DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • DUTOIT What I like about you is that you are a very educated person who likes books and knowledge. Me too as well like to read but I think that applying and testing are as good as reading, so I divide my time for reading and applying. Do you agree? or I just have to read?

    Read. Read. Apply. Apply. Read. Read. Apply Apply. Evaluate. rinse and repeat.

    Knowledge is acquired by doing... BUT

    Reading is acquiring other peoples knowledge, so by reading you are learning more than if you did it yourself. Because you avoid all their mistakes.

  • I think this conversation is better continued here instead of the original place.

    > Read this with tone: I demand a tutorial on multiplayer from you

    > Seriously, this is awesome.

    > I have the hosts screen be the game (pc screen / tv screen etc) and peers screens (mobile/tablet) are the analog controllers. My kid thinks its pretty fun. Still ironing out the kinks though. But love the multiplayer plugin. Damn hard sometimes, but very cool.

    > I enjoyed your proccess... taught me a few things


    I do have plan to create some tutorial, but I found that it requires a rather long explanation that my draft never been finished because I was too occupied with my current project as I am currently very productive at it. Probably I should be doing it in series instead, once I hit another wall of problem, to occupied procrastinated time .

    The idea on PCscreen+2mobile control idea is BLOODY AWESOME IDEA! I love the fact that this is actually open up another possibility of exploiting C2 MP. Imagine street fighter or mortal combat or tekken skills executed based on gesture on touch screen and in mobile! This is one of the thing that makes webrtc triumph over other existing method (like socket.io). *hint *hint doing 10000 players playing pokemon is possible with C2 afterall . I'll keep this is mind for future projects, thanks a bunch on the idea though!

    Some note on the process I used, there are more to it actually. Using the same process flow, you can implement "host's load balancing", automated instance dungeon creation, and "remote browser controller" as the game master which you can access from your pc instead of remote desktop connection into the server.

    Would love to know more... heck even if you put it in the store, I'll buy it (tutorial, template, whatever)...

    Like the controllers, try this. I play poker every month (guys around a table smoking cigars). The river cards are on the table via tablet, and each of us holds our mobile which is our cards. Webrtc is unbelievable.

    Only issue is how to package it. lol.

    I have created an autologin, mulitplayer game save type deal. So it registers your mobile and auto logs you into the lobby and tells you waiting for (whomever else was in your unfinished game) once they join players are taken to the game and it is the same game you left unfinished.

    Very exciting times... Now, I just got to get webrtc to work on mobile chorme on samsung S3, S4 (known bug) amongst a long list of nigglys lol.

  • I'm trying to stand out and want people to know me more.

    How do you want people to know you?

    Youngest Professional Indie Game developer, who is a wizzkid and genius at construct2. He has a depth of knowledge that surpasses people double his age, etc etc etc


    Forum clown, his posts about everything but never says anything... because if your posts have no VALUE, then they are not worth being read, and if they are not worth being read, and people feel they can't gain anything of value from your posts this is what happens.


    I've told you: If you want to be a professional Indie Game developer, then you have to act like one. If you want people to know you, then you must make sure that everything YOU show them, is the you, you want them to see.

    You act/behave like a kid. And guess what you are a kid. If you want to be a kid - then be one, enjoy your time as one. BUT, if you want to be a professional indie developer, then you have to have the heart of a kid, but appear like a professional indie game developer.

    How does a young kid, change how others view him? He changes what is inside. The best way, the only way I know is to read. Read. READ.

    [quote:jamhrram]You are the same today as you'll be in five years except for two things, the people you meet, and the books you read

    I used to read a book a day (that is 250pages a day, everyday). I did it for around 2 years. I challenge you do the same.

  • This is fantastic. Bookmarking this thread and following via twitter.

    This is brilliant project.

  • Hope you like it!

    Luv it.

  • Ok let's keep it civil with the tones alright guys?

    Lol, I thought I was being civil... guess it can be read with a tone. Didn't mean it to have a such a tone.

    Read this with tone: I demand a tutorial on multiplayer from you

    Seriously, this is awesome.

    I have the hosts screen be the game (pc screen / tv screen etc) and peers screens (mobile/tablet) are the analog controllers. My kid thinks its pretty fun. Still ironing out the kinks though. But love the multiplayer plugin. Damn hard sometimes, but very cool.

    I enjoyed your proccess... taught me a few things

  • DUTOIT So you are telling me not to post and be active on scirra? By the way this topic is in the open topic forum so I can post anything I want but ofcourse keeping it civil as it says. If it is an open topic I can make topics for "What is your fave color" and I shouldn't be judged. You are free to join the discussion or not in the open topic forum. Am I right? Not everything in this world about Game Dev!

