HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

  • Hi, so I'm curious - the Devs who tried the V2 Addon SDK - is it ok? What can it not do anymore? I used to make quite a few Addons for C2 and some I'd like to port. What are the limitations of V2 or should I rather stay on an older version of Construct and develop/port on V1? I've read it got dumbed down and restricted for some reason.

    I love expanding the engine with addons that I feel are generally just missing from C3 as a game engine like e.g. Dialogue System, Default Crafting System, NPC behavior, better JSON loaders etc., but now unsure to what extent it can be expanded compared to C2 and SDK1.


  • Hmm okay, then there's only heavy workarounds, like having a separate program that syncs with the C2, but then there's the possible problem of the files being used and it being unable to write to them.

    Guess I'll experiment some more over the time, thanks for all the info! :-]

  • Hey R0J0, thanks for the reply! I was actually learning plugin making by analyzing yours and Rex's plugins a while ago 😋

    I have tried spawning a new div directly in the editor, but it hasn't worked yet, either nothing happens or the editor crashes.

    So do you mean just using a separate HTML file and then opening that as a separate browser window? I managed to do that by placing an editor.html inside /files in the C2 project. I manage to open that in edittime as well as in runtime.

    If there's rly no way to internally spawn a new div, maybe I'd just wrap a Node app, launch it when necessary from editor plugins, then try to communicate via JS postMessage events to the Plugin, to bi-directionaly send data... Although in-editor would be much cooler, then I could expand C2 a bit, as I always wanted.

    I'll make feature request on git, maybe they miraculously say yes :'D

  • For example I'd like to make a plugin to edit JSON directly as an eventsheet window where it gets displayed or as a dialog that pops up, or as a sidebar etc. Since I already have plugins which read items etc. from JSON files.

    I like it for example that you can modify the interface in unity a bit more than in Construct. I am not sure of what is possible and what not when it comes to this in plugins.

    Any infos greatly appreciated and thank you in advance if anyone replies!

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    Oh I didn't know it was that bad when it comes to Steam and Mobile Stores. I don't understand then, why Scirra doesn't invest some time into it with a FEATURE FREEZE, since the engine's pretty solid at this point and integration's apparently lacking very much and needs work. And, it'd be another great selling point for Construct 3.

    Something like Facepunch Steamworks would be amazing :P If they can wrap the C++ into .Net, I'm sure Scirra with their skillset can do something similar, since there's even WebAssembly used internally inside C3.

    WebView is IMO relatively useless, since on some computers it doesn't run either when I give it to people. The couple megabytes it saves isn't that important in 2024, I'd rather have integrations, crossplatform ability and something that runs :'D

    For a software of this quality and amount of constant updates, bug fixes and backwards compatibility like projects from C2 still working in C3 etc. for 24eur is fair. The engine never causes any trouble like Unity/Unreal/Godot - it just freaking works.

    It's constantly being expanded with great features like recently getting runtime sprite loading, which can allow you to create stuff like game-modding relatively easily, scripting updates to handle limitations and use it where events would be annoying etc. To me C3 is for example much better and faster compared to Unity for 2D and definitely much easier. What some buddies of mine need 10 hours in Unity for, I need usually 1-2 hours in Construct to accomplish.

    And don't forget this amazing forum and community, there's nothing like it, where even Mods and Ashley are known to respond to complicated discussions... Plus, you can suggest features.

    If you're buying a game engine you're spending a lot of time on it anyway and you can buy it for the month when you think you'll want to work on some games.

  • Quite some things are not working for a good half a year now. As well as the Spriter Object in Construct. I have switched to animating my art with the timeline instead, eventhough Spriter is better, but it just doesn't work. Only the Spritesheet exports really work well unfortunately and that's just not a viable option due to the size.

  • Ah absolutely beautiful, just what I'm looking for, thank you again fedca! Reminds me a lot to doing it in Godot. C3 has come so far.


    1. Create Layout for Prefab (or use only one for all Prefabs)

    2. Insert Sprite into that Layout, give it a template name and attach hierarchy Sprites, Particles etc.

    3. Adjust properties, rotation etc.

    4. Create Object with used Template name wherever you want

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  • With Prefab System I mean something similar to Unity and other major engines. So that I can e.g. combine multiple particles, sprites etc., give them default properties, then create a Prefab called e.g. "Rocket" and instantiate it whenever I like.

    I haven't used C3 seriously in two years, so I'm curious if there might be something for that now. I also remember that in C3 there is no more need to place the object into the layout, but I can't find the source of that statement anymore...!?

    Template/Replica seems to fit the closest, but they have to be in the layout and it can't have multiple object types, like said Rocket? Am I wrong? Any good approaches to this?

    Thank you kindly for any reply in advance!


  • Ah so cool and definitely useful... :D Thank you very much Dop!!

  • Thanks for the reply dop2000! "Wait for previous action" doesn't seem to make a difference there. But, I do get a runtime error which seems to go on forever after the button click.

    I'm correctly passing it binary data. Especially since directly reading it wouldn't work in C3 anymore as this post suggests

    To quote Ashley:

    Sprite's 'Load image' action takes a URL, not a file path. They're not the same thing. You probably should use the NW.js object to read the file in to a Binary Data object, then load the Binary Data object's URL instead.

    And it does work when simply running a project in development, but doesn't when exported via NWjs.


    I debugged some more and when I use a different binarydata object for loading the image, it fails. Kind of confused at this point now.

  • Hello, I am creating a little mod-creator for my game. I upload an image and load it into a sprite.

    Then with the button I can load the saved image again later. This all works as shown in the GIF, but it doesn't work when the game is exported. Does anyone know why that could be?

    Showcase GIF:

    Screenshot of project:

    Project file:

    Any help is much appreciated!


  • Yes. Just change the animation before "Load image into sprite" to which you want to set the uploaded image. The uploaded image stays in the animation, then you can normally switch between animations...

    Image of project:

    Project file:


    You can't upload to a specific frame, it always uploads to first frame of Animation AFAIK.