Anyone found a way to add custom Interfaces in the plugins via sdk?

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Forget about default textbox restrictions, you can create sprites atop of the textbox
  • For example I'd like to make a plugin to edit JSON directly as an eventsheet window where it gets displayed or as a dialog that pops up, or as a sidebar etc. Since I already have plugins which read items etc. from JSON files.

    I like it for example that you can modify the interface in unity a bit more than in Construct. I am not sure of what is possible and what not when it comes to this in plugins.

    Any infos greatly appreciated and thank you in advance if anyone replies!

  • Best you can do is to open a pop up windows with a link. Basically create a div covering the entire screen and making your own interface there.

    There is no documented sdk feature to make something more integrated into the c3 editor.

    Officially they are opposed to bypassing the sdk to access undocumented internals. So probably you could make a feature request to add to the sdk.

  • Hey R0J0, thanks for the reply! I was actually learning plugin making by analyzing yours and Rex's plugins a while ago 😋

    I have tried spawning a new div directly in the editor, but it hasn't worked yet, either nothing happens or the editor crashes.

    So do you mean just using a separate HTML file and then opening that as a separate browser window? I managed to do that by placing an editor.html inside /files in the C2 project. I manage to open that in edittime as well as in runtime.

    If there's rly no way to internally spawn a new div, maybe I'd just wrap a Node app, launch it when necessary from editor plugins, then try to communicate via JS postMessage events to the Plugin, to bi-directionaly send data... Although in-editor would be much cooler, then I could expand C2 a bit, as I always wanted.

    I'll make feature request on git, maybe they miraculously say yes :'D

  • Apologies, I missed that this was a question for c2 plugins. There is no way to make custom interfaces in the editor with that, and they aren’t working on c2 anymore so there’s no possibility of doing that in the future.

    You could make a separate program that modifies capx files, but you’d have to close the project in c2 first so that workflow isn’t ideal.

    Another idea is to have an editor at runtime. You could do whatever you want there. probably pause the game, and draw your editor on a div on top of the game canvas. The only annoyance there is to get the changes back into your capx you’d need to either have it download a file that you’d need to manually reload into your project or maybe copy a text of the data and manually paste that into c2 somewhere.

    Either isn’t super useful.

    In c3 like I said you could create a div, add it to the body, set its position to absolute and make it cover the screen, and set its z index to be higher than 10000 or so so other editor elements aren’t clickable through it.

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  • Hmm okay, then there's only heavy workarounds, like having a separate program that syncs with the C2, but then there's the possible problem of the files being used and it being unable to write to them.

    Guess I'll experiment some more over the time, thanks for all the info! :-]

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