DavidA13's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the time you took to answer me! :)

    I managed to make it work too (Leaderboards on Android).

    If it can help others, it was a question of "Linked Apps" in the Google Play Console, we need to create 2, one for "test/unsigned release" (with the upload SH1 key) and one for signed releases (with the release SH1 key).

    ...was really not easy for me to figure that out. ...but it's the reason why my tester was not "signed in" into Google Play Service when he opened the game.

    So my very first game too, Addiction, is now available on Android. :)

    Here is the link, if someone here want to try/test it: play.google.com/store/apps/details

  • Are-you sure you provided the right "alias"? (Same as you chose when creating the keystore)

    It have to be the same that when you created the keystore, sometimes we just note the other credentials.

  • IAP seems to be working out of the box, so that's nice.


    Sadly it's not the case for me on iOS, but it's working fine on Android.

    Did you manage to make it work on iOS recently?

    That's my last and only headache with C3 lastly. That and the fact that I can't test my app in TestFlight but it's pretty new, was working before. :/

  • cybertron7

    When you say you are using Admob and it's causing the errors, you mean the "MobileAdvert" plugin?

    ...because I'm using it on iOS and Android and it's working.

    If it's not this plugin, what is the use of "AdMob" in a game...?

    I still have some headaches with some plugins too, hoping Construct 3 dev team will look at my bug report from 19 days ago... :/ I still trust them...

    ...but I have to admit I'm looking forward to have more fun working on my game, than going trials and errors to understand wich plugin is causing errors sometimes.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I'm testing in TestFlight app and all my builds started fine in the last few weeks, but today I'm stuck at at 0% on the "loader", before the game even start. :/

    Before submitting a bug report I would like to know if anyone else have this...?

    TestFlight dropped earlier this week, causing builds to not appear in the "TestFlight" app even if the build completed mail was received. There is evident of this on Twitter if you search for #TestFlight. It did made me go crazy a little... ...but it's not working and the builds appear in the app after 1 minute like it was the case before.

    ...but now I have this new problem.

    Could this be on Apple side? ...seems uncertain since the game doesn't even start... Or could this be something with the Construct 3 Export Server?

    I tried a build with Release 185 to know if it's still happen and it's the case so...doesn't seem to be linked to the latest beta version of Construct 3.

    Could you try a simple export Nepeo of one of your small test projects?

    Thanks to all for the answers in advance.


  • Congrats for your launch and your installations so far!! :)

    Do you plan on releasing it on iOS as well? I would like to try it!

    Did you succeed in making leaderboards and/or achievements works on Google Play?

    I did not have any problem making videos ads works...but Google Play Services are giving me headaches so far... I'm sure I'm using the good key and my services are linked to my app. ...but I can't get an error message even if there is a condition in C3 for that... :/

  • I'm backtracking, today I got the "Your app has one or more issues" email from Apple after I submitted my build, but not yesterday.

    There was an outage today with Scirra servers, could it be linked...?

    Nepeo The only 3 plugins I added to my game that I can think of are "Local Storage", "GameCenter" and "MobileAdvert". Could one of those still use UIWebView?

    Exact line in the mail:

    ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I can confirm that it's working now.

    I no longer receive the email "App Store Connect: Your app "Xxxxx" (...) has one or more issues" from Apple when submitting an app. :)

    Submitted a build yesterday and no email of this kind. It was the case in december and before.

    Now if only I could understand my bug with IAP, I'll then be able to really try my hand at iOS game apps made with C3...!

  • My game has just been available on the appstore: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1489428134


    That is really nice, you have more than 100 ratings already wich is great!

    You deserve it, the gameplay looks fun and the art is really nice. I'll try it tonight.

    Did you manage to make IAP works on iOS? It seem to be the case, did you use a recent version of Construct 3 and are-you using "Construct 3 runtime"...?

    I have a new game to release soon but I can't seem to make IAP works... :(

  • Your characters are looking good! :)

    I would have like to try your game but sadly I'm on iOS.

    Good luck going forward! :)

  • Hi guys!

    I tried my hand at converting one of my "french games web portal" into an iOS app, with support for english and spanish languages. I choose a simple-looking one for my very-first try, a minimalist numbered puzzle game (that fans of games like 2048 and Threes! should like, while playing differently).

