jobel's Forum Posts

  • whatever you do, it has to be really basic, especially for 14 yr olds and with such a short period of time. Will the kids have any prior experience?

    I teach college level and we are doing a full semester in C2, I can't imagine only 3 days to teach them. Maybe stick with just a platformer game. Download some tilemaps for them to draw out levels.

    Depending on how much experience you yourself have with Construct 2, I might recommend Scratch instead. (which is free)

  • one way is to download the LiteTween behavior:

    then when your Player and Bot have a Collision, set Car speed to 0, and Path Find to Stop. Then calculate trajectories.. something like angle(player.x, player.y,bot.x,bot.y) - 180

    and use LiteTween and set it to an EaseOut and move them in that direction.

    you could do something similar with 8 direction behavior, but getting the angle using Simulate would be kind of a pain.

    Regardless, this isn't an easy thing... because you are faking physics.. in order for it to look right, you also probably have to adjust how much you want each sprite to move and take into account, inertia and mass...

  • great game, and really nice art, but honestly it's totally wasted on a tiny mobile screen. Put on Steam for $5!

  • can you link the stackoverflow solution? or paste it in here? the link is dead.

  • give the sniper the line of sight behavior, it should make sense once you look at the behavior.

  • Give you character ScrollTo behavior and Wrap behavior

  • you still need isDown for the moving though.. just not for the animation triggers or mirroring for when she goes left.

    make a sub event under the UP/DOWN and test for if Idle is playing, then you can decide to override with a new animation or not..

  • First those ELSE statements should not be in there.. Else happens if the previous condition fails.. so I'm not exactly sure what would happen with what you have there.

    Secondly.. all those "is down" are NOT triggers and they are continuously being executed 60 times per second. Instead use On key pressed. On key pressed triggers one time and happens as soon as the button is down.

  • have you checked out this thread?

    I've heard for a while now that XDK and both had pros and cons... but seems like we are left with only one choice now.. (at least until 2018)

  • wow amazing addon thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • well it matters what information is in your array.

    how can I assign cells in array

    assign cells? do you mean, add to the array?

    use Push or Insert

    and I would highly recommend doing this tutorial ... -beginners

  • please clarify what you are trying to do.

    seems like you need to do a For Each on the objects, if they don't exist then Create sprite.

    what are you assigning to the sprites?

    when you say you have an array that has 3 cells called 'red'.. I don't understand.

    do you have an array like this?

    X(0) = "red"

    X(1) = "red"

    X(2) = "red"

    X(3) = "green"

    X(4) = "green"

    X(5) = "green"

    or is your array like this?

    X(0) (0) = "red"

    X(0) (1) = "green"

    X(1) (0) = "red"

    X(1) (1) = "green"

    X(2) (0) = "red"

    X(2) (1) = "green"

  • try this..

    tap D once and hold to walk... double tap D and hold to run...

    let go: idle ... .capx?dl=0

  • if I wanted my personage to walk and to press 2 veces D run

    what are the walk controls?

    what is veces?