    I'm not telling you anything... you are free to do as you please, open topic you can talk about whatever you want. You asked what "rhetorical" meant, I answered.

    I know you are trying to get 10000 rep, which in order to do that you have up'd your posting. I was highlighting that "REAL" rep is gained via quality, not quantity. Which means that people consider you Highly if you have a track record of quality information. You are a prolific poster, whose posts lean on the quantity side, and very little quality.

    Active is good, active is very good. But nobody cares what your favourite color is, and they shouldn't. That is the point. Nobody cares. I'm not judging you... you are free to post whatever you want.

    You asked questions, I answered. You not happy with the answers?

  • kraudi im rather new to this software and i cant seem to get my line of sight working properly, can you please help me , thanks !

    Suggest you open your own thread in the how to section which even has a beginners sub section. Hijacking other peoples threads is not cool. Suggest you read the manual, go through the tutorial section and if you open c2. New there are a ton of templates there, that will aid you. 18 hours since you joined, suggest you do the basics first - read the manual (you haven't even opened it!)

  • It's the tiles, scenic objects and background sprites (none bigger than 64x64) that make up most of it.

    But 3000+ is excessive. I presume you have a new object for each title/scenic object etc which is the wrong way to do it.

    You only need 1 object for title and multiple instances.

    Spritefonts are better for titles. So 1 object spritefont, unlimited titles.

    You can have multiple instances of objects just drag them out.

    I once saw a guy build a whole checkers board. Each piece was a separate sprite. When all he needed 1 sprite with 2 image frames.

    You won't get performance issues per say, but will increase your download, but more importantly, editing 3000+ objects and you will be editing, over and over and over and over etc

    Make life easier

  • C2 only adds objects to memory when they are needed(whatever is in window). So rule of thumb, what the user sees is what is unpacked into memory.

    Read this manual entry on Memory and Performance.

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  • Thanks! I really want to use Construct 2 for this little project I'm working on. I was just having a hard time finding any information on the capability of loading JSON, which is a must. However, this seems like it'll be fairly easy. I'm used to working in raw Javascript, but C2 seems like the best tool I could use for quick prototyping and perhaps full build, particularly with the audio capabilities (after messing with systems like EaselJS and others)

    C2 is fantastic for prototyping, I got it for that reason, but the strange thing is it is so much quicker to build fully functional apps than raw coding - that I haven't touched code for awhile - lol.

    Special note, C2 json and normal json are slightly different...you need to

    Just build a quick array or dictionary and use on start of layout to download to json to see.
  • Yeah, you can do that. You can even save json files into an array/dictionary and load it from there.

    You can save data as deep as you want... and make it is complicated or simple as you want. It is all dependant on what you want to achieve.

    you could use dictionary

    Status 0

    block A (json of an array)

    block B (json of an array2) etc

    Check out the store tools and c2 data editor to give you an idea of what is possible.

  • If I understand...

    Very easy...

    Using ajax, load json into array.

    Nested responses?

    I create array within array

    0 square1, x, y, bla, ble, blo etc

    0 square2, x, y, bla, ble, blo etc

    0 square3, x, y, bla, ble, blo etc


    I write a function and pass info to the function getdata using params, I then have function return value (whatever it is I was fetching)

    Reading/writing to array is simple easy

  • You can load the json file into either dictionary or array... my preference would be array. You can also save that data back into json into webstorage and then retrieve it from there.

  • > Naji, I'm going to say this with all respect I owe you : Do you really have to make a new thread every single time an idea goes through your head? This is a rhetorical question.


    First, I don't know what "rhetorical" means. Second, is that means a good or a bad thing?

    But yeah, when I experience something or an awesome or crazy idea pops in my head , I share it with the community for better views, and in return they also get more active, aware and discuss friendly with the community. My topics has an aim that I want the community to receive it.

    Rhetorical basically means he is making a point by asking a question... he is saying do you really have to start a new thread about meaningless stuff.

    Rep is earned via quality, not quantity...

    Let me ask you this...If you could only earn rep points by others actually giving you their rep points and not by making posts/comments/etc... how much rep would you actually have ???

    As for your question I side with others who have mentioned having the world edit your website is not a good idea. It isn't even funny...Ask google who thought it was funny to allow people to write all over your website... what happened was competitors had a field day with leaving a graffiti of bad everything to trash the website ... and the website owner had no control.

    The world is filled with bad people - bored people, who do bad things, or bad people who like to do bad things, either way... it won't be funny, trust me.