justifun's Forum Posts

  • Flare-JS is a runtime used to render animated characters created by 2dimensions.com similar to spriter/spine.

    Runtime github.com/2d-inc/Flare-JS

    I'd like to hire someone to create a plugin in the construct 3 runtime to be able to display these characters and some basic fundamental actions/conditions/expressions etc, to be able to call the different animations to play etc.

    This is a paid job.

    discord: Justifun#6713

    Eren, skymen you were two names of people who might be up to the task, but anyone who things they are up for the challenge please let me know.

  • Thank you macube for being the first developer to port a plugin. Keep up the great work! CSV2Array will be on the offical addon repo shortly for all to enjoy!

  • Sent you an email Macube.

  • Can anyone convert rex's CSV to array plugin please? $50 for you if you can!

  • inkfalcon - R0j0hound replied in another thread to you, he hasn't made one.

  • Eren therealjack - I'm paying $50 per rexrainbow plugin that's converted to c3 runtime. Since the forums dont have private messaging again you can reach me on discord at Justifun#6713.

  • Hi fredriksthlm ThePhotons

    I'm trying to do something similar to you with 4 players but can't quite wrap my head around it.

    Where are you storing your player list? In a room property?

    My though process is this -

    1) when a player first joins is checks a playlist property for a array (as json) (the first player will get nothing cause it will be blank.

    2) They add their actorNr to the list and save it back to the property.

    3) when player 2 joins they repeat the same thing, but this time since player one has already added their ID theirs will be added, and they will updated player 1 to grab the new list

    I keep ending up with different lists though for each player :(

    Which way did you approach it?

    Also, how did you limit the max number of players in the room. I've tried using the max players action, but no matter where i put it, it doesnt seem to limit the room correctly, more then the max players can still join the room.

  • They will all be added as free plugins in the construct add-on repository for everyone to enjoy.

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  • There's a new piece of software out called Wallpaper engine which allows for cool moving / interactive wallpaper desktops. Its only $3.99 USD


    One of the features is that you can set your desktop as a html5 webpage (which includes exported construct projects).

    I can't get keyboard input to work, but mouse inputs work just fine for interacting with your construct projects while its a desktop wallpaper.

    Anywhoo, its kinda neat.

  • Very cool. I didn't realize after all this time that you could do it all in one line like that.

  • In the transition function of the Demonoire project there's a line of code that I don't understand (line 10 of the eGlobal event sheet

    Transition - > Self.State = "Out" ? 0 : 100

    normally i'm used to just putting a number for the opacity of an object, but how does the code work exactly? Does it help animate the opacity?

  • Scirra has made such a fantastic tool for introducing the world to game development and rexrainbow has contributed to so many people's projects with his custom plugins. Sadly he has moved onto working on other exciting things it seems.

    I'd like to return the favor by offering plugin developers $50 USD for writing functionally similar rexrainbow C2/C3 plugins in C3 runtime compatible format.

    I'd also like to add an additional $50 USD per plugin that gets written that will go towards rexrainbow's children's education or a charity of his choosing.


    Plugin must have the same functionality - (Expressions/ACES/Actions) as the original C2/C3(c2 runtime) version

    Plugin must work with latest C3 runtime in construct 3

    Plugin will be submitted to the official C3 addon repository for all to enjoy and licensed with the MIT license.

    Plugin must not already exist in the construct.net C3 addon repo as of the date of this post.

    Payment will be made via paypal when the plugin has been verified either via a video demonstration and it has been uploaded to the addon repo.

    I can be reached with any further questions on these forums or my discord username is Justifun#6713.

    Please pick a plugin you wish to work on and let me know so that not everyone is working on the same one. Please only work on one at at time. First come first serve. Please refer to the list below to see what's in progress/completed.

    Rex's C3 plugins


    C2 Plugins


    *This opportunity is not affiliated with Scirra LTD*

    Participating in this opportunity does not establish any sort of legal contract for the work provided and Opportunity may be cancelled at any time.

    Payouts to date: $100

    In Progress Plugins

    Completed Plugins----------------------------------------

    CSV2Array - Ported by Macube CSV2Arrayhttps://www.construct.net/en/make-games/addons/234/csv-to-array-c3-runtime

    rex_Spline - Ported by Macube (Link coming soon)

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  • For some reason i can import any c3addon except rex's collection of c3 addon's. They show up in the addon manager, but not in the insert object window or behavior list.

    *Edit* Seems to hide them if you switch the runtime to C3 instead of C2. Going back to C2 runtime reveals them again. Strange.

  • blackhornet and Gigatron - could you try converting alpha threshold effect please? the original author says he's too busy to get around to it these days

    Download link:

    https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code ... umljLEgdl7
