jobel's Forum Posts

  • scaling SpriteFont "should" be okay as long as you have Point on.

    however, if you are upsizing the entire game this has many inherent issues.

    is your text doing any sort of movement or animated scaling?

  • How does one get around shutting off a looped sound when channeling all sounds into 1 tag?


    Start of Layout

    Compress Audio "sfx"

    Set Volume of "sfx" to user defined

    Then in-game

    Player plays engine_loop > tag "sfx"

    NPC plays engine_loop > tag "sfx"

    how do I stop the player's engine sound only without turning all sounds off?

    Is there anyway to use wildcards with tags? so I can add

    Tag = "sfx" & UID

    and then be able to set global volume with


    and then turn a specific sound off with

    "sfx" & UID

    is this possible?


  • did you see my example?

  • I can't really tell by the video the effect you are going for...

    but I do see that "is overlapping" is happening 60 times per second. so its issuing more than one MoveTo action. I'm not sure how that would effect your Circle sprite's movement. but if it's constant consistent movement you are going for I'd use a lerp... (you'll want to multiply the last lerp parameter by dt incase you want to pause the game).

    like this:

    also note: I put the boundary and wall in a container so the relative one is picked

  • Does anyone have info about Chrome's software_reporter_tool.exe?

    I keep hearing bad things like it's constantly scanning your computer software and reporting to Google. Also why older computers can't run Chrome without the CPU being pinned at 100% severely hampering performance.

    I found info about disabling it here:

    But I'm wondering if this is really just a case of the public being alarmist about it.

  • did you change the Fullscreen Quality to HIGH? the default setting is LOW for the "auto pixellated template"

  • yeah you either use Solids and other behaviors that interact with Solid OR you use Physics which is a different beast all together.

    But there's a physics behavior Action (Disable Physics with Object) that you can use to make Red sprite ignore the Yellow one. Put it in OnStart of Layout.

  • Hi all,

    I had an idea to add a duration field to the Animation Properties so we can see the animation in seconds rather than just try to figure it out by fps.

    vote on it if you like it. thanks.


  • Eren thanks! yeah I'm using C3 so that plugin doesn't work for me. I don't need anything as of yet, I was more just wondering if its possible.

  • not sure if this is any help... maybe under alternative WebSockets?

  • Eren this is great!

    on your site it says the rich presence plugin has bugs, what kind of bugs? I looked for a list but didn't see any.

  • Has anyone looked into making Discord bots communicate with a Construct Game?

    I know most games run a server to handle this. Modestly I'm just wondering if we can get Discord to detect a Construct game to show in a person's 'Now Playing' status. But ideally I would love to know how to setup a way for people to be able to post their game stats to the server somehow.

    Anyone play around with this?

  • InsaneHawk yep it's all good. it's great you have that many testers! I hope they have been giving you good data.

    has there been tons of work since all the feedback? I haven't officially went through that step yet so I'm just wondering how it is. I'm sure you are in feedback overload. I hear also you have to read between the lines to figure out what is actually being said since the player (or non devs) don't know how it was made, they are only seeing the end result therefore the feedback is sometimes strange.

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  • InsaneHawk yeah I applied, but never heard back, I assumed I wasn't a good candidate. no worries. best of luck.