corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • Well then do you know any settings or anything that could interfere with it working?

    EDIT: I thought to check event viewer and every time I try to open a project folder, I'm getting an audit failure under security for C3 that just says "An account failed to log on."

  • I'm guessing loading a project folder in C3 works fine but fails if your project folder is large like mine and maybe Ashley only had a tiny project folder to test when C3 appeared to load project folders without fail.

    I doubt it's a browser issues because I don't think multiple different platforms would fail the exact same way.

  • There's obviously no way I can file a bug report for this because to make a project file for this, I need to make it hundreds of megabytes large so this issue will reproduce.

  • I made a small empty project I saved as a project folder and C3 will open it fine in Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and NWjs desktop release. But when I try to open my game as a local project folder, task manager shows it is loading things to memory until it hits about 800MB and then it drops back down to around 600MB and I assume just totally stops loading indefinitely because the CPU, RAM, and disk reading just stop having any activity as the loading box just keeps pointlessly making the progress bar that never works anyway just bounce like a ping pong ball. Is this because my project folder is 295MB and Construct 3 just is too limited to open a project that big as a project folder?

  • Ah alas. I guess it works really well despite this limitations where it can actually find exact phrases as long as it's an object or condition/action.

  • Like in the search results it will put something like "Object: Set frame to 1" but when I try to search for that, no results come up when I'd expect it would return results for all instance types of "Object" if their frame is set to 1. So how DO I actually search for this?

  • I guess I'll just have to keep using C3 in Chrome then until it maybe works in a future update.

  • I waited for about a year and a half for C3 to take 5 seconds or less in NWjs to start a preview when it had been taking upwards of 45 seconds or longer. Now that it stopped doing that and I saved my project as a folder from NWjs C3, it just seems to indefinitely get stuck on the opening load bar.

  • i have only one question

    any android popular game made by construct 3

    only popular gamees made by construct 3 for android

    Sir, I make game in Construct 3, sir. Sir. It is good OK cool.

  • I used this before in one of my games to test some multiplayer online coop stuff. You don't have to really integrate your game with it, you just run Parsec itself along with your friend and their gamepad they're using will show up as a gamepad on your PC that they can then use through your game.

  • I've already spent a long time trying to optimise the event sheet layout. Unfortunately though the layout is all calculated by the browser, and improving layout performance in browsers seems to be a kind of dark art that is barely covered by any documentation or official performance advice. You can find some blog posts on the subject but they cover just the most simple, trivial changes that we're long past. So I don't really know what else could improve it. Maybe different browsers perform better.

    In short the more content that is visible (i.e. expanded) in the event sheet view, the more layout work the browser has to do. It's possible some combination of CSS properties would improve it, but we have little more than sheer guesswork to go on, and I already spent a long time on it. You can play around with it yourself tweaking styles in dev tools. If you find anything that makes a significant difference, I'd be interested to know what that is.

    Yeah I guess you can't really do much else like if any of us used C3 but didn't have the CPU profiler when sometimes a single event done in the incorrect order can cause massive performance issues in the game we're making but we would have to just guess blindly much the same, but we don't have that hypothetical issue because you gave us a profiler. I think thus far you've probably worked the engine to a top notch state for now.

  • > hypothetically


    Visual grouping element would be same as Event group, when you close group you get all perf back from events that are now hidden. And user can test event group, it's no longer hypothetically.

    As said I have no clue how browser technology works under the hood like I do know stuff like C#. So that's why I thought maybe the GUI elements of the event sheets and project bar tree and such are being needlessly visually processed for parts that you can't even see due to being scrolled out of view and this problem could probably be averted if graphic processing was stopped on elements you can't see, but Ashley knows far more about this than I do considering he also made C3, so this might already be done or is not an option.

  • An event can get really long if you have a lot of actions all on the top tier, which is somewhat obtrusive when its longer than the screen. If you take and add a blank sub event, and place the actions on it you will get the collapse arrow. Its much more manageable when the bulk is hidden there.

    Yeah I use blank events for organizational purposes such as what you said. It is actually useful in other ways beyond reducing lag.

  • There are ways to improve it.

    1. use default theme only

    2. upvote my suggestion

    Editor needs extra grouping element. So you can hide events and action to improve performance and look

    3. Find Css bug, report Github, then report Crbugs and in months you get it fixed :)

    I do use the default theme since I'm someone who doesn't care if my tools look pretty, I only care about their raw capabilities and power. My friend said something along the lines of your suggestion hypothetically could improve C3 GUI lag in much larger projects, but I don't know enough about browser technology to say one way or the other despite I do know things like C# but I find C3 makes me able to do 10x more in the same amount of time as if I actually wrote programming for just one thing and if you optimize your game enough then you can do even more than Unity from that I've found where I had like 800 enemies on screen in one of my games that use line of sight and test every single tile they are on for terrain type while also testing every single character constantly that is on screen to see if their team IDs match or not to determine if they should attack each other and that was only when the game started to become to slow in FPS, but this is definitely A++ acceptable performance because my game is 320x240 resolution but I would never even need 100 enemies on screen at once even if the resolution was 1024x768 lol. Even if I've complained a lot about C3 at times, I have stuck with it for about 3 years now despite having only a subscription payment option I hated at first because it has always shown a lot of potential when it already is really good compared to some of the most popular IDEs.

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  • I just have some event sheets that have rather complex functions that can't be simplified any further and will actually make the project messier if I start just putting each one on individual sheets like I probably will have to do so the GUI doesn't lag from them all being expanded. If it's just unavoidable that the GUI is like this then it's alright and no biggie either. I also don't really need to ever expand the whole project bar tree, so that's not really an issue for me per se, but was related. I just thought I should ask if there's anything I need to change like Chrome flags to help it. Thanks for the answers. As said, even if it lags like this, it's still infinitely better than like GMS that freezes for like 2 minutes when you type in the first letter into the search bar for project elements and this is my PC so I can only say they need to do something if they want GMS to outperform C3. lol