fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • add an inverted downkey condition to the rightkey and leftkey events. so these events only can be active if the downkey is not pushed.

    hope I understood you issue correctly. :)

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  • HaHa! I remember SkiFree on Windows 3.1, 30 years ago! :D

    I found it, it is playable here, onloine, via DosBox

  • There is Preview Layout and Preview Project. Press the later to start on the start layout, instead of the present layout.

  • Today I cleared my cache and restarted C3. It started in Swedish. Is this translation live?

    In the console I got over 2000 warnings for missing translations. And the translations that exists are just terrible..

  • Hi,

    I've been using the Mobile Advert plugin for years and it's always worked out fine. Now I am investigating the user consents for my users and I'm experienceing some stuff that raised two questions for me.

    1. It seems the Scirra plugin uses deprecated/legacy user consent, which "should" be avoided I guess(?). I do not know which date it's actually is closed down though. Any comments or status of this? Do you all think it's "safe" to use this

    Scirra Mobile Advert plugin uses this:

    Now Google recommend:

    (The change will be of a "breaking change" type, if you use consent status expressions at least!)

    2. Even with the actual plugin consent (SDK) I experience a minor issue. If the user haven't made a consent the status should be "NON_PERSONALIZED" according to Google SDK and also C3 manual. But I only get "NON" as the status? Is this a bug?

  • Thanks, now it works fine in 227.2

  • If you have saved your project in 227 you cannot open it in 225. You can only open a project in the same, or higher versions.

  • For users

    If you are using a third-party addon that is broken in modules mode, you can temporarily work around the problem by changing the Scripts type property (in the Advanced section of Project Properties) back to Classic. However this option is deprecated and will be removed in a few months, so you should contact the addon developer and ask them to make a small, quick update according to the information below.

    Maybe I misunderstood this. I cannot find this setting (in the Advanced section of Project Properties), not in existing projects or in new ones. So for me I cannot use 226 or 227. Still only 225.

  • Since the latest beta, 226, I cannot get any export to work. APK just gives me black screen. Also the preview in construct gives me black screen( with errors for my third party plugins in the console).

    In 225 everything worked perfectly fine.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

  • i use photon for multiplayer, always works perfectly.

    But if you don't pay anything at all, then you can't really complain about missing features and limitations.

  • If you are about to create online multiplayer games I would advice you to actually buy the licence..

  • Hi,fredriksthlm I converted many plugins and they all had "minifier" support

    construct 3 now uses a different minifier compiler

    I have to rearrange all the plugins from scratch, and it can take a lot of time, I don't know

    Yepp, I've used it a lot. It just stopped working (to minify), when they changed the minifier thingy as you say. I understand it's a lot of work to fix them all :(

    But if you ever plan to do it, then Litetween would be highly apprecieted to get!

  • you could place the wait before the sound and increase the wait time with one second every loop (use loopindex).

  • Wow, yes! Exactly!

    I managed to set it up in excel. Worked Perfectly!

    Now I must see how I can write this in C3...

  • Here is a math function I really want to have a nice formula for :)

    I tried in excel, but didn't find one that got a nice curve.

    I have a game where you have 2minutes to play. if you are fast it will give you a time bonus. max bonus is 1000. lowest is zero.

    If you have more than 80seconds left, you will get the full bonus. if you have less than 30sec you get zero. between those values, the "time bonus" will be based on your remaining time.

    The time is stored in a global variable, starting at 120.

    See my illustration :D

    Any one that can help out with a formula to calc this, just approximate?