[C3] Post screenshots of what you're working on!

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  • Haha, I guess I did not find the movement instinctive, because I thought you could not move, I was just doing mouse clicks though, so let me go try again. I didn't make a game, just a little demo, in this demo you do not control trucks/convoy, you must protect it from the drone overwatch. I tried to post a gif it above, but it did not work, so here it is again:

    Gorkhs [edit] Tried the controls - not my cup of tea, I think you are trying to match the isometric view, but good old WASD would be more comfortable for me.

  • Woo very nice, it's complete?

    For my game, is the french keyboard, ZQSD, press alt-shift for pass on AWSD :)

  • Heh, not complete at all, it was just demo testing out the concept, I may come back to it later. Ah, it's the ZQSD/AZERTY french keyboard, cool, I learned something new today :)

  • Experimenting with Salman_Shh's awesome gamekit. Nice to play with!


    Added some lighting, lite melee AI. Very organized project to work with, this is going to be fun.

  • Long time since I posted a video here of my progress on Baby Dino Adventures development.

    Well, I've been busy on levels selection, and transitions recently.

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    Still a lot to do, ofcourse.. But it's so fun to play around with Tilemap behavior which is quite new to me.

  • Quality item generator (green, blue, etc...), change visual on truck and add compare equipped/in inventory :)

  • Got the Appearance Store Items added

    If you want to see a world map you can find a town (Unfortunately this one is covered in alien plague so its hard to see)

    Adding new tilesets.... 14 sets to go :/

  • Mikal This looks nice and it's an interesting concept. Tad bit too dark perhap. Maybe if you created daytime levels it'll be easier!

    You know; start on daytime, easy going to get into the game. Then gradually increase difficulty; faster moving enemies, sometimes an enemy vehicle like a tank requires two hits, and of course night time, fog/clouds that kinda stuff.

    Are the troop crawlers suicidal? lol, doesn't make much sense to me. Perhaps use suicide bikes instead; C&C Generals ZH style. Then also add stationary tanks/artillery that fire from the top left of the screen, where the crawlers spawn from. And of course infantry troops storming convoy the convoy head on (top right), and spawn mines to be destroyed and other obstacles also from top right.

    Also, maybe make the rockets look more like.. rockets. Right now it looks a bit more like fireworks. You could try to make a rocket smoke trail and fire coming from the rocket, smoke fades slowly out of screen.

    That's some nice ingame lighting you've got there by the way.

  • great comments, agree with them all. This was an early tech demo to see what the game might feel like. I like your idea of daylight for early levels and then change to night for more difficulty. I'm saving off these comments, in case I come back to that project. C&C is an inspiration, you got that right (it's also the models that I found to buy quickly for the demo.)

    The lighting is done with normal maps (the normal maps were quickly created in normal map painting tool.)

  • Finished my 7th tileset for my procedural game I am making called Lith. Pretty happy with most of them. Now to move on to building tilesets.

    I put them all together in one shot so you can see them

    tileset blending... for more combinations of biomes

  • Experimenting with populous type map manipulation, plus mini map.

  • Experimenting with populous type map manipulation, plus mini map.

    mOOnpunk Looks pretty cool. I've no idea how to even begin making that!

    What are your plans for a game with that manipulation?

    Never heard of Populous before, had to look it up. It looks like a DOS-Win95 era game with a literal god mode, lol.

  • > Experimenting with populous type map manipulation, plus mini map.

    mOOnpunk Looks pretty cool. I've no idea how to even begin making that!

    What are your plans for a game with that manipulation?

    Never heard of Populous before, had to look it up. It looks like a DOS-Win95 era game with a literal god mode, lol.


    It's older than DOS-Win95, i played it on the Amiga in the 80's!

    I was working on a DungeonKeeper type game and thought about moving the dungeon above ground and having it in a castle instead. You would manipulate the levels and each one would give you access to different room types to build, starting from sand/beach at the bottom to snowy mountains at the top.

    Unfortunately i'm not good at finishing games, i find its more the challenge of "can i do it" that drives me, once i know i can i loose interest. Originally i was using a foreach loop on each iso sprite tile, but on a large 100x100 map it was far to slow so i moved all the calculations into an array and set the iso tiles height and graphics at the end, now theres no slow down.

    I also have pathfinding working, which uses the mini map, which is actually a tilemap, the path is plotted and the coordinates are then translated to their corresponding iso tiles.

  • Well it definitely looks interesting, like I said; I wouldn't know where to start..

    I'm getting better and better at finishing games myself; it's (for me at least) all about keeping the scope small. And the fact you can make good money drives me as well.

    Hey, someone mentioned on the forum recently you don't have to make complete games to make money with Construct. You can also take up jobs (let people hire you), sell templates (like the one you just showcased, manipulation and minimap) on the Scirra store, stuff like that.

    Make use of your potential!

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  • Adding new Version.

    Now, inventory is working, you can equip engine and bumper (Next coming)

    You can lock item (double-click) for to prevent accidental sale

    And an icon to differentiate new object to those already seen

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