gaboduarte's Forum Posts

  • Downloading at work...

  • I haven't been around in a while because I am temporarily using a Mac (I moved to Argentina...), but it's very good to have a new build! Keep up the good work! I hope I can work with Construct again soon!!!

  • Could you be more specific?

    Are you trying to make the mouse click, or do you want something to happen at the mouse location? I think a simulation of the mouse click would be a better choice - I mean, a mouse click is something the user will perform (A character jumping is different than a player pressing the "jump" key )

  • Yeah, you can do this easily using the Function object!

    Use the "Call Function After X ms".

    Function object rocks!

  • I made a level editor once, for a game project that has been halted for a bit...

    The editor saves a 8 x 10 level made from a tile set.

    The interface is very crappy, there's no feedback

    It basically stores different types of rooms, so you design the room by clicking the tiles and dragging the level. Then, you type the number of the room you want to save and press "save"... You can repeat this to every other room. When you want to save your levels, you just have to press "Publish" - it will save a text file on the same folder of your .cap. To load the levels again, restart the level and press open. Then, type the numbers you want to load and press "load".

    Well, since this was a prototype, I wasn't trying to make it functional yet. But the whole saving/loading works very well!

    If you need any additional advice, keep on asking! I don't know how familiar you are with Construct, but these events should be hard to understand.


    Oops I forgot about the scrolling thing.

    The System events have a "Scroll to X" and "Scroll to Y", and you have the ScrollX and ScrollY values too. So you can easily do a:

    * "X" key is down ---> System: Scroll to X - ScrollX + 10


  • Hmmmm I don't know if this is a good idea...

    I mean, if we had a "New Game Wizard" with some guided questions, including a dialog like this would be useful... But having only this question seems a bit off...

  • Object: FUNCTION OBJECT, hands down... This has quickly become a must-have for me. My first actions when beggining a new .cap is adding Mouse/Keyboard and Function now.

    Behavior: PLATFORM! Can't go wrong with that, but the Custom Movement is awesome for different stuff.

    Effect: WARP! I'm using it in a very subtle way, and the results are great!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I enjoy twitter because I'm always receiving news on game design websites and designers I follow. I also post a lot of cool links, useful information, and WIPs of my projects.

    Overall I think it is a very useful tool for grabbing information, and a nice way to spread word about your works on the web.

  • Oooooh yes I do!

  • I just formatted my PC, and I was using 99.83 previously. How's this version, guys? Pretty stable too? Any steps back from the previous version?

  • I agree that the shortcut could be better... One of the F* keys would be great.

    However, you can also use ALT + 2 (tap alt, release it, THEN press 2). I find it better to use because it only uses one hand!

  • Count me in!

  • Huuuuuuuge time reversing bump!

    Wow, I never thought about the date on his post...

  • Great replies! Thanks guys!

    I was always concerned about this...

  • Hey everyone

    I'm making a new game that's using lots of functions, and I usually need to tie them together.

    David showed me the "Call function after delay", a nice workaround for Construct's way of computing things (I don't remember his explanation, but this is irrelevant to my question anyway ).

    Anyway, I wanted this delay to be as quick as possible, but I'm afraid to use a very small value (like 1ms, for example) and have the risk of skipping the next function... So, is this possible to happen? What would be a minimum safe value for this delay?