DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Seriously, I'm getting old. I actually had it working, then I did something and now I can figure what I did/haven't done.

    Here is a small test capx.


    I want each user (host and peer) to move his circle to point of touch - super simple, but it is evading me, lol

    Host no problem, but peer circle follows touch but reverts to upper corner (very irritating)

  • sqiddster,

    Tried your example... no lag, ran smoothly.

    I think it depends on users hardware.

    Got a custom built machine. So no issues at all.

  • It's not that simple, need specific Ouya controller support, in-app purchases etc. Just because its android doesn't mean every basic android wrapper is going to be a solution.


    I stand corrected.

  • I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, but in my long experience of working on Construct 2 it's common for customers to hype up feature requests and then when we produce them and everyone gets what they wanted, it's just a bit of a non-event, usually because of the caveats. The best example I have of this was everyone getting super excited about multiplayer - it topped our old feature request polls by a long way, everyone brought it up constantly, frequently commented things like "I'm going to have to choose a different tool if you don't add support", etc. Then we added it, and we can see from the signalling it's not being used by anywhere near the percentage of users who voted for it in the feature poll, probably because thinking about networking and host/peer relationships is hard, even in an event system which does much of the heavy lifting for you. So I am convinced that it's a real effect that in people's imaginations, features or product ideas are a lot better and more exciting than they can actually produce in real life.

    People always want what they don't have, and when they have it... they don't really use it. Just look at all the torrents... the majority of these folks just horde there downloads.

    Guru courses end up gathering bad sectors on external harddrives, and nobody in the world has enough time to watch all the movies that get downloaded. Nice to have all the movies, just not enough time to watch them all.

    Same apply's to software, features etc. Nice to be able to do xyz, but human nature to not do xyz for any number of reasons.

    Personally I love the multiplayer feature. Rather do multiplayer in C2 than unity.

    Just got to get it more stable. And sort out Dropped connections. But with a little time it should iron out. Not C2 or signal server related - i think, but more cross browser (firefox to chrome works better than chrome to chrome) but a few niggly's need to be sorted on that end. Like samsung S3/4 chrome mobile not working webtrc, firefox yes, but chrome on S3/4 no webtrc - go figure.

  • OUYA is android which is apk, so both will work, I would go with crosswalk, better performance.

  • DUTOIT thanks for the advice, I just buy it

    No problem. I still would have handled it differently (as we discussed) but it works out the box.

    Some great templates in that pack. And a nice way to support someone.

  • Wow It's very cool!

    Lol, actually thought about you the other day... I purchased this from the store.. it had a risk game type template.

  • Wow, that was fun. Good Job.

  • What is your solution to the 15MB app size limitation?

    Get a premium account or build locally for the really big games.

  • Which options are you talking about?

    PhoneGap with an app limitation of 15MB?

    Ejecta which just shows me a blackscreen?

    CocoonJS also offers a really nice way to debug games with the launcher. As an iOs developer this is awesome! Exporting an app to the mac, decompile it etc takes about 20 - 30 Minutes!

    CocoonJS is fantastic, but the folks behind it are not up to par. Suddenly they are making an effort because they got depreciated, and there is talk outside of C2 to follow C2 example... and in 6 months, phonegap is going to be the goto option.

    The games I am developing are in development for a year or more... I would love CocoonJS to pull a rabbit out a hat, I hope they do, but based on their track record... I'm not sold, not convinced they will be dependable.

    Sidenote: For Android: Crosswalk is freaking awesome.

    Phonegap is around 6 months away from being front runner.

    CocoonJS is currently front runner, but they need a rabbit out the hat drastically to stay there.

    Ejecta (not really an option, unfortunately)

  • I love it.

    Great work guys.

    Cool design, Valerien, very polished.

    You cannot share licenses. You have to buy your own.

  • Very cool. Keep it up. Truly an inspiration. What you planning to do when done? compile a template pack for store?

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  • We hope to see more Construct2's games published using CocoonJS .

    I doubt this very much.

    Seriously, CocoonJS was the only option, then it was the best option, now it isn't even a viable option.

    It's just a matter of months and CocoonJS won't even need to be an option.

    We have tested other options, and believe it or not, they are really really good and they have

    Great service. Great support. And Hands on approach to sorting out bugs. Something that CocoonJS never cared for.

  • spacedoubt,

    The todo list is long

    It get shuffled, and items get bumped up and down.

    I think ashley mentioned it was time for some ui love, so should be on the radar with that.

    But scirra doesn't do ETA, but if its on the list, as ashley said above, then its on the list and doesn't come off until its done.

    We just got to wait... some more pressing todo's are taking priority.