    So far approximately 1 000 people played it (more than 500 that were registered with GameCenter, for the leaderboards).

    It was a lot of work to register with Apple, create the apps and certificates and mainly to get access to a recent mac with the latest version of XCode on it.

    But the hardest part so far is using the IAP (in-app purchases) plugin.

    First there was a crash with the plugin on iOS that Scirra corrected after I submit a bug report. ...then, there is a weird thing about the plugin events and then, this:

    Someone that did't buy the IAP now sees the text "Ad-free version - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!" in the top-left corner when starting a game...so, maybe my game is now ad-free for every player and thus, will not make me money anymore by displaying ads.

    I'll be more than grateful if some of you guys could try it, it'a FREE app. :)

    And post a reply here to confirm if the "Ad-free version" is displaying in top-left on startup (and the "NO ADS" button in bottom-left is disable (almost invisible), or if the NO ADS button seem to be displaying fine.

    If you can take the time, here is the link to my game on the App Store:


    Big THANKS to the users that will try it, I'll really banging my head over walls on this.

  • I used to make a quite a bit of money from IAP:s in my games. I checked my reports a few days ago and I had made nothing from my IAPs in several weeks and I had a ton of crash reports regarding the IAP plugin. Not sure whats going on but if there is an issue it has to be solved asap!

    It works for me when I testing. I need to investigate this tomorrow.

    Edit: Maybe it's just a coincidence that I got these crash reports and much less IAP revenue but it's interesting many people seem to have a problem with the IAP plugin at the same time.


    Do you have more than one IAP in your game with this problem?

    And did you use the "construct 3" engine? Can I try your game? :)

    If you can try mine and say me if the text "Ad-free version - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!" is displaying in the top-left corner when starting a game I'll be more than grateful.

    Since now that I understood the fact that the "store registration success" don't trigger when the IAP is already bought and I sent an update of the game with this in mind, someone is reporting me that now the game says to him "Ad-free version" even if he didn't buy the "remove ads" IAP.

    So if it's true now my game is "ad-free" for everyone...wich means that my app will not make me gain money from ads anymore... ...wich really make my very-first app launch really bad so far...the IAP plugin is giving me problems since the first day.

    If you can take the time, here is the link to my game on the App Store:



  • Ok, for info Nepeo it seems my problem was "On store registration" does not trigger when we have just one IAP (a "Remove ads" one in my case) and the player already bought it...

    It's not clear at all for me from the manual.

    The "On store registration" trigger ONLY if the IAP was not bought by the player, else only "purchase success" events will trigger, but not "store registration success".

    Not sure at all it was intended since the manual says:

    "On Registration Success

    Triggers when registration has been completed (after the Complete registration action). This is a good time to check if a product is owned. You should wait for this trigger before attempting any purchases."

    ...but we can't check if the product is owned after store registration since it's not triggered, if we have a single "non-consumable" IAP.

    I'm banging my head over this for more than 2 weeks and stopped all work on my next game... :/ ...and I know that you guys are now in holidays so...I'll wait, hoping for an answer this time later on.

  • The "Complete product registration" action doesn't trigger either "success" or "fail" anymore (since a few weeks).

    I submitted a bug report with a minimal project already (2 weeks ago) but didn't have an answer so far about whether they encountered the same problem with my provided minimal project...so I'm asking here in the mean time.

    I got an answer, saying it's a known fact for not triggering "fail", but "success" is supposed to work and it worked for me until recently.

    I'm really disappointed by this since I bought C3 to try my hand at creating iOS games. If I can't succeed to make IAP work then it's not worth it. The App Store have very low odds of featuring an app that is free and without any working IAP. It's a known fact on the net.

    We're supposed to complete product registration before we display the IAP button (a "remove ads" button in my case).

    In my last release I decided to show the button even if the registration can't be verified...but then nothing happen when we press the IAP button... :(

    I tried using the latest stable AND the latest beta release of C3.

    Btw, my IAP status is green (greenlighted/approved) in App Store Connect.

    Do any of you have this problem with a recently submitted app? In the last 2 weeks...?

    Any idea?

    Thanks in advance...I'm banging my heads on walls over this...

  • It's looking really nice and fluid jobel! :)

    The ship is well done, nicely animated!