EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • dop2000 Thanks. In hindsight I could've thought of it myself, but the learning is the most important thing.

    One thing though; I am not able to specifically test a boolean to false. There's only 'Is boolean instance variable set' and if I use that then it doesn't work. When I use a instance variable number (0 and 1), it does work. Was there something I'm missing? It's value box wasn't ticked so it should be initially false.

    mikehive That could work, but not if you had for example different enemies shooting at eachother with different hit power. Turret 1 does 30 damage to enemy, where enemy health = 100. At one point it will be -20 and the event won't run correctly because it was never exactly at 0.

  • Hiya,

    Yes I tried removing the trigger once, but then of course it'll repeat the actions forever, especially the audio and that's not desirable. I tried adding;

    For each Enemy

    Enemy Health =< 0


    However then the audio loops forever in a really unpleasant way.

    dop2000 You're right! The only way I managed to 'solve' it was to destroy the enemy once Health is =<, but that causes its own issues for example you can't keep it's state for a 'corpse' frame on the position where it died.

    Well I guess I learned something new, but how else would I approach this? I'd prefer to keep using the Health 'system' as it's a much easier way to calculate/subtract hitpoints. But I'd love to hear how it's normally done?

    I've used it a lot like this because I don't know of any other way to force an event to trigger only once per enemy. What's the alternative?

  • Hiya,

    I'm using 3D objects as enemies. What I use is this:

    I'm not sure if I'm overlooking something simple but it's driving me crazy.

    Whenever I kill the first enemy, everything's working as expected. However, whenever I shoot the second enemy, which is a copy-paste (again, it's a 3D object) of the first enemy, it just won't execute the code at line 12.

    In the debug preview, the health of the second enemy just goes more into the minus every time it's hit by 50.

    Is it the trigger once that's causing it? I used to think putting it as a subevent would trigger it only once for that event, instead of 'forever'.


  • Thanks for your reply.

    I wonder why they don't fix it? They have all that money and resources! Such a shame, Chrome is by far the most popular browser.

    Anyway that's a good suggestion; I will try to make my audio effects as short as possible.

    I'm not really experienced with audio in C3, or in general. I am able to make basic changes to files though in an audio program.

    Had to Google the 0dBFS thing, still don't quite understand it, but I'm guessing it's about a maximum 'allowable' pitch in sound?

    Does Mozilla Firefox have any issues with audio that you know of? I think that I'll just go ahead and test my games with that browser from now on. We need a reliable benchmark!

  • So I added sound effects to the 'Sounds' folder. Each time an object is spawned in my game, and that can happen up to every 0.1 seconds, the corresponding sound is played.

    I read in another topic Chrome is 'to blame' for the crackly sound effect that you get as the sounds 'stack'. Or am I using the sound effects wrong? I use the 'Play at object' action, however changing it to a simple 'Play' action doesn't seem to make any difference.

    Anyway, another problem I encounter is that when I play looping audio at a specific object location in a layout, the sound is already hearable 3500 pixels at the bottom of the layout. It's a scrolling level, you go upwards, so about 4000 pixels long. The sound object should be hearable only when you're close to the object positioned at the very top of the layout! How can I control its 'range'?

    Also, for some reason it seems that as I get closer to the top of the layout, where the viewport is (which is about 1/4th of the level height) the non-looping audio effects gets louder and louder as I get closer to the top of the layout. I don't understand why its like that.

    Any ideas?

  • Colonel Justice Thanks again for your suggestions! I've been looking for a very simple to use 2D particle software. I looked at TimelineFX, but that software seems a bit outdated, and there are very few tutorials and those are from at least 6 years ago!

    The other one you posted, Particle FX Designer looks easier to use, but it seems to generate pixel graphics only? I'm not really looking to spend days learning new FX software so something simple would be nice, I was wondering if you had any more suggestions other than these?

    Specifically to create 'cartoonish'/vector like effects. I really like the explosion effects in TimelineFX, just wish I could cartoonize them, with less detail.


  • It's weird that I didn't think of searching for a program that does that. I was either struggling to make my own or browsing premade effects on graphicriver or whatever.

    Thanks for posting!

  • The trailer looks pretty cool. It's got a good build-up and music. I admire your patience and commitment, you started this topic over a year ago, and the game's release is set in early 2022? Dang! That's going to be nearly 2 years of work.

    It doesn't look like something I will play, just wanted to comment on it. Also, the steam game image/header (that image at the top right of your game page) looks cool too. That's nice artwork. It gives you the impression of a promising game.

  • It looks a bit like a 'basic' game, nothing we haven't seen before. I would add under the intro 'Enter to skip' so you don't have to torture the minds of people who forgot you could skip it.

    Anyway I played for about 5 mins, I couldn't understand what it was that he's throwing, is it an egg or something? And who or what is that imitation of you? Or is it supposed to be mysterious. I like the music. It's good music for a platformer. Graphics could be improved by adding more/beter detail to the tileblocks, to make it look more like that 80's pixel style if that's what you were after.

    Oh and I would respawn the player where, or at least close before where you died. It was already annoying enough to have to do so constant double jumps and quickly having to kill aliens once you're on the platform, and now I have to kill the exact same aliens repeating everything. No one likes having to start over.

    By the way, I initially thought you could pick up those alien eyes, I thought they were something to collect, although it was a nice touch that the eye follows you. I would use that 'eye left on the floor' feature for those 'indestructible' aliens, as it's temporarily downed, it would pop back to life after a while.

  • Nothing personal, but it looks terrible. Also as mentioned, there's no instructions. You just see the game, and after two seconds it's game over? Other than that it looks more like a cheap demo, I wouldn't really call it a 'game'.

    You will really need to work on developing your skills. I certainly wouldn't post anything like this, I would be embarassed.

  • OK. This forum is English language only though.

  • I'm not an expert on this though, but it seems you need something that 'holds' those pieces together like joints. The physics behavior can do that. There should be C2 or C3 tutorials for joints such as; https://www.construct.net/en/tutorials/physics-construct-forces-7

    Then, use a condition, like when it hits something and you set to disconnect the joints (set them 'free') and they should fall on a solid surface.

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  • That seems ambitious considering C3 is a 2D engine.

    For 2D procedural generation though, I recently came across this video:


  • > ((Car.MoveTo.MovingAngle+355)%360)/10

    I'm not sure this formula is correct. It will return frame 0 if the angle range is between -5 and 5. However, when the moving angle is between 5 and 15, the frame needs to be 1.

    I think this should do the trick:

    Car set frame to round(((Car.MoveTo.MovingAngle+360)%360)/10)%36

    Thanks guys!! You're amazing. I knew it was possible, I just do not possess the skills to put that all in one line of code.

    dop2000 Your code works perfectly. Aside that, I just needed to make sure the starting position of the rendered animation was set to the right (0 degrees), and that it would rotate clockwise since that's how angles work in C3.

  • OK, thanks, the code on line 2 you posted, which condition are you using?

    And what do you mean with (36-loopindex)? Do I need to add that literally to the action as:

    Set animation frame to: (36-loopindex)

    Or did you mean something else.

    Oh and, is this code for 36 frames or 360? I'm trying to understand why you use 5 degrees, and use multiply loopindex by 10.