DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Are you showing the full 15 898 lines?

    You can insert a special character on each line like word does for paragraphs? And remove it later?

    But text isn't the best option, you should be using an array and build it from there.

    Is it an online book? because text object has limits in place for a reason. You don't need to load it all it one go or rather you shouldn't.

    You are going to have performance issues I would imagine?

    Anyways, google how to make a text editor like word etc. They have the formula's you need, and how to hack up a piece of text.

    My guess you will be using RegexMatchCount /search/replace/match - lol - good luck.

  • Then count number white spaces " " and divide by average number words per line... how accurate do you want it because even word isn't accurate it is best guess.

    Total number words/average number words per line gives you a pretty good idea of total lines.

    round(tokencount(text.Text," ")/10)

  • tokencount(src, separator)

    Read up on it here

    but it will be tokencount(text.text,newline)

  • Not believe it is something with cocoonjs this part, it may have problems, but not this kind. Maybe if you post the capx someone analyze, we can reach a solution for you.

    It works on pc preview, then it should work on crosswalk - if it works on crosswalk then it is cocoonjs at fault. First find source of issue, then analyze, if worth the time and effort.

    But if it works on pc, then memory/cpu aside, it should work using crosswalk.

  • Crosswalk Tutorial...

    Crosswalk is the better option.


    On top of that CocoonJS has various bugs and incompatibilities that Ludei have never fixed, despite my repeated attempts to contact them and guide them to solutions so users don't have to keep running in to the same old things (memory management being an excellent example of this). Overall users appear to be having a bad time with CocoonJS, and Ludei have made it almost impossible for us to easily support it, and this repeatedly reflects badly on us as well since it adds to the reputation that "mobile support doesn't work" (where Crosswalk and Ejecta ought to be working better). So at this point to be honest I am thinking more about deprecating support for it than making any motions to keep supporting it. Deprecating means the same thing as happened to the Intel AGI: it's hidden by default so new users are discouraged from going down that route, but for users who need to keep using it for existing projects (or have figured out a way through all the problems) can do so by right-clicking and showing the deprecated options. We'll work hard to get any bugs or missing features sorted out in Ejecta and Crosswalk. And with Android L and iOS 8 on the cusp of coming out in a couple of months, PhoneGap will be a great solution from then on too, which I think is the ultimate solution and allows us to get rid of this minefield of non-browser engines once and for all.

  • Does it work using crosswalk? Does it work using c2 preview.

    Preview like you would on pc... your ip:50000 and then connect your phone on wifi and preview over wife... your ip:50000 check tutorial section.

    CocoonJS isn't recommended. I know it has all these great features, but it takes considerable effort to get it to work. Crosswalk is a far better option IMO.

  • Oh, sorry I miss understood. Agree it would be neat to add a layer to a layout on runtime.

  • That's it - Reported! This threads purpose is solely to promote yourself to gold status.

  • Hello,

    When I was talking about source code, I was thinking about the source code of my games.

    But thanks, to had helped me with some of the questions, and I get what I need (mostly).

    So how can I access the source code of my games?

    The source code will be the saved cap file itself. It holds all the code.

  • i am sorry guys i just dont understand crosswalk just bare with me

    1) what is crosswalk

    2) how to use crooswalk

    3) how to publish my app to google play with crosswalk

    sorry again i just dont get it

    1) Crosswalk

    2) The tutorial shows you exactly how.

    3) After you do the tutorial you get an email with apk file and you can download apk file. This is an android file, which you submit to google play.

    What's to get????

    Html5 game needs a browser to work. Crosswalk is an equivalent of a stripped down, steriod pumped google chrome mobile browser geared for mobile apps. Intel uses crosswalk plugin to give you apk which you can install on your phone. When they email the apk, just click it and it will ask do you want to install.

    Crosswalk is Simple, easy, idiot proof unlike cocoonJS (which involves lots of 4 letter words, and death threats)

    On your phone you have apps with extension .apk

    Google play is a marketplace... that is all.

  • Map system is now fully implented.

    I don't want it to be as easy as in most other games where you have a complete map right from the start.

    This map system records all ways you are walking with your character and shows it on a map.

    I may keep track of buildings you were in. Haven't decided.

    You can see at which points of the map you already were and which you were not. Simple but serve the purpose.

    Oh, Wow - Nice. That is pretty cool indeed.

  • What zenox98 said. Its the easiest.

    And a trick I use is to actually build the layout(1 instance of it) and I create a button to grab all the co-ordinates of objects and put into array, and download. Copy / paste that json file over existing one in projects folder.

    include Event sheet to build layer that uses the object1x,objecty from array whenever needed.

  • floor(random(0,10))&choose("+","-","*","etc")&floor(random(0,10))

    foor is whole numbers

    random is 0 to 10

    choose is select either of the given options

    Better to store each in variable

    number1 = floor(random(0,10))

    formula = choose....

    number2 = floor(......

    Then calculate as integar to give answer.... can't calculate text

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  • Full Editor > Below the submit button is tabs

    [Options] [Upload attachment]

    Use the upload attachment.

  • Layers & the layout editor as a whole need some work. Starting to piss me off how every single request the past year has been completely ignored.

    I presume every single one of 'your' requests as I have seen a number of big requests being rolled out over the last year.