Jase00's Forum Posts

  • Yann

    Hey thanks for the insightful post! I guess this post does seem a bit sloppy, I should have better presented videos/website with games to play rather than just a few random videos showing messy development. Your second point about learning a programming language is really encouraging; I always held off learning a language because of "fear of picking the wrong one", but I think Javascript could be a good route to go since it would benefit my usage of C2 as you've said (Though I find myself wanting to write WebGL effects a lot more than write Javascript plugins, I guess I could figure out both!)

    Again, thanks, very useful information!

  • Hi!

    Well I'm currently jobless and looking for a normal job, but I figured this was also worth a shot to try! It's my area of highest expertise and it would be a dream to be able to develop for a company or a team and get paid to do programming! I'm not exactly one to "sell myself", so all I can do is just be honest and show evidence for what I can!

    I am extremely confident with Construct 2. I use it practically everyday and have been using similar software recreationally for many years (Used to use KnP, TGF, MMF2, now I use C2 ). I know a lot about optimisation, I have a resilient attitude, and I feel confident (if I had a device to test with) that I would be able to create high-performance Android/Win/Mac/Linux games.

    I am not much of a marketer or business guy, I just like to develop the logic behind games. I feel that if I made a game and tried putting it out there on any market (Steam, Google Play, ect), I would fail to get anywhere or profit even in the slightest. I'm also not sure what to even expect in terms of payment or amount, I don't know what a good minimum is.

    I am not very skilled at creating art or music, but I know how to implement and utilise art/music into games very well. However, I do have understanding in effects, such as some lighting techniques, particles, ect.

    Finally, I have previous experience handling online multiplayer things. I used to use "MooClick" on MMF2 (which was weirdly designed), and only using 1 tutorial that existed, I managed to create a functioning "Sonic The Hedgehog" multiplayer game with Dead-Reckoning, and drop-in/drop-out functions. Construct 2 is approaching a release of the multiplayer plugin, which sounds like it has a LOT of great features that handle painful things for us. Given my previous multiplayer knowledge, I feel that I'd be able to implement this Multiplayer plugin very easily and efficiently.

    Here are some videos of my work:

    This is the first project I worked on when I first discovered Construct 2, "InsaneStory". It uses art/music from another existing game called "MapleStory", the project's goal was to be a clone of the original game but with tweaks to gameplay. I had to efficiently recreate the "Clothing System" from MapleStory, which I managed to do considerably well (I could have around 30 fully-clothed characters, which is around 20 sprites per character, onscreen before the FPS began to drop from 60fps).

    This is from my most recent project. I've begun trying to improve my own art skills, so the art in this video is all original. This particular video showcases how I've made some lighting techniques (albeit not perfect in this video ).

    This shows how I have created a very modular system in my project, allowing multiple characters to behave individually and have interchangeable control schemes, equipment, colours, stats (though I don't showcase that in this video).

    If I have piqued your interest at all, be sure to PM me!

  • I like the Crash Bandicoot 3 music you've chosen

  • Hmm well your example should be correct, obj3 should move 1 pixel down, and it is indeedly correct when I've recreated your example in a capx:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/776 ... /objz.capx

    Running this capx, you'll see the blue square (Obj3) with a 1pixel green line above it (Obj2), which means "If Obj3 is attached to Obj2, and you set the origin point of Obj2 to 0x1, then Obj3 gets moved down." Obj1 is directly behind Obj2 so you can't see Obj1 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    • Post link icon


  • I visit the forums daily! I usually mainly check out "Construct 2 General" and "Open Topic" daily, but I browse the other sections randomly. I've had lots of different threads I've wanted to post, but it's usually a small question that really doesn't feel like it needs its own thread. I occasionally post but only when I truly feel that my post will be of high value, so it's not often.

  • Must...win...flying monkey....

  • Alon , I can see myself using a "Screenshot entire layout" feature, would be useful for making things like generating Minimaps but yeah, I guess we'll have to make do for the time being!

    All hail Snipping Tool.

  • shinkan

    I've always seen that program and never thought to click it, and man am I glad you told me! Very useful, thanks!

  • Hey there Alon !

    A lot of suggestions appear on these forums, and I feel this suggestion is a bit niche and won't get much attention, but I think I can help you out!

    If you have the software Fraps, you can Record/Screenshot the Layout Editor. However, this does not work for the Event Sheet Editor

    And I actually have a tab open with the software that Kyatric mentioned (I've been to the same thread he's talking about

    Hope I was of slight use!

  • I've turned my head away from mobile development for now with C2.

