jobel's Forum Posts

  • filename checks out..

  • you can also set Image Points and Origins with decimal places. So if you have a circle sprite that is exactly 17x17 you can set the origin to 8.5 x 8.5 and it will spin "correctly".

    Otherwise if you art is off, then that is an art issue. but you can always change the origin in Construct.

  • Fib that's a great idea... I voted..

  • Nepeo

    Because the observer is used in each condition if any are false the following conditions has 0 instances of the observer to pick from, but because the targets are unique to each condition they have the full set. So it's nothing to do with "else", just how "OR" behaves.

    but I think what tarek2 is saying is that it's always the top condition that picks. everything after the OR will not get picked if that first condition is false but NOT the other way around.

    IF Observer HAS LOS to Object1 OR Observer HAS LOS to Object2

    case 1: there's 0 Object1 and 0 Object2 (works as expected)

    case 1: there's 1 Object1 and 0 Object2 (works as expected)

    case 2: there's 0 Object1 and 1 Object2 (disregards second condition)

    Bottom line: an OR can't be used in a picking situation. Which means ORs are limited to Triggers and global/local variables.

  • for some reason this thread isn't showing my 2nd reply. But when you reply and look below the REPLY area where you type, my comment is there...but when you refresh it isn't! at least not for me.

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  • tarek2 thanks for the explanation of OR, that makes a lot more sense now. I mean, its not ideal, but at least I understand what is happening. I guess I am thinking too programmatically.

    looking at the Doc it says:

    but it never states the picking only happens on the top event, yikes! that's sort of a huge thing to leave out of the doc!

    also combining that with an ELSE ended up being my problem, since an ELSE is just a "did the last event run?". I'm applying programmer logic to Construct events which is probably my main issue.

    Nepeo basically I was trying to check if an object had LOS to a number of possible other objects. If so it would "light up" as having detected something. I was trying to only write a single ACTION for the detector to light up by using ORs and then an ELSE if none of them were seen to make sure the detector was "off". I know how to do it now (Family or ELSE IF chain). but someone should probably update the doc on ORs though!

    Thanks all....

  • thanks tarek2 I do use families but not in this case since these happen to be two somewhat unrelated object types. but I am now considering putting them into a family just for this.

    I still don't entirely understand why it's not working for the second object type. It sounds like you are saying an 'OR' isn't actually an 'OR'....which would be puzzling.

    Or are you saying the ELSE doesn't work properly with an 'OR'?

    All I want is to detect one of them so that the sprite is showing that it detects something. I don't care what how many it detects: object1 or object2 or 5 of object3. I just want it to signal it "sees" something when one of those type of sprites passes through it's los.

    so this made it work

    IF LOS of sprite1 THEN detected = true;
    ELSE IF LOS of sprite2 THEN detected = true;
    ELSE detected = false;

    but it seems bad form to do that rather than just make 1 complex IF condition with an OR.

  • Does Line of Sight Behavior not work with OR blocks?

    because it doesn't seem to work in this small test...

    Why I tested this in the first place is that it's not working at all in a larger project. Although in this small test it works for 1 of the sprites. In my other test it won't work for any of them if there are more than 1 in an OR block.


  • I love this idea. You can do this in Unity and its amazing to be able to change your IDE with your own code to help your work flow! It's an extremely powerful way to work.

    I don't know the security risks, but the idea is sound.

  • If I were you I would perfect the map and 1 player mode.. set a modest goal, if you can reach that and sustain it, then move on to mp and 1v1.

    I like the idea of only making it a 1 player or 1v1. Perhaps you could do what they do in WC3 and have 1 player be able to control different heroes rathter than try to support a whole multiplayer architecture which honestly I don't think Construct is really meant to handle. I say keep it within the engine's reach. What you have is great, a boiled down moba. Keep it simple!

  • that's really great... and very ambitious!

    not to complicate things but design-wise having only 1 lane, it makes it very linear making it not very competitive or exciting (I'm talking game mechanics). For example, I played a lot of HOTS and they have Brawl Mode that has a ARAM mode like this.. but the only thing that makes it exciting is the different heroes people pick since it's 5v5. 1v1 is extremely limited on a 1 lane map. I guess I'm talking about making it more strategic, add 1 or 2 more lanes.

    I would also add some flair to the abilities, more pronounced sounds.. more drama etc..

    but overall amazing effort! I hope you keep it going!

  • yeah I think you want some easing in your "wiggle" rather than a "jerky shake".

    I say use Sine or Tween for the movement. you can easily apply that to Newt's code.

  • Nepeo excellent thanks for this!

  • Nepeo this is amazing! thanks so much! I think it's a helpful modification (not just because I need it). Are the "expressions" events or variables? i.e. IF Orbit Total Rotation or Orbit.TotalRotation? I noticed there's currently only 1 event for Orbit and that's IF ENABLED.

    dop2000 - ahh I see, I'm setting the rotation to the current angle, you are setting the offset to the current angle. the only problem with that, is you always have to adjust for your offset if you want to know where the object is in the orbit.. which sort of a pain. If I want to know when my object is at the 3 o'clock position I have to calculate it with whatever my offset is.

  • Nepeo I don't know off the top of my head, but I know there are other functions or actions that "do the math" for you so you don't have to worry about going out of bounds with angles. I can set a sprites angle to 580 and it works as 220. that's all I mean. I think it would be really helpful if there was a counter of degrees traveled, similar to Bullet has distance traveled.


    Rotation expression starts at 0 even when you set offset angle to 200.

    Not when I test it. It definitely starts at 200 when my offset is at 200. My object approaches the orbit with custom move, once in range I enable Orbit behavior so I have to set the rotation of wherever my object is in relation to the orbitee. So once it starts its orbit in my test its at 200 degrees. In order to make it circle twice then reverse is definitely a challenge, unless I were to maybe do it with a time value.