DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Tom,

    No problem, as long as you are aware and actively sorting it out

    I'm being logged out of chrome browser every couple hours. Persistent cookies aren't persistent, they are set to expire 1 day after creation, and the phpbb forum is creating 3 cookies and could be conflict there.

  • How did you move to standalone? I didn't get any serial number... can I ask the scirra team for a license?

    Brought business license - using upgrade

  • Just started it - got a few games in the works.

    This one in particular - only just finishing basic game setup - on layout start, it randomingly places cities which are generated in 4 different colors (4 colors in total = 4 players) color being who has dominance in which city.

    So its still in infant stages - lol

    I write up the functionality in seperate projects. Options / player customization / splash screen / etc etc etc and slowing put it together later. That way I know what breaks it, what doesn't.

  • Have you tried webstorage?

    Use arrays/dictionary to process data and temp store, but save results to webstorage.

    See Ashley posted. Umm, I think I'm missing the point. To few hours sleep last night.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • That'll keep you busy for a few months lol

  • +1 I have to log in 3 sometimes 4 times a day lol

  • Thanks for answer.

    1000 events? One for each region, token, element?

    No problem, of course I buy a license, but before I want know if is posible or not before decide.

    I have pseudo-prototype of a wargame that I like to try to build in C2. It's pass-and-play game.


    Josep M

    Lol, families cut down on the region, token, elements events.

    Trust me events add up quickly. And you can optimize it with better coding practices, and I do this from time to time.

    But, it still adds up.

    Example: around 200-300 events on the options/settings/etc alone

    And I have about another year of development with game, maybe more.

    I still have to do multiplayer which is huge (holding out for new mulitplayer plugin to see if it will work better than websockets)

    CHeck out this example of small board game http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tut ... edev-12237 has some nice Basic Game Mechanics

  • Hi,

    My name is Josep and I'm new to C2.

    It would be great if someone can tell me if it is possible to create a risk type game using C2.

    I have in mind some kind of games, all related to resource management and wargames turn based, with IA and network play.

    Any experience or advice? any real game of that type created with C2?


    Josep M

    1) Absolutely possible.

    2) Start by going through the tutorials and example games (the principles in there are used in board games and any other games. Families, webstorage, arrays etc etc

    3) Check the Your creations thread -

    I've seen a few, some in development, some abandoned (its a big undertaking), and a few completed.

    You will need more than a 100 events ( I couldn't do it with less (currently over a 1000 events) )

    You will need to use families, tokens/cities/etc etc

    So you will need a personal license or business license.

  • of course they can, but it will require both computers being connected to internet and you designing a websocket server or similiar. etc etc etc

    The new multiplayer plugin comming out will also allow this as the connection between players will be done via the browser itself. As long as both computers are running i.e chrome it will be fine.

  • Agreed, would be a nice feature.

  • > I also have since not purchased any software from steam based on my experience with them over issues. Games yes, software, never again.


    If Construct 2 had a way to self-update then I wouldn't even use Steam for software, but it makes it easier than reinstalling it every time they update it. Although, I'm sure there is a workaround you just need to program something to connect Steam apps with Windows, so that you can set the extensions properly.

    Problem with steam auto updates and getting the beta version of construct 2 (because the beta is awesome new features) is that you also HAVE to use the beta version of steam which is riddled with bugs and breaks all my other purchases too. Like game crashing etc.

    I like to wind down at night with some multiplayer games with friends.

    I went from constant C2 crashes via steam to ZERO in standalone. The time it takes to update the standalone is minimual to the hours of crashes I endured with steam.

    Yeah, I really don't like steam with software.

    Games, its awesome, software its knocking on hells door.

    As for work arounds. There are always ways to get round issues, but most times they cause there own undersired results.

  • Are you trying to get rid of clone? or do you want the clone to push the button?

    Your first post you couldn't understand why there was a clone after main character dies.

    Each time he dies, he clones himself and clone does what main character did. This is the recording feature.

    To stop the clone. Destroy it.

    link to screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4y7ddbyhq4x5 ... sprite.JPG

    If you want the clone to push the button, that is too detailed to go into now and time consuming to solve (Suggest you post in the job board and hire someone) Because that is a pretty advanced game sequence.


    Вы пытаетесь избавиться от клона? или вы хотите клон нажать на кнопку?

    Ваш первый пост, вы не могли понять, почему был клоном после умирает главный герой.

    Каждый раз, когда он умирает, он клонирует себя и клон делает то, что сделал главный герой. Это функция записи.

    Чтобы остановить клон. Уничтожить его.


    ссылка на скриншоте: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4y7ddbyhq4x5 ... sprite.JPG

    Если вы хотите клон нажать на кнопку, которая является слишком подробным, чтобы идти в настоящее время и отнимает много времени, чтобы решить (Предложить вы разместите в работу совета и нанять кого-то) Потому что это достаточно продвинутый последовательность игра.


    And here he pushes the button

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/24rnab37en43t ... button.JPG

  • Вы забыли уничтожить вашего персонажа. Если он умрет, он будет уничтожен, то создается снова

    Событие 18. Добавить уничтожить спрайт

    до остановки записи

    Посмотрите это событие 19. Смотреть уничтожить.

  • I can not understand how to do the following: (I do not know how to implement it for a long time I try to do it all, but it does not work) http://c2community.ru/forum/download/fi ... & mode = view 1 . When the main character dies, he is reborn and appears CLONE CLONE http://c2community.ru/forum/download/file.php?id=2860 2.on presses the button, the door opens

    Source: http://my-files.ru/ips6y9

    used a translator. if that sorry

    You forgot to destroy your character. If he dies he is destroyed, then created again

    Event 18. Add destroy sprite

    before stop recording

    Look it event 19. See the destroy.

    Sidenote: We don't speak russian. It took me a couple seconds to run it though http://translate.google.com/

    Why don't you do that instead of expecting other to do it for you. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">