EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • Hey,

    I've managed to create a moveable pseudo 3D sprite, but I wanted to add a total of 360 frames, and set the frame for each degree.

    Example of what I have now (it's currently got 36 frames and lines of code)

    The car sprite images is rendered in a 3D program, it 'rotates' with each image counterclockwise. So just so you know, 0 degrees started with (out of the total of 36 images) image 19. That would be frame 18 - as you can see in the code in C3 considering it's zero based.

    Anyway, I was wondering if it's possible to avoid having to make 360 lines of code? It already felt like a huge chore to do those 36 lines, copying and changing every bit!

    Perhaps it's possible to reduce it to a handful?

  • I think I figured it out.. whenever you accidentally close a Layout tab, and re-open it, it will be added to the far right of your tabs and you will need to re-arrange it.

    Apparently C3 will 'remember' that far right state, rather than the re-arrangement after re-opening that tab.

    I've been looking for a way to disable those #llv@$% x's on the Layout tabs, the tabs are so dang small, I often accidentally close a tab when changing between them.

    Might also apply to Event sheet tabs.

  • Thanks for your reply, I'll keep it in mind. Out of curiousity, can you also create sound effects?

    Anyway, what's your take on what I wrote in my original post? Since you seem to be in that business and all.

  • Hey, nah I only recently created an itch.io account. I have not put anything up yet. It seems that I never find my content 'finished enough' to show, even though I'm proud of what I make. Also, once you put up content I feel I might be creating expectations for myself and the visitors, that I will need to turn it into a full game. I'm not sure if it's a good platform to test the waters for ideas, maybe Twitter or Reddit is better for that? I've no idea.

    What works wonders for me anyway, is switching between projects, so you'll always have something fresh and new to work on. Danger there is that you might switch and/or hop from idea to idea.

    But I think I'll just post a few things anyway. See what it does, and when people like what you create it's always rewarding and motivating to continue.

  • Graphics look good. But the gameplay.. who's your target audience? It's very repetitive and will get dull quickly. But even if it was made simplistic for kids, they will be bored as well. They need a lot of variation in everything and have a short focus span.

    I only saw one type of obstacle, the sharp pins, and I think two collectables (coin and can). You've got to improve on that, unless you only showed a few levels.

  • No I don't. I save my C3 projects on my PC. I'm not using a custom theme either.

  • Hey, I noticed when I open up my projects, somehow the layout order doesn't save.

    For example;

    Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4

    May open as;

    Level1, Level2, Level4, Level3

    I don't know why it does that, and I need to re-arrange it everytime I open up my project. I'm using Google Chrome and release r257, but I think it also did that with the last stable version.

    Is there a setting box I need to tick or is it just me?

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  • Perhaps it's a corrupted file, or it has specific .png saved file settings? You could try opening it up and saving it again, otherwise bring it down to 100% in your graphics program, print screen it and make a new file, cut it out and save. Hopefuly it's got no transparency. Otherwise .jpg would also suffice. Do all .png's give you this error?

  • I also found this a bit frustrating. I even used two C2 behaviors that C3 also features; MoveTo and PinToImagePoint. Yet C3 wouldn't simply 'replace' them.

    It appears C3 is programmed differently, hence we can't copy code back and forth.

    And as you mentioned, I would definitely agree that importing a C2 regardless of missing plugins etc. would make life easier. They could just permanently 'toggle disabled' the code or something, so you could at least review it and replace it below those lines, and then delete the old code yourself.

    Now I had to delete all the lines in C2, import, add the code again, add the behaviors, etc. while switching back and forth dozens of times between C2 and C3. Fortunately in my case it was only a bunch of lines, imagine wanting to import a huge C2 project..

  • Hey, allright, brought it down an example;


    To what numbers could I change the code to make sure the Car always turns the same way on different devices?

    It's a bit difficult to explain, I just want the car to always follow the same path regardless of the device's fps. With my old, initial code it would deviate on my new PC and not lign up with the road, sorta following a different route.

  • Funny enough I tried (dt*12000) before, I figured it would be necessary otherwise the calculation would do different things.

    Now with that (dt*12000) the turning is smoother, however it still turns very fast. It does seem to be smoothed though, it's just that it makes its turn within a blink of an eye. Ah yes, it also does a weird rotation around its own axis just before it heads to a waypoint. Also happens in the blink of an eye.

    I'm not sure what the framerates are on my devices, can I add a code for that in Construct? Anyway, I used to have a 6 year old PC, which at the time was already made out of second hand parts mostly. At that time I used a 60hz monitor, currently using a 144hz one with a very fast all new parts PC, built it about 9 months ago.

    As for the game, when I run it on that new PC, in debug preview it says I get 140-144 fps. It seems that the engine is limited to what your monitor can render?

  • Dang! That's a long time. I can't imagine myself making a game for 3,5 years. I don't think I wouldn't have the mental stamina for that. I'm sure that, there were moments were you worked more, and at other moments less on your games.

    Currently, I'm working on two projects that I set up two years ago. One of them was nearly finished at the time. Fortunately I have enough time every week to work on projects; I can work on them for a good 3-4 whole days if I want to.

    I'd love to work on a project that's a bit bigger though. I notice I'm a bit afraid the end result won't be satisfying and hours will be wasted. I just wish I could work on projects every day, the whole day. But don't we all.. :D

    I'm bursting with ideas every week. Often inspired by old DOS/early Windows games as well. I come across a game that I never seen before, and then I ask myself; I wonder if I can make something like that.. I work on it for a bunch of hours, but then I realize the scope of the project and how much effort it will take to finish a product that you are unsure if anyone will want to play it.

    Do you think Itch.io would be a good platform to 'test the waters'? Other than here?

  • Hey thanks, don't we need the ( ) characters for this somewhere in the code though?

    Anyway, after some testing;

    Self.Bullet.Speed/dt*12000 Is the part that makes the car turn 'instantly' - there's no smooth movement at all. Lowering it to for example dt*200 or dt*2000 doesn't appear to make any difference. 200 without the dt* part worked.

    Since I've got little experience with this, how should I proceed?

  • Hey there,

    I was wondering if there is any way to check if the music I purchased is 'original'?

    I understand that it might be difficult to check this, but it's something I want to be sure about before submitting my games to publishers. I wouldn't want to get into trouble finding out the music I purchased on the asset store was stolen from somewhere else or otherwise illegally sold.

    Or how do you guys deal with music (and possibly the same goes for sound effects) is there any way I can run it through a database or something? I can think of only two reliable ways to make sure you get legal music; someone created it for you specifically or use music that is free to the public. Personally, getting customized tracks doesn't seem feasible financially, and public domain music, well, everyone's already using that.

    Otherwise, what trouble could I be in if the music appears to stolen etc? Would a receipt of the Asset Store suffice to prove your innocence?



  • Thanks for your replies.

    oosyrag OK I changed '200' to 'dt*12000', I now have: Self.Bullet.Speed/dt*12000

    But it rotates almost instantly, so it's way too fast.

    Or does changing the other lines' lerp code (line 75 & 77) influence line 79?

    BadMario So used lerp(Self.BulletSpeed,600,1-0.1^dt) as you said, it accepts that line, but should it be exactly like that or did you mean that the 1-0.1^dt part is variable and you posted an example? So that it could be ranging from 1 to 0.1? And shouldn't it be 1-0.1*dt instead of 1-0.1^dt?

    I'm a bit puzzled by all of this. Sometimes it feels like I just don't seem to be able to understand code that's beyond a basic to intermediate level. I love making games but sometimes I have my doubts!