Gillis's Forum Posts

  • Had some time to burn so I put this together if you're still interested - ... r.c3p?dl=0

    Load a csv or json file from local drive to import into a C3 array, and you can export again to json or csv.

    Basically does what rex's plugin does, without needing the plugin.

    It only works with 2 dimensional arrays though.

    This saved the day in a big way!!! Thanks

  • You should use instance variables for each zombie. You can set several sets of coordinates to create 'instance unique' pathing. Couple that with instance style behavior modifiers and you can get cool swarm effets. Not everything is fitting in the image but this will give you the clue you need.

    Here is a high level Heuristic:

    • Create 3 sets of XY Coord pairs (Instance variables) for zombies.
    • Create Instance variable for Mode.
    • Check distance to player to toggle mode.
    • If patrol mode Every X amount of second set 3 random locations nearby the and loop through them as goals to create a patrol effect.

    White Larva "Plaguecyst" are using instance specific patrols and distance measuring similar to what you are thinking.

    If you want your random patrol points to be in a circle you can limit their spawn location by using Pi:

    Similar to this:

    x = (cos(step*3.14159*2))*44+ Sprite2.x

    y = (sin(step*3.14159*2))*44 + Sprite2.y

  • In C3's Json "Array" editor how do I enable more than 1000 rows? I specifically need 7001 to modify mission sets. Could I maybe request a feature? Since the json is 0 based and the line limit is not slicing up the file into 7 is not feasible either. Meaning with the desired headings I'm only getting 999 rows per JSON... That makes things difficult. At the very least I am hoping to bump the limit to 1001?

    I have submitted the following feature request but perhaps there is workaround so I wanted to ask.

    C3-I-767 <-

  • Made some progress on procedural item shops tonight. Armor first, then weapons, and finally I will add the clerk.

  • > Added 32 Weapons (3 types),32 armors, 40+ heads/helmets. water pumps, repairable turrets,destroyable terrain, persistence between zones, herringbone and perlin noise blend of modularity, endless levels tested out to 70000 so far, creeping alien growth, portals, earth-day events. more to come. Procedural item shops coming soon.

    damn that sounds good, but are the 70k levels procedural generated? or are you reusing a surtain amount of levels?

    amazing stats progress :D

    Its all procedural. I am using a blend of Herringbone Wang with "Advanced Random"(<- C3 feature) Perlin noise.

    Since I generate levels realtime in order to reach infinite.... the trade off is you have to find some non standard way to store changes, but a dictionary or array works nicely.

    More info on Herringbone

    *EDIT* Thanks a lot by the way!!

  • Added 32 Weapons (3 types),32 armors, 40+ heads/helmets. water pumps, repairable turrets,destroyable terrain, persistence between zones, herringbone and perlin noise blend of modularity, endless levels tested out to 70000 so far, creeping alien growth, portals, earth-day events. more to come. Procedural item shops coming soon.

  • Making some progress on procedural weapons today. (Sorry its so zoomed)

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  • In the project tree right click Files -> New -> JSON

    Once its added as a file to your project you should just be able to double click the file in Construct 3 editor and edit it there in a spreadsheet view.

  • R0J0,

    Here is my recent BulletML style attempt. The main difference is it gives you a circle perimeter around an object to bloom from. Hope you like it :) This would be cool with your dual 4x pop

    Sharing if anyone else needs this. Thanks for getting me on the right path R0J0

  • OK.I got it to work.

    Sharing if anyone else needs this. Thanks for getting me on the right path R0J0

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  • amazing. This gives me some ideas.

  • Thanks. Also found some clues on stack today:

    Something like this...

    Create object with bullet behavior measuring angle back to origin The below algorithm creates an object at some random point along the diameter (measuring from the radius)... I just need the think of a way to space them evenly now.. I think I couple with Sine and bingo.

    x = cos(random(0,1)*(3.14159)*2)*radius

    y = sin(random(0,1)*(3.14159)*2)*radius

    *Edit* perhaps I take the original random spot and then divide the number of desired evenly spaced bullets but 360 and loop on that... Let me give it a try.

  • Actually "Wait for Signal" might be pretty close to what the op was thinking of.

    I think so too

  • Lately I have been trying to get organized in my code. For my procedural level generation I am bundling environment generation into functions to keep things tidy and ensure they create in a very controlled way. One Function finishes (inline) and at the end calls the next Function and so on. If a certain biome is dry for instance, I skip the create water function.

    I find myself using these functions more and more to control event flow.

    • Signal
    • Function
    • triggering off of a global variable change
    • occasionally counting ticks
  • BulletML? Bullet Hell Pattern Generation?

    Goal of thread - identify different ways to make pleasing bullets 'blooming' out from a single coordinate or 'turret' perimeter.

    I have been successful in the following heuristic:

    • Set turret on random spin rate.
    • Set rate of fire to random interval
    • set upper and lower limits that are pleasing.

    I was just wondering what types of algorithms/heuristic methods people use to make pleasing and realistic bullet hell patterns? Is there an easier way?... similar to BulletML in Unity?

    What I am working on is procedural so I am nervous that certain bosses are going to create patterns that are essentially impossibilities.

    Has anyone achieved the same type thing with Sine or Waves?