farfetchd83's Forum Posts

  • hey Ashley i just want to add here that if I use C3 like the below setting, straight in the browser (chrome) that editor frozen issue happens frequently:

    BUT ! If I use C3 like below, opening C3 in that buttom, and have an exclusive window, the problem does not happen!

    I've been now only using it this way an haven't got the frozen issue!

  • thanks

    "After you've shown an interstitial/rewarded ad, you can't show it again. (Well, maybe you can, I haven't tried it, but it's pointless to replay the same ad.) So you need to create (load) a new ad."

    I have tried it, I create just one interstitial and show it more than once, and admob changes/update the ad automatically, it doesn't necessarily show the same ad over an over... indeed it repeates some times, but it does change ad automatically without having to create a new one...

    Also creating a brand new ad every time one was shown makes no sense as it makes the game lag... I hope it doent have to be like that... Seems to be working for me.

    What I learned from here is that I should choose just one Banner Advert, and not try to create 2 different ones... I had a layout with more space and created a bigger ad, and when playing a level I wanted to show the "smart size" banner, but things got messed up..

    I think we could use some more information in the C3 documentation about using AdMob plugin... An example project for demonstration would also be very helpful.

    I'll tag Ashley just for the record. Hi!

  • This is straight out of C3 Documentation:

    Is Interstitial Loaded

    True if a interstitial advert is ready to be shown.

    On Interstitial Ready

    Triggers when a interstitial advert has loaded.

    Why not making things simple as:

    Is Interstitial Loaded

    Triggers when a interstitial advert has loaded.

    On Interstitial Ready

    True if a interstitial advert is ready to be shown.


  • "Also, all those "Load layout images" actions in your screenshot are useless. Images are not kept in memory, Construct clears images from RAM when you move to another layout."

    - Ouch, really? So whats the point of those? When one should use it?? I thought it would pre-load sprites so it would be ready to use when that layout shows up... Jeez...

    Man, I believe if you create an Interstitial/Video just once, you can use the "if ready = show ad" many times... I believe "when video ad completed" means that the video was shown/completed to the user, isnt it?

    Otherwise you could use the ad just once, and then having to create another after that one was shown? I hope that is not the proper way to do it...

    Thanks for your support

  • by the way, as you can see in the loading event sheet, I am going to try to show an interstitial ad right after the loading layout is finished, since I read this is one of the best ways to increase revenue and this is called a "splash screen interstitial"

  • thanks dop2000

    Do you think the below sheet is OK for loading the ads on the first layout? it is a loading screen that lasts no more than 7-8 sec. Since a video / interstitial ad can take 10 or more seconds to cache, is it safe to leave the loading layout before the ad is fully loaded?

    Should I maybe use some "trigger once" action?

    Also, is there a way I can use C3 to check if the user is connect to the internet, and if it is not then no need to create the ad?

    And what do you mean by " And after showing the advert, you need to create it again." I should create a new ad after showing it? I dont think that is right... Maybe I just got it wrong...

    I had actually a better ad show rate when I was creating the ads over and over again on start of layout... This causes the game to lag but shows more ads properly... Now I want to create and load just once, and make sure I can use "if ad ready = show ad" just to show when I need it. After this, match and show rate decreased...

    AdMob is not very transparent so I cannot confirm if my account is going under some kind of penalty or not, I didnt receive any emails or notifications, but I noticed a big decrease in revenue and show/match rate impressions after trying to simplifying the ads actions...

  • I mean "if banner not loaded" since it is not possible to invert "on banner ready"

  • Thank you

    Is it "safe" to Invert the "is loaded" for example:

    on start of layout

    if banner ad is not loaded

    create banner ad

    so I should create just one banner per app/game? that applies for the other ads too?

  • Hi... Should I use the "create advert" just once, in some event sheet, and then use "when loaded / when ready" to show the ad? Or should I use "create ad" in each layout of the game?

    Also, if the layout/event sheet is closed/changed too fast, before the ad is finished creating, will it keep loading/creating in the background or if it doesn't fully load in the same event sheet it wont load anymore?

    I am having trouble showing banner ads... they dont show most of the times. There is a level in the game where I create one specific ad for that level only, and for the other layouts I use the "smart size banner"... But sometimes that different banner shows where it should not...

    Can I find an example of setting ads correctly in the event sheet?

    Whats the difference of using the events "When ad ready / When ad is loaded"? Isnt it the same?

    I miss the option of in an specific layout choosing to the show the kind of banner I want, there is only one option currently: Show Banner Advert... But why cant I choose to "show smart-size banner advert", or choose the position I want to show the banner in each level?

    Also Why cant I choose to show an ad by calling its id? I Can only create the ad and specify the id once, but if I'm using more than one ad id, how can I choose to show the one I want??


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  • pirx Fib thanks for adding information, hope we build enough "clues" so Ashley and the team can fix it soon.

    This is a bug that cannot be reproduced by following steps. Happens to me regularly, 4 out of 10 times.

    Call the priest.

  • Thanks for confirming the bug DiegoM

    Maybe try creating a rotating and/or sine particle with a big "rate". I'm trying to rotate a sprite with a rate of "500" and maybe thats too much for C3 ? It's "one shoot" instead of continuous, which should be easier for the GPU to handle.

    I'll try creating a new project just to test it.

  • Hi DiegoM I tried to preview the layout with the behaviors but they dont seem to be working... Particles are no rotating and trying to use Sine also wont do anything...

  • So apparently its not possible to add behaviors like rotate and sine to particles? Because its not working at all...

    It is possible to add behavior but they dont do anything? Is that it?

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