Jase00's Forum Posts

  • It's certainly possible, I think it's quite simple if you understand how the mechanisms work in Terraria. In general, you'd need some experience with Construct 2 first, make smaller things to get used to Construct 2, and probably best to have a lot of experience with Arrays.

    The tiles system would be somewhat easy as long as you have the knowledge about Arrays, optimising, ect. When a tile is made, you just have it check next to itself in each direction to see what tile is there, then you can set it's frame to what it should look like (Middle block, leftwall block, rightwall block, block with grass on it that connects to the left, there's a few lol)

    Having the different biomes that spread slowly is possible, but again, optimisation: You can't have it constantly checking to spread the hallowed area into the grass every moment for the entire world ;)

    Movement and fighting is very simple, definately nothing compared to the tiles and stuff.

    Lighting should be comparably easy to the tiles system, probably involves some sort of pathfinding, though I don't think the pathfinder behaviour is currently a good idea AS it currently can't just "Pathfind" a certain section, meaning bad lag. Though another thread suggested for a "specific area" thing so you can just search around the area of a light source, say a torch, to light up around it rather than the entire screen.

    Inventories, items, crafting, building, it's all arrays arrays arrrraaayyyys (and some WebStorage if you want peoples creations and characters to be saved :P )

    Online multiplayer is always the talk of the Construct 2 forums, it's possible now, but lacks proper support (til the future perhaps).

    Enemy AI in Terraria is simple in terms of AI mechanics; a slime enemy just jumps in the direction of a player every 2 seconds or so, with some extra factors involved to make it jump sooner. Bosses have a small pattern, there's no advanced difficult pathfinding algorithm involved, just "Go to player, kill player."

    All in all, the tiles system is what makes Terraria, nobody was impressed by it's battle system, it's all about the tiles, and the tiles would be the most time consuming thing to create, which might be why there's no immediate tutorials around here (I haven't searched myself).

    Getting it to run smoothly and lag-free, that's the challenge (unless you have the knowledge on how to optimise very well, then again, easy)

    It's all about your knowledge, Construct 2 is extremely powerful as long as it's 2D!

    I think there might be some interesting stuff and tutorials if you search on forums, I don't have anything to help other than my opinion :(

    Hope this helped!

  • , you reminded me of a bug I reported a while back.

    If you double click on a layout and during that loading glitch, hover your mouse cursor over any eventsheet, it would crash Construct 2. Ashley suggested for me to email my project but I forgot to empty it out from third-party plugins and I never sent a cleaner version, yet mysteriously, this particular crash seems to be fixed since an update.

    Here's the old bug report.


    I always thought I was the only one getting the weird loading flickeryness so I never thought to report it, but the crash was a bad thing to me. Maybe it's to do with a computers processor, so Ashley would never come across this bug due to his computer being highly powerful and loading everything instantly :P Probably not. Hmm, hopefully this can be explained anyway.

  • sqiddster Yeah! I looked into it and found a workaround though yesterday. <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I think when you open an event sheet or "Loose focus on an event sheet thats opened, like when adding an action, then returning focus", it will load each layout that has the eventsheet loaded (for reasons I'm not sure). I'm guessing you also have lots layouts with lots of layers and lots of sprites placed around, so when you even click a single layout thats not loaded, it will take 1 second to load.

    Now; since the event sheet is loaded for each layout, that means every layout that has the event sheet will cause an extra +1 seconds of waiting time when you focus on the EventSheet. For me, it comes to about 5 seconds (It seems faster the less time Construct 2 has been open)

    SO THE IDEA IS, have an eventsheet that literally just contains an "include" sheet to your MAIN eventsheet that was originally on all tha layouts, then on each layout, make sure it loads this new eventsheet.

    After doing this, It removed ALL the lag from clicking onto the eventsheet that I use, and the "Include" eventsheet lags instead (but you'll never need to click it, so hooray <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />)

  • Sorry Ashley, I'm usually eager to post bug reports but I have been lacking time, not to mention the bug seemed hard to pinpoint! I'll see if I can do it now.

  • My object positioned sounds are broken too the last I remember. :(

  • This thread peaks my interest.

    I personally work mainly on two projects: one that's a PC fangame of the game MapleStory (Hence my avatar on the forums is a character from the game), and the other project is a mobile platformer game that I was hoping to release for android.

    I have an easier time working on the PC project, as I can saturate my game with environmental stuff without taking performance hit. However, the best part in all honesty for this, is that it directly exports to .EXE.