    I started a brand new project to enter into the Tizen competition. It was a low-graphic platformer game split into somewhat small layouts with physics. I'm very confident with optimizing events and know which events would be more detrimental to performance and to order events and everything, but when I got round to discovering the Tizen emulators, I tested it out and found the FPS was at 10-15fps. I designed the game in mind to be low-quality and not have much media (not many sprites, ect) but I got a low FPS on a device that supports native HTML5. I think it may have been to do with the Physics objects so take what I've said with a grain of salt, but I'd only have less than 50 physics objects, not all would be active at once either. But yes, I never intended to do mobile games anyway, but after making a super simple game that didn't even look too pretty wasn't performing well on mobile, I've given up for mobile.

    However, Node-webkit is a godsend and this is what I primarily wanted to use C2 for in the first place! Whilst I'm aware people are asking for native mobile compilers, I think I speak for everyone when I say that Node-Webkit is literally perfect (aside from when Chromium ends up updating with really stupid things ¬.¬ ) and if C2 was to make Native exporters, then Win/Mac/Linux wouldn't need to have one (Unless ofcourse there was a massive performance boost somehow ).

    I've begun making a more detailed game with lots of WebGL effects and more physics objects and lots of customisable equipment for multiple characters that can be onscreen at the same time, and the game would run at 60fps on an old dual core with intergrated graphics (AS LONG AS THE GAME IS DESIGNED CORRECTLY, certain options need to be done, including setting the "Fullscreen Scaling" property in the project's settings to "Low Quality" and changing the canvas size + zoom in/out depending on if the player has chosen to have "Low Graphics" mode in the options menu. Without doing these extra things, the framerate would be 25fps or less. )

    But again, old laptops are getting playable speeds on a pretty, sprite-littered, WebGL-ridden game. C2 is phenomenally brilliant for Desktop games!

    The only bad thing about Desktop that I can think of at this moment, is the files that contain your exported game are far too easy to extract and I feel it needs at least some form of low-level encryption. I totally get that if someone wanted to extract protected files from a game, they'd find a way, therefore this doesn't really affect me, but I could see this becoming a problem in the future, allowing people to blatantly and easily spoil the game or spoil in-game secrets, especially since the filenames are named after the Sprites name in the editor (iirc).

    I'd see myself turning back to mobile if I see others are really happy with whatever exporter (XDK looks hopeful!)

  • Wow, thank you so much Animmaniac ! This is extremely helpful and has helped me understand a bit more about writing shaders

    I didn't expect that the effect is applied BEFORE rotations (as in, apply this shader, then change the sprite's angle, the shader rotates too, which is what I wanted ) , so that's awesome!

    There's only 1 problem with the shader (which I'm struggling to understand why it's happening), and that is that it's not affecting certain colours correctly (Black would crop correctly, white is still visible). I reckon I've probably mucked up with the brackets somehow in the entirety of the shader or something.

    Here's a copypasta of the entire shader code, just incase I've mucked up something simple:

    // Pixel shader input structure
    varying mediump vec2 vTex;
    uniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;
    uniform mediump float pixelWidth;
    uniform mediump float pixelHeight;
    uniform mediump float fL;
    uniform mediump float fR;
    uniform mediump float fT;
    uniform mediump float fB;
    uniform mediump float fA;
    void main(void)
    lowp vec4 front = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex);
    if( vTex.x<fL || vTex.x>1.0-fR || vTex.y<fT || vTex.y>1.0-fB )
    { front.a *= fA; }
    gl_FragColor = front;
    And here is a screenshot of the problem.
    I'll poke around with it but I'm not sure if it's not an obvious fix
  • AnD4D , With Arima's .capx, the collision check is getting called every 1 second, so I think the "Put collisions at top" thing wouldn't apply there as it's doing a collision check for 1 tick every second (whilst if you wanted to constantly detect whether something is overlapping or not, then collision cells would lessen the load for having 60 collision checks per tick)

  • digitalsoapbox , thanks! I haven't checked that out actually, I will give it a look! Though I still hope to figure out my situation, would be handy to gain some knowledge on Shader writing as well as this would directly fit what I need in my project at the moment

    Pode , Hey thanks for checking it out! But,...well, it's broken haha. I uploaded it fully knowing it's not working as expected, but it's an attempt nonetheless. If you enter any value into any of the parameters, it will not crop at all, it will just set the transparency to whatever Alpha value is set.

    If you set "Left" to 0, the sprite will just look normal.

    Set "Left" to 1 and the entire sprite will go to whatever Alpha is specified.

    Set "Left" to 0.09, and the outer edge of the sprite will turn into the Alpha specified.

    So in conclusion, it's broken...

    I figured doing the angle version of this shader would require Trig, and I think I know the math to do it, I just don't understand at all how to implement it in shader language at all I figured if I could get this "Left Right Top Bottom" version figured out, I would have a better chance at the Angle version.

    Thanks for response! I appreciate it greatly!

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  • Bumpity bump.

    Any sort of advice would be greatly appreciated! I have read the documentation supplied from Scirra but I'm having a hard time for something that sort of looks like it'd be extremely easy to figure out if one had prior knowledge about shader writing.