fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • I might be wrong on this, but I do not think they have any updated manual for their new GooglePlay Plugin. (Their old plugin was web based, and I think their manual still relates to the old deprecated plugin. The new plugin is native android)

  • I am not sure the functionality works for local preview, even if linked to web app.

    try to just link to android app. and test it within the real app.

    just to be sure, you have created a leaderbord correctly and linked it? with a correct numerical format

  • Can someone tell me how to fix this?

    No, not without any information.

    This is a issue with your Google setup, and I believe it is easier for you to get help on a google forum. The events in Construct is not that hard.

    If you want help, try to provide a full description of your events and the setup for your app in google console, and your game in Google Play.

    Then possible someone can help out.

    Also post stuff like this in the How do i section.

  • I don't understand what the issue is?

    100% = 1

    275% = 2,75

  • fredriksthlm

    So C3 will be able to use any keystore file. When you do a build via the build service it will ask you for a keystore file along with it's alias/key password/store password. We're avoiding storing the keystore itself within the editor. The hope being it will encourage users to put the file somewhere safe/secure and not just leave it in C3, trusting it will always be there. So no "import" is required.

    If you want to the editor will also be able to generate new keystores for you. One limitation is that you will not be able to sign an existing APK, it will only work with builds.


    Sounds really nice! Really good solution!

    Just a side note, I think it would be good to write a manual of the few steps in Google developer, what is needed to set up to get the plugin to work, with leaderboards and stuff. Even if Google console is not really your product.

    Currently many people are writing threads stating errors and bugs here and there, but I guess it is only because they do not know how to set it up in google console.

    (same goes for Facebook plugin..)

    For me all plugins seems perfect and works fine. (I am just waiting for a Audience Network plugin, then I am all happy!)

  • Bootfit you can sign APK files without android studio using either the apksigner or jarsigner command line tools. Android studio basically just wraps those tools to streamline the process. I believe there's more than one way to generate a signing certificate but the main one is using the command line tool keytool. I'm actually in the process of adding APK signing and keystore generation to C3, although it will only work with the build service not Phonegap Build. Although I believe Phonegap build might offer a service to sign your APK for you? It could be on one of the paid tiers though.

    Incidentally you don't need a signing certificate to register as an Android developer, and unsigned debug APKs can be installed onto a phone without being a registered developer.

    Hi, thanks for some nice info! This sounds really good!

    I have previously used both XDK and Cocoon for apk creation, and I have a keystore file which I used for both. When you have integrated the signing feature into C3, will it be possible to import an existing keystore file for the signing?

  • I am not sure if cocoon even has any plugin for C3.

    But if you just want to share via facebook, you do not need all those permissions you talk about. you do not even need any login.

    I think the built in C3 plugin works fine. But you will need to set it up for Web in FB, not as android. You cannot ask for all those permissions either since you will need approval from facebook nowadays for any more permissions than public_profile... And I believe ALL fb reviews are closed down atm.

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  • Hi fredriksthlm

    You are saying that i cant click an object ( with actions promp wall post,or pusblish link or log in to share my app) inside my game in android??

    No, I didn't say that.

    I just said the plugin is for web. it is not an android native plugin.

  • Facebook has its own ad system called Audience network, which you will add to your facebook Instant Game, via their API.

  • 1. When you say you have applied a hash key, it sounds like you have configured your app in FB to a Android app. The C3 plugin is for web usuage, not native android.

    Try to create the FB app as a web app instead.

    2. Currently FB is reviewing/rebuilding their platform, and I am not sure they let new apps into the Login functionality (with all those permissions) without searching approval. And I do not think they let anyone in atm.

    Try to just create a new project in C3, and only try the Facebook log in-log out functionality, with minimum of permissions. after you get it to work, try to implement it into your (google) app.

  • Yep, looks like we'll be waiting for a while to get reviews/approved/rejected.

    In the meantime, does anybody know how to let others test your instant game while it is In Review status? or In Development? I've tried sharing with others, but they get "Game Not Available".

    PS- kudos to the Construct crew Ashley for creating this plugin with all the fun features like Leaderboard and Ads... I got everything working with my game with the help of others in the forum, now I just need to get it approved

    Go into your app via app dashboard.

    Go to Roles, in that tab you can add administrators, developers but also test users. You can add your facebook friends, but also none friends.

  • Hi. I'm trying to display user's avatar in my FB instant game. Does anyone has experience with that? I've already added the Facebook plugin with appID and app secret. I tried to use it to log in then get user's avatar but it seems not work. Btw, I don't know if we need to log in when we already play instant game on our messages.

    You are not allowed to use Facebook API in an Instant Game. No other API at all are allowed for fetching user data.

    So you should not use the FB plugin at all.

    (You should fetch the player photo via Instant Games plugin instead)

  • 1. your ad setup needs to bee reviewed and verified OK. (this needs to be done! even if you can see your ads. You have to write a description to their team how to see the ad, and they will play your game to verify you use the ads in a good way. Then you can see if you are approved)

    2. your actual game needs to be reviewed and released.

    then you will need some (a lot!) of impressions/clicks, but you should start to see some revenue..

    You can see your statistics in the Monetization Manager.

    How you will receive any funds depends how you have set up your payment information.

  • I agree with you, looks odd. Should work with same index as name, score and rank..

  • I don't think these requirements will affect Construct, it should already be compliant.

    I would guess this is part of the fallout of the whole Cambridge Analytica scandal that's been in the news lately. Facebook are getting excoriated over that so I would guess they are putting everything on hold to review how everything is handled. I would guess once they have figured out what they're going to do about it then they'll reopen submissions.

    Thanks for input!

    Good that the calls from C3-plugin are compliant.

    When reading and talking to other devs some seem to have serious issues right now, lots of calls stopped working suddenly.

    Also monetization is closed down for some countries now. (mainly none western countries)