    I enjoy making the mobile project, it's interesting to make code work efficiently, and I can understand working with limitations... I just dislike the idea of relying on a 3rd party service in order to get the desired results working fine on mobile. CocoonJS gives AMAZING performance, but (correct me if I'm wrong), it's got severe bugs as of now that crash the app, and to use the service, it's going to eventually cost a fee to use it's service. This could cause someone to think "Should I deploy it now whilst it's free, or wait for the bugs are fixed so the game doesn't crash?". I'm not complaining in terms of "HOW DARE THEY CHARGE MONIES, GAHHH", I can understand money is required to develop these things, but at the end of the day, the fact that Construct 2 DOES lean towards mobile development, it seems the most awkward and experimental export to work with.

    Don't get me wrong, C2 and CocoonJS are awesome, and I'm hugely appreciative to all the work put into it, I just wish something like CocoonJS was directly integrated into Construct 2, so we could have exports directly into .APK files or whatnot, without additional fees at any point.

    My mobile project is more of an experiment to see how the Android Market works. Being totally new to monetizing, I don't know of any good ways to monetize via PC. Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I look at steam, or ad revenue, ect, it all seems much more complicated compared to simply uploading on Google Play after paying one-time fee, and receiving 70% of profit.


    PC is easy, Mobile is finicky, how do i monetize on pc?

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7765312/745096_t.gif" border="0" />

  • what about if ashley was the main character, platformer, green and orange theme, he must finish the neverending todo list, every todo is a level

    I'm laughing way too much at this Hahaha

  • Cipriux Never knew this, thanks!

  • Yeah I have this sometimes XD makes me think twice when somethings greyed out.

  • Whiteclaws Wow that's awesome! I never understood how they worked but I assumed they were difficult. Still, awesome :P

  • Ashley , I realised that project files are actually fine to use now, I didn't look into them enough til now :P Are project files only loaded into memory when they are called ingame? Or are they always loaded just for being a project file?

    Also, I do the "Separate weapon object" method, but when having two weapons that I want to be different (Say I load image from URL for a sword on one "WeaponSprite", and an axe on another "WeaponSprite"), it would replace ALL the frames of all "WeaponSprite", which I can imagine is by design, but if that's the case, then I'm seriously trapped in my project D:

  • I'll check it out, never tried exporting :P

    EDIT: Ok, so the setup I have is that pressing a key will request the file with AJAX for the file "image1.png" with tag named "1".

    Upon load, it will set a Sprite to the correct frame and then load image from URL from AJAX.LastData

    Upon error, a sound will play to signify that it didn't load.

    I tried exporting as nodewebkit both times.

    On the first export, I had "image1.png" as a project file and exported. Opened the .EXE, pressed the key, and the frame would change to correct frame and no sound plays, BUT the sprites frame doesn't change.

    On the second export, I had no project files at all, but instead, I put "image1.png" in the directory of the .EXE. Same results as previous; no sound, animation changed, but no actual sprite change.

    I conclude: AJAX is detecting the files, but for some reason it's failing to load them to the sprites image.

    EDIT2.0: Oh wow I just realised, AJAX actually retrives the ACTUAL image, rather than it's directory, which the sprite doesn't do anything with since "Load from URL" would require a... URL... not actual image data. XD

    EDIT3: I realised project files aren't so bad after all; BUT I also discovered (also on another thread), that Load image from URL replaces ALL sprites image, not just the one specified. This is bad for my case :(

  • Yo,

    I've searched around and tried to figure this out but to no avail...

    So, when previewing on localhost, where exactly would I point to with AJAX to get to images on my harddisk? Which also asks, WHERE should I place my files to load them?

    It seems it's a good idea to load all images as "Project files", but in my game, I have LOTS of images, like 100's, possibly thousands (which is why I'm going to load them externally), so I don't think Project Files is a good way forward.

    Also, when using an image in project files as a test, I could call the file with AJAX, and then tried "Load sprite from URL" with AJAX.LastData, but it wouldn't change the frame.

    Any useful tips? :)

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  • There's the good old-fashioned workaround which people came up with in the Classic days: for one tick before changing layout, quickly bring up a loading screen. Then the previous layout is displaying "loading..." while the next layout loads up.

    This is what I do, works great :)

  • Being a Fraps user myself, I am aware that Fraps alters the framerate of the game to the framerate you specify. Try changing the FPS in Fraps to 60fps, though if you have a weak computer it may still drop below 60fps.

    Protip: If you're planning to upload this only to Youtube, Youtube makes all videos 30fps anyway, and as Construct 2 uses TimeDelta, you may as well ignore the fps change and record away at 30fps.