dop2000's Forum Posts

  • I don't know, maybe there is something wrong with your gamepad.

    Add Browser object, add "Browser->Log Gamepad.Axis(0,0)" on every tick.

    Run the game, press F12, move the stick all the way to one side, see what numbers you are getting in console when the movement slows down.

  • Note that in "Is between angles" event the first angle is inclusive, while the second is NOT inclusive.

    So "Is between angles 10 and 20" means "10<= angle < 20".

    If the angle is exactly 20 degrees, this condition will be false.

  • Create an invisible sprite "A_Drag" (same size as sprite A) with Drag And Drop behavior.

    Remove Drag And Drop behavior from sprite A.

    So when player drags that invisible sprite A_Drag, on every tick set A position to A_Drag, but only if A_Drag is not overlapping other sprites.

    I made something similar for another post:

    (see how green box can be dragged far up, but slider movement is limited by blue bar)

    Here is another example:

    Again, the green box can be dragged freely, while the car movement is restricted.

  • Did you change anything in the capx from the tutorial? It works fine for me, does not slow down. It stops when meets layout borders.

    Please share your capx file.

  • You can't do it with one tilemap. But you can put two tilemaps on top of each other - one normal and another one invisible. On the invisible tilemap set only those tiles which you want to cast shadow and add ShadowCaster behavior.

  • Not sure what you mean. The "8_Direction" sprite in the tutorial moves with constant speed. Its speed does not depend on axis value, only on axis direction.

    It's hard to tell what's wrong with your code without seeing it. Could you share the capx?

  • Try this:

    You can increase or decrease "20" depending on how much inertia you need.

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  • Sorry, I'm not sure I understand.

    These 4 objects - are they like 4 walls in a room, and player can walk between these walls?

    Or are they like 4 invisible boxes attached to the player from each side, used to detect collisions?

    Which objects do you want to destroy and when?

    It would also help a lot if you share your capx.

  • The "smooth scrolling" example in that tutorial is for precise scrolling with the stick, its speed depends on stick position.

    If you need constants scrolling speed, simply enable ScrollTo behavior for your character (the one controlled with the gamepad). The screen will always scroll with your character.

    If you want a smooth "inertia" effect, you can disable ScrollTo and add these events:

    On every tick

    -> System Set Scroll X to lerp(scrollx, Character.X, dt*8)

    -> System Set Scroll Y to lerp(scrolly, Character.Y, dt*8)

  • Yes, it's possible, there are quite a few posts and tutorials, try googling.

    Here is one: ... -textboxes

  • Great job with visual effects! Screen shaking, camera movements, shadows, particles, explosions - all these make the game look awesome! Would love to see the final product.

    Try Bullet behavior with gravity and "bounce off solids" instead of physics.

    On collision, decrease bullet speed. After a couple of collisions, disable collisions for the particle sprite.

    Make very simple (3-4 points) collision polygons for particle sprites. Also, maybe only enable collisions for big particles?

  • What I'm saying is it's better to have English letters as a second frame, not as a separate sprite with 0 opacity.

    When you've put a few letters on the board (on Sprite133) and then press Hint, currently your English letters still appear on the bottom of the screen.

    Also during 5 seconds while English letters are displayed, if you try to drag one the letters, it looks terrrible.

    With the second frame you will not have these issues.

    To show hints and English letters in turns, create a variable HintType=1 (global or instance).

    On Tap gesture on LetterHint
       HintType equals 1 -> Set HintType=2
                         -> (show Hint sprite)
       Else           -> Set HintType=1
                      -> (show English letters)
  • Try this:

    Sprite set animation frame to round((Gamepad.Axis(0,1)+100)/13.333)

    Axis(0,1) means gamepad #0, axis #1

    You might need to change 1 to some other number.

    Also make sure that animation speed on the sprite is set to 0.

  • Add boolean instance variable "reversedControls" to the character.

    You can use Timer behavior to set this variable to true.

    Then do this:

    Keyboard key W is down
        Player is boolean reversedControls set -> Player simulate control Down
        Else                                  -> Player simulate control Up
  • What if you hit it 3rd time, 4th time?

    I suggest that instead of a separate romanize1 sprite you move English letters to the Letters1 sprite.

    Put them into each animation as a second frame.

    So for example "se" animation will have Japanese character in frame #0 and English letters "se" in frame #1. Also set animation speed to 0.

    When showing hint, change Letters1 animation frame to 1, wait 5 seconds, set to 0 again.