EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • Experimenting with populous type map manipulation, plus mini map.

    mOOnpunk Looks pretty cool. I've no idea how to even begin making that!

    What are your plans for a game with that manipulation?

    Never heard of Populous before, had to look it up. It looks like a DOS-Win95 era game with a literal god mode, lol.

  • I can't be the only one annoyed by this. Can I turn it off somehow? Like that it only opens 'on click' like it used to?

  • > pyramidlakegames

    > i saw your game have 1000+ downloads, i am also an indie developer and haven't reached 100+ yet, can you please tell how did you achieved 1000+?

    Strategy and a whole bunch of luck?

    I covered some of the basics of my strategic thought process in this local interview:


    Unfortunately, EU countries can't read that post. The website is completely blocked. I guess HNGNews forgot to update their privacy policy, lol.

  • Hello,

    I was wondering about this.

    To make the custom loading screen appear as soon as possible, can you somehow tell which files need to load first?

    E.g. I would want my progress bar to load/be visible above anything else, then a small logo (all on the same screen).

    Also, currently you're almost forced to set 'Preload audio' to 'No', else it will interfere with the custom loading bar. Then in the Splash/Menu you need to preload all the audio in a custom manner.

    I'd like to tell the game to load the progress bar first, then a small logo, then load the graphics AND the audio. In that order.

    But if I set Preload Audio to 'Yes' then the standard C2 loading will show up first, up until 63%, then a few seconds of my custom loading bar and logo, then jump to the Splash/Menu.

    Does anyone know how to do this?

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  • Mikal This looks nice and it's an interesting concept. Tad bit too dark perhap. Maybe if you created daytime levels it'll be easier!

    You know; start on daytime, easy going to get into the game. Then gradually increase difficulty; faster moving enemies, sometimes an enemy vehicle like a tank requires two hits, and of course night time, fog/clouds that kinda stuff.

    Are the troop crawlers suicidal? lol, doesn't make much sense to me. Perhaps use suicide bikes instead; C&C Generals ZH style. Then also add stationary tanks/artillery that fire from the top left of the screen, where the crawlers spawn from. And of course infantry troops storming convoy the convoy head on (top right), and spawn mines to be destroyed and other obstacles also from top right.

    Also, maybe make the rockets look more like.. rockets. Right now it looks a bit more like fireworks. You could try to make a rocket smoke trail and fire coming from the rocket, smoke fades slowly out of screen.

    That's some nice ingame lighting you've got there by the way.

  • Hi dop2000,

    I looked at your updated capx, but I think the programming there is way over my head.

    I'm not sure how to go about limiting the bucket movement speed of the drag and drop. Seems like a good solution, although I really wish I didn't have to.

    As for using the solid for the bucket, with the bullet for the falling objects, I also tried that idea, but seems like the bullet object will even go through solids as well.

    How would I go about moving the bucket with physics actions with user mouse/touch input?

    Thanks again :)

    ::Referenced you after edit, not sure if it works.::

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Honestly I'm not sure how else I'm supposed to recreate the Drag & Drop and Pin behavior. Both are needed for gameplay and to keep the components and a graphic together right?

    I chose physics because that seemed to be the most obvious solution.

    The demo you created actually works out the same as mine, perhaps yours has a slight less chance of the apples going through the edges. But it still does if you move the bucket fast enough. Even had a few frozen apples on screen.

    Also I'm a bit confused; why there are two buckets; one stationary and one moveable? Are they supposed to work together? I don't unerstand.

    Or perhaps more importantly, what can I use to simulate physics without using physics!

    - R

  • Hello.

    I made this sample:




    If you move the bucket really fast the blocks will just go right through the edges of the bucket.

    The bucket has standard 'physics' settings. I was wondering which to change to what to prevent the blocks from going through the edges of the bucket?

    I tried making the edges thicker but that didn't do anything. Setting 'Bullet' to 'Yes' in the Physics properties of the block doesn't seem to work either.

    Any solutions?


    - R

  • Hello,

    I was wondering how to solve this.

    See, the 'wait 4 seconds' at Intro 2 condition doesn't get executed. While the 'wait 4 seconds' at Intro 0 condition does.

    How can I make it wait at the Intro 2 condition for 4 seconds anyhow?


  • Hello, I noticed the menus on the top automatically open when you hover over them.

    I can't be the only extremely annoyed by this. Especially when having multiple tabs open, for example when you navigate back and forth from different tabs in the browser you navigate your mouse top down.

    For example, when searching for solutions, you will have different tabs open with forum topics. So I literally need to navigate my mouse AROUND the menus every time.


  • Vultwo No problem!

    You certainly do indeed have a lot patience/persistence, my maximum concentration span is way less than yours.

    Anyway, I was wondering, will Apple allow you to revision the game or it just game over with the App store and won't they allow any more apps from you? Just wondering what their policy is like.

    I think Apple's requirements are quite hefty anyway, 99$ a year + a Mac computer. Do you own a Mac or..?

    So yeah, be careful with using patented names for your ingame goods.

    I'm curious as to how you will develop the game, keep us informed!

  • I didn't watch past three minutes, but what I've seen so far looks pretty awesome. I have never seen anything like this before, although I haven't watched many 'music' similar apps.

    Looks pretty intuitive, is it for mobile only? Going to be hard to read those small texts on the buttons!

  • Hi Vultwo.

    Personally I was expecting a more 'visual' game. This looks more.. I don't know, text based? I always prefer to see some sort of 'world' in which it all happens. Heck, it would even be fun to see a vault increasingly being filled with stacks of bills! (A là Payday 2) Could be same for the goods.

    Anyway, you could improve the looks further. Currently - that's just my opinion - it doesn't look uniform. For instance, the graphics of each drug are pixelated, and a bit smoothed. And your actual text; is always smoothed. To make everything uniform, you should choose either a total pixel style or smooth style. (I'd recommend the latter)

    Shouldn't it be spelled 'illegal' by the way?

    Now I may only look at visuals (that's just my thing) and I know it's hard to make things, especially UIs look good, but you might still want to improve it even further. I mean, you got those outer borders, transparency, outer glows, it could still all be improved to look more clear and professional.

    The second screenshot you posted '-10 health' now that looks better than the other two. You didn't use any borders on the text, and the backgrounds made sure you were able to use one solid simple fill color. Of course it's got less going on on the screen so it looks a lot more clear, but there you did it better.

    You can always look for samples of UIs on Google images or Pinterest.

    Also regarding the Apple guidelines, well, it IS a game about drug dealing so I can totally understand why they didn't approve the game. I don't know Google (Play) their policy, but I *think* they will have a similar policy.

    I think to get approved you could use 'code names' for each drug (e.g. 'Blue Magic' - winks at a certain movie), and make sure you avoid the word 'drug' and 'dealing' in the first place. Perhaps use something along the way of 'goods' or 'commodities' and 'trading'. So that you know, everyone KNOWS what it is, and what the game is about, but you don't say it literally. Replace the word on the second item of the first screenshot also.

    Say.. 'hustle' isn't that more of a term used to you know.. sorta beg for money? I'm not sure though. Just trying to put 1 and 1 together (the name of the game and the game itself).

  • I like the concept of the game. Although 'God's Eye' developers could use a course in humility!

  • Hello. I assume you create all the art work yourself? It looks amazing. What's this daily games that you do? Is it part of one of those game jams? Still, some look pretty impressive for a game made in.. one day?