corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • I don't think I've ever had this crash, but I have often had what seems like a totally random crash that only happens if using C3 for more than a few hours straight where it says something about over 100 instances being reached and C3 actually asks me "is this right?" in the error type it shows. lmao

  • I found that changing the X and Y speed parameters on the warp object effect also changes the way it looks instead of just increasing or reducing the speed. This creates a problem because sometimes I need them to pause and resume. Is there some work around? I was hoping delta time of an object affected its effect speeds, but I guess that's not an option either.

  • How did you figure out all that? I was already trying to make the vectors change with a bunch of expressions like you did, but I definitely didn't get close to the accuracy and complexity of yours.

  • Thanks for the highly detailed explanation. This should likely solve the problem.

    EDIT: I just implemented it and it works like a charm as long as I make the attacker account for Y position differences. But it's incredible seeing it always throw the projectile into the player no matter where they are even if I put in random Y velocities and limit how low they can throw. Thanks!

  • A long time ago in a different game making engine, I was told if I want a character like Hammer Bros. from Mario to toss a hammer where it will always hit the player if they stand still at any position, I would have to do trigonometry calculations. Though I no longer have the example I was given and don't know how such calculations could be performed in C3.

  • I don't recall putting anything like that, but I guess I can try to search all the event sheet files for the text that denotes a script block.

    EDIT: I think I must've accidentally added one because there was a blank one.

  • I read C3 is supposed to only revert to DOM with the auto option if you're using scripting, but as far as I know I have no scripts in my game. Do custom effects also apply to this? I am having random jank that may only be while worker is activated, but I would need to do more testing.

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  • Apparently I just needed to do something like this and just need to refine it to not use a ridiculous number of lops.

  • If one is triggered, then only the others in the same group like I put yellow squares around should also be triggered. But all of the ones in the same group must also trigger.

  • Sorry about the vague subject. I don't really know what this mechanic is called.

    See the crates scattered in various formations? I'm trying to make it so when one is triggered, such as being hit, stepped on, bumped into, etc. that it will automatically know how to trigger the entire group by checking each crate for others one tile next to them in all 8 directions. Each crate is a separate sprite object.

  • You're only going to get 20 or so in browsers like Chrome. When you export to something like NWjs, you only get what the device in question already has installed, which is pretty much entirely user based and there's no way for you to know in advance what it is going to be. Sorry to say, but text to speech is useless if you expect to get a specific voice across all devices.

  • I guess I can try to figure out something. Not quite sure at the moment how to generate an example project with the same magnitude, but if I figure out how then I'll give it a shot.

  • I could really benefit from being able to open an object's properties without having to use the toolbar. My game has gotten to the point where it has times where clicking on an object or clicking on empty space causes Construct 3 to freeze for a second or two because of the object properties toolbar. If I close it, this stops happening. I cannot figure out how to reliably reproduce it to make a bug report because it seemingly happens for a while at random times. I've recorded performance in the debugger and it shows some "long task" triggering every time I cause the object properties bar to change to another object, layer, layout, what have you, which is taking 1-2 seconds and giving warnings because of how bad it impact performance.

    This thread gets into how another user and I have had issues with project folders being able to load and it turned out that it's a Chrome issue because we have more than 6,000 files in our projects and thus there was no possible way for us to reproduce this to file a bug report with a blank project and I guess we just got lucky that Ashley coincidentally managed to find it was a Chrome issue that he reported.

    I'm assuming this is also an issue related to the fact my project has so many assets like 78 layouts, 284 event sheets, 1228 object types, 64 families, etc. and thus there is no way I can actually make an example project so this issue can be reproduced.

  • I'm guessing this plugin is retired? It's listed for download on the website, but the author turned off comments on it and disabled its bug tracker and everything but I can't see that it's explicitly stated anywhere as abandoned unless you spend a lot of time looking into it.

    I bring this up because I was using the plugin until a C3 update made my game no longer able to start if using the plugin. NWjs would open, but my game would never even get to the loading splash or anything. I think the plugin should be removed from the website if this is the case. There's no way to get support for it, so you can't find a way to address this even if it still works.

    I wanted to change my vote to a thumbs down when it stopped working, but apparently this website won't let you change your votes.

  • I'm sure it does. I've seen a plugin that does TTS without Google/Amazon/MS stuff, though its ability to produce intelligible speech was really lacking even if I only used it as a joke since iirc it isn't free.