Jase00's Forum Posts

  • Awesome stuff, guys!

  • I remember having the same problem, buddy. I found out it was because I had clicked "Save" when I had no diskspace in C:/. It doesn't warn that it hasn't saved correctly or anything when I had low space remaining :( .

    I wonder if you had same problem with lack of diskspace?

  • Yeah the search is already there, it's just in the ribbon. If you're like me, you keep the ribbon hidden. You can fiddle around to get that search bar into the toolbar at the top-left so you don't need the ribbon visible. :P

    Can't remember who explained it on this forums, but whomever it was, thanks!

  • I needed this actually too :P

  • <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7765312/o9j55.jpg" border="0" />

  • > Why cant you promise multiplayer in the first place? If you're referring to online multiplayer, that's currently not possible with C2, and it won't suddenly be possible even if you raised $1000 or $5000 lol.


    Do i say that i wanted to make Multiplayer with C2 ? Nope i didn't and i don't wanna make every game with C2, actually i have already started programming the first game with XNA ;)

    You also didn't mention XNA, I made the assumption you'd use c2 because you're on c2 forums lol. But yeah I just hope you stick to your crowdfunding stuff and not "give up" when a bunch of people have pledged. Goodluck!

  • $1000

    Maybe I'm just uneducated, but isn't that a bit much to expect?

    ..most of them would be nice to make multiplayer, BUT for that i need the money, and i would also need the money for graphic.

    Why cant you promise multiplayer in the first place? If you're referring to online multiplayer, that's currently not possible with C2, and it won't suddenly be possible even if you raised $1000 or $5000 lol.

    he start will be with royality free art, as soon as i get just a little money i will use it on my own graphic, i already have a designer in my backhand, that have been using

    I don't understand this part very well. I'm gathering you have a graphics designer on your team and want to pay him, which is why you need money? Maybe inform your graphics designer that if the game does well in the future, he can get paid or something. At such an early stage, you can't expect any sort of profit. :P

    Upon seeing your screenshots, I dunno man. I agree with newt, MadFactory, and Sulli. You really need more to show to people if you expect to ask for money from them. Even when you have something great, people are still cautious about projects, just look at that boardgame thing: escapistmagazine.com/news/view/126293-Board-Game-Kickstarter-Canceled-Amidst-Claims-of-Malfeasance

    Takes notes from Sulli, judging from his post, he's got a good outlook and drive that you should consider thinking about!

    The part that ruins it all though, is the grammar and spelling. I mean, fair enough if you type one or two mistakes, but reading what you wrote was somewhat amusingly weird to read. :(

    Whilst this is a bit of a stretch, I wish you good luck!

  • I can confirm! I actually posted a bug report a while back:


  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run this capx with Debugger

    2. Let the two blocks land and notice they overlap.

    3. Use the "Save" function and then "Load" afterwards.

    4. They will now begin colliding with eachother!

    Observed result:

    The two objects begin colliding with eachother when they shouldn't after load.

    Expected result:

    They shouldn't collide :P

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64-bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • Hmm... Maybe I'm just completely missing the point but,

    "and dynamically change the properties of other such, properties according to layer parallax,"

    You'd just basically pretend that "VarParallax" IS "Layer.ParallaxX". Though I can tell you know what you're talking about so maybe I'm really missing the point lol.

    If it's the case of that you have like 100 layers with individual parallaxes or something, then yeah this method would be pretty crap since it would take a long time to create individual variables for each Layers' Parallax. :P

  • If you follow andreyin's idea, you can then retrieve the "varParallax" during the course of the game :P but yeah wouldn't hurt to have a "LayerParallax" expressions.

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  • Maybe we could have a pub crawl around England :D

  • I believe newts example would work, as long as the order is exactly followed. EXCEPT: the first action, make sure to Set the "DontPickMe" to 1 before calling the function.

  • thehen , That's an awesome explanation! Thanks for the enlightment :)

  • Here is a comforting gif for those who are feeling stressed.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7765312/1375732826607.gif" border="0" />