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    Prototyping a new character controller, this is easily the best feeling platformer physics I've made so far. Everything is with the physics object but it feels snappy and tight.

    Art process is copying the style of Daniel Linssen's wonderful Roguelight managore.itch.io/roguelight - hoping to see how I can adapt this technique into something more unique but art is difficult for me. The character was drawn and animated by my friend from an old project we were working on.

  • Finishing my first game on Steam!


  • My project

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  • made a fully featured custom level chunk editor using only default plugins and events. creating and reading JSON strings for creating levels chunks, all done using the default JSON plugin that was introduced quite recently.

    it was all done to create procedurally generated levels by stringing together prefab/pre-designed chunks, and since there isn't a C3 feature for creating prefabs in a similar fashion to Unity.

  • Nice work Salman_Shh. Looks really tidy, and impressively well featured. You say you've been using the JSON plugin for it, do you have any feedback? I feel like it's got quite a mature feature set now, but I'm aware it's uses have grown beyond the initial concept.

  • Nepeo if I had any feedback it would probably have been nice if there was more info on how to use specific actions for building up a JSON string but that's easily amendable with an example project just showing adding and removing values as well as filling out object arrays.

    I hope to make a quick free example project soon since there were users who were interested but were feeling intimidated about using JSON + some intermediate users didn't know it was possible to write a JSON string via the plugin (heck I didn't know till I had a reason to use it and experimented a bit with it)

  • I know we are getting off-topic here, but I would definitely be interested in an advanced JSON example. The JSON plugin been really useful for me. I've replaced using project globals with using JSON objects, which helps with organization. I also use JSON for levels, configuration, user data, etc. I would also appreciate a better JSON editor (e.g. w/ collapsing hierarchy, detect repeated keys in the same levels, etc. I do appreciate the existing color coding and error checking.)

  • Thanks for that Salman_Shh and Mikal. I agree we could probably do with some more/better examples. The existing one was basically a direct copy of the XML example, which isn't that detailed to begin with. I guess the difficulty is that the plugin has a lot of ACEs, and they can be used in a wide variety of ways. So it's hard to have an example that completely demonstrates the plugin. We could perhaps have a tutorial that demonstrates each action in context, as well as some combination techniques. I imagine it would take awhile to write though.

    Using the plugin as a custom data type wasn't something that we initially expected, but in practise it works quite nicely. Some of the newer ACEs were adding because they are useful in that context.

    As for the text editor; you should already be able to collapse objects and arrays by clicking on the arrows in the gutter. It would be nice to add some JSON validation logic akin to what we do with JS, I'll try and see how much work it would be.

  • Thanks Nepeo! Not sure how I missed that cute little gray rectangle. I'll keep the further discussion on JSON to another more on-topic thread.

  • making progress...

  • It's looking really nice and fluid jobel! :)

    The ship is well done, nicely animated!

  • thanks DavidA13 it looks a bit better in the actual game than the GIF. Overall the prototype is not yet complete but I'm hoping to start group play testing by Spring...we'll have to wait and see!

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  • working on polish and optimisations.

  • C3 Yule Log

    Try it: kindeyegames.itch.io/yule-log

    Also looking for more stirring creatures to add if you have some animations to spare (I have 6-7 contributions so far.)

    This is meant to be in the background during the holidays (typically Christmas related), see more about the tradition here:


  • Salman_Shh

    Nice job. I do my prefab map pieces within the jsons with no addons. I use them like old school basic datasets and fit them together in a herringbone wang configuration. Something to think about

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