Thanks for that
Salman_Shh and
Mikal. I agree we could probably do with some more/better examples. The existing one was basically a direct copy of the XML example, which isn't that detailed to begin with. I guess the difficulty is that the plugin has a lot of ACEs, and they can be used in a wide variety of ways. So it's hard to have an example that completely demonstrates the plugin. We could perhaps have a tutorial that demonstrates each action in context, as well as some combination techniques. I imagine it would take awhile to write though.
Using the plugin as a custom data type wasn't something that we initially expected, but in practise it works quite nicely. Some of the newer ACEs were adding because they are useful in that context.
As for the text editor; you should already be able to collapse objects and arrays by clicking on the arrows in the gutter. It would be nice to add some JSON validation logic akin to what we do with JS, I'll try and see how much work it would be.