Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • On mobile when switching between scenes I sometimes see what looks like black borders running all along the left and top of my display on mobile. These appear for about half a second or so before disappearing.

    At the same time my artwork seems to disappear and then re-appear when the borders vanish.

    This is on the remote preview. I havent tested with a full build.


  • SOLVED. The object with the fade behavior was set to global. Removing that seemed to fix the issue.

  • The fade behavior seems to works fine for the most part, but when I use it on a 'Start Of Layout' event which calls a function it works fine the first time (a second delay before fading out) but when I return to this layout later in the game the fade seems to ignore the delay and just fades immediately.

    Its strange because its the same piece of code wrapped inside a function.

    Any ideas? Thanks

    // for some reason when coming back to the main scene this function runs but ignores the wait time

    * On function 'Fade_Out_Load_Screen'

    * Parameter 'delay' (Number)

    -> Browser: Log in console: "Calling Fade OUT"

    -> Browser: Log in console: "FADE OUT SECONDS: "&delay

    -> Full_Screen_Loader_BG: Fade: set wait time to delay

    -> Full_Screen_Loader_BG: Fade: set fade-in time to 0

    -> Full_Screen_Loader_BG: Fade: set fade-out time to Load_Screen_Fade_Speed

    -> Full_Screen_Loader_BG: Fade: start fade

    Note that the "FADE OUT SECONDS: "&delay prints correctly 3 seconds even though the fade happens immediately.

  • Hi, the 'Set Visible' action on SVGs seems very slow during runtime.

    I tried it on a large SVG and it looks like its re-rasterizing it every time.

    Is that right, or is supposed to be done just the first time it ever gets displayed.


  • I get the following crash at during gameplay only on PC (works fine on mobile) and only when Im using Unlimited(ticks only) framerate mode. I'm pretty sure the error occurs when the game is just about to save data but as yet its unclear.

    query.js:8 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'EndTimeElapsed')

    Switching to Framerate Mode/Vsync fixes everything, but then again my framerate throughout the game suffers dramatically on mobile if I use this mode.

    The PC fps is reading 9000 fps plus...Maybe its going too fast?!?

    Any guidance gratefully received. Thanks

  • BTW, is there a shortcut key for Remote Preview?


  • Am I right in saying I need to hit F5 before I hit 'Reload All'? I get a message that says 'Remote Project updated' when I do this.

    If so that's great, but maybe this F5 command should just be included automatically in the Reload All command.

  • Hi, I noticed that the 'Reload All' option in the remote preview doesn't actually update and changes I've made in code directly to the device (even if I save the project first). This means the only way to see updates again is to rescan the QR code every time which is a bit cumbersome.

    Is this a bug? Not sure that 'Reload all' is very useful if it doesn't actually reload everything.

    v285.3 stable


  • SOLVED: I installed Firefox on the device and set that to be the default browser. Works fine now. Presumably then its an issue with Chrome 93.0.4577.62


  • I bought a new Galaxy A7 lite specifically for testing and after a few seconds the remote preview just says 'Disconnected' on every project (I tried lots of example projects). The remote preview seems to work fine on other devices with the same projects.

    Could it be a setting on the device itself or in the devices browser(chrome)?

    Also, the version of chrome on the device itself is 93.0.4577.62 which seems quite old but Google Play doesn't let me update it and the tablet wont let me uninstall it. Presumably its some kind of bundleware they don't want me to have control over.

  • You mean; use 3D for everything, or just for some objects? I'd ideally like to see some test results on mobile with animated models if anything exists.

  • Hi, I'm interested in using the external 3D plugin ( as I want to add some simple 3d animated characters to my game, but I would like to know if anyone has already done some tests on mobile to see what kind of performance we can expect?

    Obviously poly counts, devices etc are all variable, but to get a rough idea would be good on say a pretty standard mobile device with a simple 3d environment and a few animated low poly characters.

    I'd also like to know if the Scirra team are planning to add animated meshes in the future; and if so, should I wait for an official plugin rather than this one? Is there a roadmap for improvements to 3D?


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  • Er so 3D then? I was hoping someone that actually knew the answer would reply, but thanks for taking the time to get involved. Have a nice day too. 🙂

  • I think the monetization already seems very good and easy to implement. I have no issues with it on mobile. Maybe C3 is missing a Paypal option for web builds but that's a problem for all webGL engines at the moment it seems.

    Regardless of priorities, I'd still love to see more 3D :)

  • Hi, now you've given us a taster of 3D in C3, I was wondering if there are any plans for the following:

    -Fbx/Obj import

    -Fbx Animation

    -Camera Control

    -Lighting Control

    I'm not asking for some full blown 3d PBR hyper-realistic 3D (Unity, Unreal etc) but if we could create simple 3D games with the C3 toolset/workflow it would be truly ground-breaking (Clearly blowing Buildbox out the water completely..which is super limited I might add)

    Anyway, if there are no plans to add to the 3D features, even though the current feature is 'interesting to play with' it's just not enough and I hate you for teasing me with this. :)

    Please let there be plans, oh please...
