justifun's Forum Posts

  • Imagine if you will a crossbow at the bottom 3rd of the screen on a portrait oriented phone screen. The player could aim the crossbow left and right, but the camera (layer) would also rotate to orient with the direction of the crossbow, but the ground below would stay put.

    The problem is that the layer with the crossbow pivots from the center of the screen instead of from where the crossbow is.

  • Thank you Mikal - You're the best!

  • Well this will be a great start at least. Thanks again.

    I know C2 stores the default package.json that it uses to compile each time. Does C3 keep a default one somewhere so you don't have to edit the file each time you export?

  • TheRealDannyyy - Thanks, Got the "always_on_top": true, working.

    One final question. Is it possible to enable/disable the click-through feature while the app is running? I'm thinking since its enabled with the chrome flag via a shortcut there might not be a way of doing that while the app is running?

  • Thank you for the example file It works great in C2.

    Clickthrough works great, but the window gets sent behind the new window you clicked on. It there a setting/flag for "always on top"?

    Where do I find the package.json file for C3 Exported projects?

    I read in another thread about unzipping the package.nw file, adjusting the files in there, then rezipping it. But once i do that the .nw file doesn't work anymore. NW.JS only opens its default loading screen after adjusting that file.

    Thx for the help with this.

  • TheRealDannyyy I've been trying to see if i can export nw.js and utilize the transparent window feature -http://docs.nwjs.io/en/latest/For%20Users/Advanced/Transparent%20Window/

    I'm hoping to make an overlay with elements on top of the users desktop as if the background of the app is see through. But i'm not having much luck.

    I've tried modifiying the package.json and package-win.json files in the C2 exporter folder by adding

    "frame": "false",

    "transparent": "true",

    but according to that page i need to edit the HTML body as well to specify the background color, but not sure where to adjust that.

  • VoxelVomit - did you ever figure out how to do the transparent window?

  • Incredible! Thank you Eren !

  • Any chance of making a c3 runtime version?

  • The simplest way would be to break down that graphic into 10 or more animation frames with each a bit more full up to 100%. then simply move to the next frame depending on the health points of the player.

  • Looks cool. Adding a video on the play store showing it in action would go a long way.

  • Construct has been the easiest and most fun (i can make a game idea prototype work in a very short time and actually play it.) out of any of the engines i've tried.

  • Elliott - figured a few things out.

    In the safari settings (via the main ipad settings button) you need to disable “Prevent Cross Site Checking”

    Also under “advanced” and “experimental features” you need to turn on web GL 2.0 since its off by default.

    I also had to turn on Web authentication, Web Animations, web GPU, and I also enabled the CSS related settings. Now it runs smoother and saves my login information again. (At least in safari). I also disabled “prevent popup’s“ so that the preview works.

    The biggest annoyances now is that I cant figure out how to drag events or resize the action box width. I even tried the new experimental bluetooth mouse support in IPADOS.

    Also (and it could be my no name brand ipad keyboard) but if you are using the arrow keys to move an 8 direction or platformer object around and you happen to press 2 directions at the same time, the direction gets stuck down and the character will keep walking. Hopefully someone can confirm that for me with an authentic iPad Pro keyboard.

    Also in the settings for the keyboard you might want to also disable predictive typing and auto puncutation because when typing strings in C3 it automatically adds apostraphe's for some reason and C3 won't accept the string as valid. And a heads up, C3 doesn't display a cursor, or highlighted text in any text field. Nor can you type in a field such as an array in the built in array editor window. Everything is blank.

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  • I have tried safari and chrome including home screen shortcuts in both iOS 12 and 13 beta 2. Every time I login to the editor of c3 and I run a preview it logs me out again regardless of the remember me check box. I’ve also tried requesting the desktop site mode. In chrome it will keep asking to upgrade to the latest beta but never remembers it but it safari it sticks. IPad Pro 12.9.

  • Mine runs at 165fps. Cause I have a 165hz monitor.