. Is there a way to change that location of where its moving towards?

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  • Some games will have a section in their settings that allows the player to change the button prompts graphics if there's no way to dynamically determine what kind of controller they are using.

  • Also leverage using groups. You can enable and disable groups at runtime to help control stuff. Multiple event sheets are great for separating larger features.

  • I'd start with a smaller scope project if you are still learning construct. It's not just a matter of loafding and unloding tilesheets that you will run into for a massive size game like that. Save the idea of your dream game for later.

  • When switching aspect ratios like portrait and landscape theres a few things to keep in mind. There is a browser object you need to add to your project that will have some actions in it including one that detects if your game is running in landscape or portrait on device. When switching you probably need to re adjust your camera using the system-> scroll to action. You will probably also need to enable the "unbounded scrolling" checkbox in the layer properties so that the camera can center on your upper left viewport window where you probably set all of your graphics. This will let the camera see beyond the corners of the layouts while running.

  • Its a top down view sorry.