I'll check it out, never tried exporting :P
EDIT: Ok, so the setup I have is that pressing a key will request the file with AJAX for the file "image1.png" with tag named "1".
Upon load, it will set a Sprite to the correct frame and then load image from URL from AJAX.LastData
Upon error, a sound will play to signify that it didn't load.
I tried exporting as nodewebkit both times.
On the first export, I had "image1.png" as a project file and exported. Opened the .EXE, pressed the key, and the frame would change to correct frame and no sound plays, BUT the sprites frame doesn't change.
On the second export, I had no project files at all, but instead, I put "image1.png" in the directory of the .EXE. Same results as previous; no sound, animation changed, but no actual sprite change.
I conclude: AJAX is detecting the files, but for some reason it's failing to load them to the sprites image.
EDIT2.0: Oh wow I just realised, AJAX actually retrives the ACTUAL image, rather than it's directory, which the sprite doesn't do anything with since "Load from URL" would require a... URL... not actual image data. XD
EDIT3: I realised project files aren't so bad after all; BUT I also discovered (also on another thread), that Load image from URL replaces ALL sprites image, not just the one specified. This is bad for my case :(