EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • Hello.

    Ok so what should I use? I'm a bit confused. I'm thinking that to have a game fit on both 16:9 and 4:3 resolutions, you can use an 'aestethic' fill space to avoid black bars.

    Also, what resolutions do you guys use? Like 1280x960 or 720x540 or other..? Or do you create seperate games for mobile/tablet? So the graphics will load fast yet look good.

    I've read the Scirra article about resolutions. Do you guys use scale inner or outer? I don't understand which one to use as they both have their quirks.


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  • Hello,

    I created this game a few weeks ago. I was inspired by 'Rags to Riches' for the Commodore 64 even though I never actually played the game, but watched it on Youtube.

    Play 'Lousy **** on the Scirra Arcade:


    It's not a fully fledged game, more of a demo if you will, but I was curious as to what people think of it.

    - R

    P.S. If anyone knows a better way of updating the leaderboard.. currently it does so every minute. You only die in the game if you get driven over, and there is no ending to the game otherwise.

  • pinellos is totally right. I did as described and it works!

    My game 'Lousy ***** scirra.com/arcade/adventure-games/lousy-bum-33827

  • Thanks for your replies.

    This gives me something to work with. I'm also reading up on picking (Youtube Scirra Videos).


  • Hello,

    I'm building a type of tycoon game - or at least am trying to.

    I want to run an event for an amount of time.

    Say, every 0.5 seconds, I add 1 to LotValue for a duration of 10 seconds.

    Every 5 seconds another house is picked and runs that event.

    Or, I guess I could also set a condition just above 'Every 0.5 seconds' instead of having a duration of 10 seconds.

    But the main problem is, the whole thing runs only once. When testing, every 5 seconds it picks a house and sets the containered LotValue and adds '1' to it only once. Then it's off to another random house.

    I'm still learning and this game is a whole new challenge for me.


  • Well exporting to HTML5 website gives you seperate files in folders. You can still manually zip it yourself. Right click on main folder > send to > zip file.

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  • Hello,

    Doesn't this fit better in the 'Tutorials' section on the Scirra network?


  • Edit: Didn't know I just bumped a 25 day old topic. My bad, maybe the user still has some use for this.

    Check your asset files. If they're large, or together large, it will take longer to load.

    Try to use smart ways to reduce file sizes. E.g. use tiled backgrounds, or compress your .jpg files better. Also try to use the same assets but in a smarter way, for example a tree sprite, you can flip horizontally, change it's size, etc.

    Don't forget about audio files, they can chew up MBs in no time.

    Oh, and, delete any unused sprites, files, tiled backgrounds etc from your Construct 2 library.

  • I think you should try to do it differently.

    Say, on key pressed 'Right' -> play 'Walk' animation.

    There's got to be an event before everything.

    So, on key pressed 'Space' -> play 'Fly' animation.

    If 'Player' is on collision with 'Ground' -> Stop 'Fly' animation.

    That sorta thing. I'm not sure what you're making, but it helps to be creative and reading tutorials helps with that :P

    - R

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  • The graphics are certainly high quality, and everything looks and handles professional. But I guess it's got to, after 2+ years of work ;). I'm not that familiar with match 3 games, but the idea looks pretty interesting.

    Anyway, I noticed the original Construct 2 loader (just the loading bar) was still initially on screen. Then it disappeared and the fancy rotating loader showed up. Me being a bit of a perfectionist there.

    Loading time is still a bit long. I don't think it is my PC or internet speed. I guess the loading time will reduce once the game is installed on a device?

    As for gameplay, the planets don't seem to slide smoothly. Every planet 'connects' for a moment and then you need to slide even further.

    Perhaps you could make them slide smoothly (without connecting), and once the user ends touch, then automatically align with the closest planet. I just thought it was annoying to have to slide all the way especially when the correct planet is on the other side of the ring.

    I think smooth sliding could be a real improvement for gameplay speed. Not sure if it can be integrated, but I'm pretty sure you can figure it out. It will also reduce multiple touches for dragging the rings, making it a bit less 'clunky'.

    Out of curiosity, will you charge a fixed amount for the game or will it be free, with ingame purchases for example?

    Anyway, I've seen you helping a lot of people on the forum, so I wish you extra luck with its launch.


  • Hi,

    Thanks. I just noticed in Construct 3, the divide symbol is indeed different, but looks like a '+'.

    I tested your link, and it works. Just that the sprite doesn't stop exactly at the touched location. In my file for example, the player sprite stops about 40 pixels before the exact touched place (measured from the image point of the sprite to touch x and y).


  • Hi,

    Maverick1912 Thanks for your effort, I tried your example and also integrated it in my own file, but the sprite doesn't seem to slow down to zero or does it just appear that way (because of the 50 px distance)?

    Also the sprite moves to a different location when you click on the exact spot the sprite stopped.

    Could you tell me how you got to Player.Width+2? And Self.Bullet.Speed-50?

    So first calculate the distance between the touched location and the sprite, and when the distance is smaller or equal to the Player's width +2 (what does '2' add?) the bullet speed of the sprite is set to -50 speed.

    I'm just trying to grasp what happens and the logic behind it.

    Edit: In your example the bullet also stops not precisely at the clicked location. I noticed this in my own file, where my sprite stopped about 30 pixels before the exact touched location.

    dop2000 Hey I prefer to stay away from plugins. I really, really want to try to do this with 'vanilla' Construct 2, as plugins may cause issues and is probably why they're 3rd party in the first place?

    Perhaps you have some idea..


  • Hello,

    Currently the player can fly around the screen with touch. You tap anywhere on the screen, and the Player (bullet) moves to the location (on tap: set bullet speed to 100). On the tap gesture I store Touch.X and Touch.Y in global variables called 'TouchX' and 'TouchY'.

    Then, every tick the Player rotates toward 'TouchX' and 'TouchY'.

    Now, this works, but when the Player is at the location it starts spinning around its self. What I prefer it to do is, 50 pixels before the touched location the Player to gradually slow down to 0 bullet speed, and just stand still on the screen.

    I looked at some samples where you store the Player initial location into variables, and compare it with distance. But I was unable to translate it into my example.

    Any ideas?
